(02-21-2019, 11:53 AM)THolt Wrote: [ -> ] (02-20-2019, 10:59 PM)Paul1131 Wrote: [ -> ]Taking a week off was a very bad idea. I had been four days without running USLM3 and I looked at the bank balance, and had a financial discussion with the wife. Things aren’t looking so great right now. It may not be that bad really, but the stress hit. I have been a ball of tension since this afternoon. It’s worse than it’s been in a really long time. I’ve been extremely irritable about every little thing, and feel sick to my stomach. Not a good day.
I started running my loops on the way to work and it seemed to calm me down a little bit. I still feel like hell though. Since USLM4 is going to be at least another week or two in coming out, I am going to be resuming use of three. While I really don’t seem to be making any forward progress on it, it does seem to be having a stabilizing effect on me and if nothing else allowing me to handle the stress much better than I otherwise would.
I’m at a pretty crucial point in working toward both of my current major goals right now. I am really hoping that USLM4 comes out before a couple of things happen where I either need some luck or to be calm and collected. That or that three is working a lot better than I think it is.
My guess here is that where I thought the FRM was doing nothing, it was holding a lot at bay, and allowing me to tread water. I hope that the next version helps me to start moving forward.
I'm in a similar boat right now. I was looking at LTU 5 but I really don't want to spend that much money on a program right now. Shannon's news that USLM4 and the other programs will be delayed disappointed a little bit. It is what it is.
I will likely run USLM4 and then run UMS whenver it comes out.
I will definitely be running LTU5 in the future because there are a lot of internal things that I need to work on to be the person I want to be, but I need to improve our external circumstances before I can even worry about it. It seems like I’ve been doing nothing but averting disaster for the last few years.
I know Shannon and many others recommend working from the inside out, and ideally I’d agree, but I’ve got to get to where the immediate problems are solved. USLM on its own seems like it’s the fastest way to get to a stable enough position that I can bring that person out.
I’m glad to see everything back up and running. The new forum looks awesome, thank you for all the hard work Cyanide.
The Luck Maximizer has struck again, big time. Unfortunately something had to go wrong first. One of the places that has one of the medical bills that we can’t pay decided to garnish my wife’s wages. That would have put us in an untenable situation, and if I wasn’t on USLM, I’m pretty sure that I’d have just flipped my lid and the situation would continue to degrade. However I stayed amazingly calm. It turns out that my mother was going to put a five figure amount of money in a college fund for our son, but diverted that to help us get out of trouble it’s considerably more than we need to solve this particular problem. This might make it so we don’t need to do phase two of the plan I came up with. I’m still thinking on it.
That brings me to the fact that I am VVEERRYY tempted to jump on LTU right now. I’m sitting here looking at plenty of money to do that. Haven’t decided yet, part of it is I’m not sure when USLM4 will come out.
USLM4 and UMS will be here before you know it.
(02-25-2019, 06:42 AM)Paul1131 Wrote: [ -> ]I’m glad to see everything back up and running. The new forum looks awesome, thank you for all the hard work Cyanide.
The Luck Maximizer has struck again, big time. Unfortunately something had to go wrong first. One of the places that has one of the medical bills that we can’t pay decided to garnish my wife’s wages. That would have put us in an untenable situation, and if I wasn’t on USLM, I’m pretty sure that I’d have just flipped my lid and the situation would continue to degrade. However I stayed amazingly calm. It turns out that my mother was going to put a five figure amount of money in a college fund for our son, but diverted that to help us get out of trouble it’s considerably more than we need to solve this particular problem. This might make it so we don’t need to do phase two of the plan I came up with. I’m still thinking on it.
That brings me to the fact that I am VVEERRYY tempted to jump on LTU right now. I’m sitting here looking at plenty of money to do that. Haven’t decided yet, part of it is I’m not sure when USLM4 will come out.
I am on the fence too. $600 is a good price considering what Shannon has put in it. if USLM4 were coming out in the next days but since it is coming out in a few weeks because of Shannon's vacation, I don't know at the moment.
I tried to break down and but LTU5 today, but I checked, and the only computer we have no longer works so I wouldn’t be able to get it onto my device anyway. I looked up a couple of repair places that sell refurbished machines, so it won’t cost too horribly much to get the problem solved either way. So I’m still in the conundrum, get LTU before the price goes up and run it, or wait for the new USLM?
The only reason I’m hesitant is that as I mentioned, I’m trying to get some very concrete results out of USLM. While LTU has a more advanced version of USLM in it, I am not sure that all the other stuff won’t detract from the main goals that I’m trying to focus on. On the other hand, I’m also not sure that all that won’t make it work better either. I may go with it for the simple reason that I want to get it before the price goes up. We’ll see what a computer repair or a used machine costs.
Shannon mentioned something today that really kind of struck me. He said that he thought that something or someone really didn’t want him to get LTU5 out and that it had made things tougher on him. Well, I’ve had that same feeling for about the last decade. (Some of this is covered in my previous entries please bear with me) I know what field of work I’m supposed to be in. I was called to it many years ago, and my sense that it’s right hasn’t changed. The problem is that I have had the devil’s own time getting hired to do it. Over the years I have tested and interviewed with dozens of organizations, while gaining good experience in a field that is peripheral to the one I want to be in, but not where I want to be. For a very long time, I got absolutely nothing but rejection notices. I put it off to lack of self confidence or whatever, but I kept at it and did everything I could to improve my interviewing skills. Finally, a few years ago, I ran Manifest Your Perfect job, and life and behold, I just slid right through a hiring process like it was meant to be. Unfortunately, during on the job training, I suffered from, let’s call it brain fog and didn’t make it. About a year later, I ran the sub again, and got hired again. A similar thing happened, this time they needed me to get up to speed much faster than they normally do, and I wasn’t able to. It was kind of a blow to my confidence, but I’ve kept going since then.
Through that time, I occasionally suspected that I was being opposed by some kind of outside force (I do believe that there’s more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy). But I usually wrote that off as parinoia, and excuse making. I thought that at worst it was subconscious programming that lead me to fail.
I have tried a couple more times, but now I KNOW I can get hired. I have the interviewing skill, I have the background, and I’ve done it twice. So the last three times I’ve tried, I did really well on everything that was under my control, and was on my way to being hired but some increasingly off the wall stuff has happened to stop me. On one of them, I was taking a pre employment test, and at a crucial moment I got a sudden sharp stabbing itch in my eye, causing me to fail. (That was before USLM. And on another (just after starting USLM3) I actually had the top interview (confirmed by a member of my interview panel to a friend who works there) only to be told later that the panel had found me “unacceptable”. This all has stretched the bonds of coincidence to the point that I no longer think it is. I think that without USLM, I would still be thinking that this all happened because I wasn’t good enough.
I’m not entirely sure where I’m going to go with this, but there’s at least one take away. Twice an IML sub has helped to overpower whatever it was and get hired. It only worked as far as it was designed to, IE finding the job, but it did work.