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(11-12-2018, 01:15 PM)Paul1131 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-12-2018, 11:01 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Obsessive behaviors also can be rooted in fear. In some personality types, the FRM will take longer to achieve its goals. It's design is such that it should be impossible to stop or resist completely and permanently, so eventually ALL of you should be affected by it, regardless of how strong their will is, how proud they are that they can "beat me" by resisting, or whatever other silly nonsense there is fueling the resistance on top of fear.
What we see here looks to me like your wife is responding with fear to the fear removal process, which would be normal for an emotional core type. The subtype you describe sees security in things, and apparently in her case, food. The more they have, the less insecure they feel about "what if we run out and can't get any more food?" type imaginary scenarios. I'm familiar with that, as my mother was like that and she had me doing it too for a while. But it sounds like it's a kind of hoarding behavior, and that is based in fear.
Hoarders are supposed to be among the most difficult of people to help. It would make sense, then that she would be responding more slowly and with more hoarding as she sees things (including you) change. Over time, if she is exposed for long enough, FRM will remove the fears that cause that behavior. This design is such that as long as you get enough exposure, it will work.
At least that's my take on what she's doing based on what I can see.
Part of the problem may be that she is only being exposed to the program two nights a week on my nights off. I work nights, she works days. In order for her to run it properly, I would have to put a copy on one of her devices, and I think Ben told me that that would cause problems with your anti piracy programming. Is that correct and is there any way around that? Oh, yeah, and I’d have to convince her to run it properly.
The solution is to buy a second copy and give it to her. The APC is triggered when the number of owners exceeds the number of copies paid for.
Quote:Wait, beat you? Why would someone pay over a hundred bucks for a sub, run it, then deliberately not go along with it? Seems like an awe full waste of time and money.
There are those on this forum who buy my programs and then intentionally resist and find ways to prevent the program from working, sometimes even at a conscious level, specifically to do things like prove that they are "stronger" than my programs, that they can "beat me my not cooperating", are "better than me", "can't be 'controlled' or 'told what to do'", and other such ridiculousness.
The goal for them isn't the goal of the program, but an ego trip in most cases. It's also a way of reassuring themselves that they are "in control". In all cases, it's ridiculous. I have no desire to control anyone, or I wouldn't have spent 26 years now developing these methods to work without forcing people to comply and without taking away their freedom of choice; I could have done that more than 10 years ago, no sweat. It's very easy, compared to persuading them to cooperate from their own free will, instead. But I believe that taking away someone's free will is wrong.
I was rather surprised when I realized that some of the people who have trouble getting results are resisting for these reasons. Like you, I was baffled as to why someone would spend that kind of money and then intentionally refuse to get what they paid for.
It makes no rational sense, but some people do it. Some don't consciously know they're doing it, but I believe that some of them do. And you can always see what they REALLY want to achieve, because that's what they achieve.
In the end, there will only be two options. You will either execute the sub, or you will run away from it. And in the end, those extreme outliers who want to run away from my subs instead of get the results will be welcome to. I'll be done with my part of the job, and busy building new subs to make those who really want the results have an even more awesome life.
(11-13-2018, 12:25 AM)Paul1131 Wrote: [ -> ]I’m actually feeling the sub this evening. I’m getting those light surges of dizziness while it runs, usually they coincide with the barely heard voices. I usually don’t get that anymore, but it’s nice occasionally because it lets me know it’s still busy forming those neural connections.
I gave myself a break today. Yesterday when I was working so hard, I realized that I’d been driving myself really hard for the past several weeks, and that the world wouldn’t end if I didn’t worry about the to do list or anything like that for one day. All I got done today was to cook everyone a nice dinner and get on my way to work. Tomorrow, I’m back on it.
After I got dressed for work, I got downstairs only to be berated by my wife for leaving one of the “good” steak knives in the sink. This confused me a bit because I hadn’t done that, but she went on and on until our roommate said that she had done it. Roomie was annoyed and told Wife that not everything was my fault.
I realized that for the past few weeks, she’s found something small like that to go off on me in a big way for at about the same time every night. And this is nothing new.
The wife has been very critical of me since long before we were married. It’s gotten better and worse through the years, but it’s been a fairly constant thing. Last year when she moved in, Roommate told me that it was at the level of psychological abuse. I did used to get angry and fight back, but it did no good, so I don’t anymore.
It got real bad last year when I was in OJT for the job I really wanted, and the time before that too. It seems to get worse when other things are starting to go well for me. I partially blame the additional stress for my failing at those jobs. She does seem to be having difficulty dealing with the new me that is emerging. I can take it, but at the moment it’s upsetting our roommate and our son. She got some meds because we were thinking it was the result of MS related depression, and that made it a bet better for a while, but now it’s coming back. Not sure where this is going to go, but I don’t deserve to be treated like this and kiddo doesn’t deserve to be exposed to it.
That is indeed a type of psychological abuse, and it's usually rooted in insecurity. Usually means that the person doesn't feel good enough so they criticize others to make them feel better about themselves. What she's doing is telling you, if I am correct, that she needs reassurance that she's good enough.
It's almost certainly psychologically based, regardless, and "meds" won;t matter once any placebo effect they had on it wears off.
I think her being on USLM would be a very interesting way to try to help her. She sounds like she would be a good candidate for a challenging test for the FRM.
I actually remember having a dream this morning. There was was a raccoon that I thought was rabid. It actually looked all rotted and mutated. It bit me, and that should have scared me, but I just kind of thought “oh, well I guess I’ve got to go get a shot now.”
No flipping clue what that means, if anything.
(11-13-2018, 12:31 PM)Paul1131 Wrote: [ -> ]I actually remember having a dream this morning. There was was a raccoon that I thought was rabid. It actually looked all rotted and mutated. It bit me, and that should have scared me, but I just kind of thought “oh, well I guess I’ve got to go get a shot now.”
No flipping clue what that means, if anything.
Obviously...the fears are indeed being removed for one thing ,Paul. Im shure you got that already. in your dream you responded rather than reacting to getting bit by a rabid raccoon. thats powerful man. sounds like a strong fear has been removed or is being removed.
Ok, we’re going to try something. A couple of somethings actually. First off, I am going to be buying my wife a copy of USLM. We will run it on the same schedule, so that nights that we are together we are doing the same thing. We’ve agreed on major goals. We each have one individual one and we have the mutual goal of a nice house in a good school district. It needs to be single story because of her MS. I want to work for a certain organization which I have applied to a few times before and not even been invited to test for she wants a certain type of vehicle. We’re going to do the vision board thing, or at least pictures on the bathroom mirror to get our subconsciouses fully lined up on target.
Let’s see how well this works
First day of the second break on USLM3. Some of the negative thought patterns and felt stress tried to come back today. It was during my morning shower that I started thinking that our financial situation was going to go to crap again, and that I’d never get the job I want. For some reason I’ve always had these kind of thought spirals when showering. It was at a bit higher “volume” than it has been for most of the time ive been on this sub, but not nearly as major as it sometimes got before. It passed quickly and I went on with my day.
I continue cleaning the house small section by small section. Before long, it will look at least respectably clean.
I randomly looked at jobs in my field even though I wasn’t planning on searching really hard. I found a part time position which is exactly the type of job I want and paid really well. I talked to a recruiter and she said she’d find out if this is something that I could work with my current work schedule. An extra day a week would go a long way toward paying bills, and it’s an in with this organization. Plus it would keep my professional certification good. We’ll see if it’s a good fit.
When I am driving and showering, I find that my mind wanders to things I don't usually get. It is when I have my best "Aha!" moments for figuring out how to solve problems for whatever I am working on with subliminals. It's because during those times, my conscious mind is pre-occupied with something else, I think. Maybe this is true for you as well, and reveals more of what your subconscious is thinking?
(11-15-2018, 05:13 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]When I am driving and showering, I find that my mind wanders to things I don't usually get. It is when I have my best "Aha!" moments for figuring out how to solve problems for whatever I am working on with subliminals. It's because during those times, my conscious mind is pre-occupied with something else, I think. Maybe this is true for you as well, and reveals more of what your subconscious is thinking?
For Me it isnt driving or showering, its when I've just had my first sip of coffee,or out in the yard doing stuff...same difference Shannon,its went our minds are focused else where and connected to that 'else where,in our consciousness.
(USLM4 in Life Tune Up,right along with E3,UMOP,USLM +Monetary gonna be phenominal!)
Our roommate and our son got a nasty stomach bug a few days ago. I didn’t think I’d catch it because I usually don’t. Error.
I guess I’ll have to run MIR for a week. Just kidding, my body has been kicking infection ass for forty years. I can keep doing it, I want the effects from USLM too much.
The recruiter for that part time job got back to me. She said that I could get twenty four hours at about time and a half what I make now. She also sounded like I might be the only person interested. Not exactly how I envisioned meeting my goal, but I’m adaptable.
Last night before I went to sleep, I consciously stated that my short term goal was to wake up feeling fine, and be over the bug. I felt like hand hammered horse crap when I went to sleep, I was playing the sub because it’s my first day back on. I woke up, and guess what. I feel fine. Take that recalcitrant subconscious.
having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline.
a person with an obstinately uncooperative attitude
"Take that recalcitrant subconscious."
Got it Paul.
We had a sort of marriage counseling session today with a lady who is a trained counselor, and needs some hours in that type of counseling for some licensing thing. She’s a friend of a friend, and is helping us out for the hours and breakfasts at the diner we meet at. I think it was very productive. Hmmm, come to think of it, finding her was quite a stroke of luck. This thing seems to give me the luck on the important things. I haven’t really noticed the small random stuff that some have.
We discussed purchasing another copy of USLM so that she could be fully on it herself. I told her about the anti piracy thing. She didn’t seem to get it, and eventually said that she didn’t want to spend the extra money so she declined to go on it. I am continuing this journey on my own. Ok, that’s her choice.
By the way Shannon, is there any way you would modify the anti piracy statements in future programs so that it is ok to share it with family members who live in the same home? I can’t be the only one who doesn’t have the same schedule as their spouse. If we did, she’d be exposed as I listened anyway. I think it would be great if we could run the new LTU , but I am not going to pay five hundred plus dollars twice. No disrespect intended and I won’t mention it again, but I think being able to share it with someone who I’d normally share sleeping space with is reasonable. Please understand I am requesting, not trying to demand, and doing so with respect.
I remembered another dream. This is the second within a week, and I normally only remember two or three a year.
I was sitting on the very large porch of a nice house with my wife, roommate, and a couple of other people. It wasn’t the house we live in now, but I think it was ours. My ex live in girlfriend who I broke up with just before getting together with my wife (about fifteen years ago) showed up in a car with this Sleezy looking guy.
Little background. I met this girl through another of my exes the first college I went to. She was weird, obsessed with ren fairies and such, and pretty much lived in a fantasy world 24/7. Other than that though, she seemed like a decent person. She became obsessed with me though. For the next few years she kept insisting that we were soul mates, and kept contact pretty constantly even after I moved halfway across the country to go to a different school. At some point after that I thought I’d give it a chance. She moved out here, and we lived together for about six months. During that time she changed. She refused to get a job of any kind, do the slightest housework, she alienated all of the friends I’d made, she spent money as fast as I could earn it and pull it out of my college fund to avoid being evicted. She also collected a bunch of really sleezy orbiters (like the dude in the dream though he was no one I know) who she invited into the apartment while I was sleeping so I could go to school or work.
Anyway, she showed up in one of her ren fairy outfits got out of the car and gave me this hurt/hopeful look that she had down so well. My wife looked horrified. She looked like she was about to say something, but I didn’t even let her speak. I said “What the hell are you doing here?”. She looked more hurt (it was manipulative, she was very good at that). I said “Leave NOW!!”. The dream ended at that point.
I think I’ve dreamt about her coming to “reclaim” me a few times before, but I’m not sure.
(11-17-2018, 11:00 PM)Paul1131 Wrote: [ -> ]We had a sort of marriage counseling session today with a lady who is a trained counselor, and needs some hours in that type of counseling for some licensing thing. She’s a friend of a friend, and is helping us out for the hours and breakfasts at the diner we meet at. I think it was very productive. Hmmm, come to think of it, finding her was quite a stroke of luck. This thing seems to give me the luck on the important things. I haven’t really noticed the small random stuff that some have.
We discussed purchasing another copy of USLM so that she could be fully on it herself. I told her about the anti piracy thing. She didn’t seem to get it, and eventually said that she didn’t want to spend the extra money so she declined to go on it. I am continuing this journey on my own. Ok, that’s her choice.
By the way Shannon, is there any way you would modify the anti piracy statements in future programs so that it is ok to share it with family members who live in the same home? I can’t be the only one who doesn’t have the same schedule as their spouse. If we did, she’d be exposed as I listened anyway. I think it would be great if we could run the new LTU , but I am not going to pay five hundred plus dollars twice. No disrespect intended and I won’t mention it again, but I think being able to share it with someone who I’d normally share sleeping space with is reasonable. Please understand I am requesting, not trying to demand, and doing so with respect.
I understand not wanting to buy 2 copies of a sub for a single household. If it was me I would buy 1 copy of LTU when it comes out then give USLM3 to your wife at that point. Maybe Shannon will have a different solution though.
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