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that was like 2.5 months ago i dont have fear for that anymore.
Oh one thing i do notice from SM3 is hahaha
im wanting to have a girl . the more slutty the better the more kinky the better the more sexual the better... dirty as possible

you dirty dog..join the club

Funny dream last night .
Was taken place in my highschool . i was killing lots of people LOL . but they were infected like some kinda brain disease . didnt look like zombies though but they were crazy. only saw one familiar face..
heard that killing things = removing stuff...
so i killed quite a few of crazy people with two knifes ...kinda vivid too . didnt see blood or anything but i saw me stabbed them =_=
EDIT: i feel so fkin angry right now lol,
man i feel like my brain is gonna explode or fry up . also i feel super tired.. i yawned like 24/7 while on the car for like an hour straight.
Yesterday i entrain gamma 40hz for 24 minutes . beta at 20hz for 1 h .
and the 30 minute meditation session wtih 10 minutes of theta alpha and delta
so it did felt kinda dizzy after the gamma i was reading and focusing while using gamma
i realized when i went out with my family on the car.. the car ride makes me dizzy.
including today too...
then all the little things starts to piss me off =_= ... making me very impatient .
did walk around the mall with my family .. didnt even see a sign of interests at all .... Wahhh weird.
i think i just ignored the ones i dont even like...
funny how i can ignore it without even taking a look...
then i saw about 3 really good looking girls that i looked at..
then i just didnt give a shit cause i felt kinda sick ...
gonna try the waves a couple more days to tests out the results..
Hey FB try to focus on feeling good and moving forward when you start the day instead of analyzing all of the minor differences in your thought. Sounds like you are getting a lot of exposure to the sub which is good. I'm sure a breakthrough is imminent.
Fonzy : lol yah i have been pretty productive the past 3-4 days but i cant understand how it can be this THIS CRAZY ANGRY ...
weird im constantly wanting to ... destroy someone or something lol ...
im on stage 3 day 4 ...
holy fuck man i have been moody as fuck these pass week ...
depression and anger comes like its their backyard. =_=
idk its weird stuff..
part of me thinks its me being slob for the last 10 days cause holiday and my body is craving some action thats why its depress. its yelling at me gtfo lol stop being a dumbfuck... do what u were doing before the break...
then i dont understand theres no way i can be this angry / depress just from that...
and then i do my letting go while i meditate everyday... and it just keeps on coming back up . its like a endless fountain of anger and depression . when i let it go at that moment is all good then the next its shit again =_=... so i realized its probly sub... or some deep stuff. cause everyday stuff can be let go easily... cause i have done it for quite some time.
anyways i think im going crazy. that chest energy is soooooooooooooooooooo intense..
Accept the anger and use it to fuel your endeavors.
had a dream last night killed more things lol this time is aliens its like playing halo 3 hahaha. had guns and shooting weird stuff was funny...
later dreamed about two girls from my school .. who knows why probly because trm school starts again . one gave me a mad look ( i made out with this girl before) ... one i was gonna kiss then when i got close shit load of people just appear around her ... wtf?
Shannon :
for ur 10 volume meditation set. it contains alpha theta and delta as well so do u recommend entrainning beta also ???

Damn You FLUFF BUNNY!! Every time I see a girl who likes me now-I can't stop thinking shes DTF...def DTF.
...huh? what does that gotta do with me .
not all of them that like me are DTF ...
(01-05-2014, 10:18 PM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: [ -> ]
Damn You FLUFF BUNNY!! Every time I see a girl who likes me now-I can't stop thinking shes DTF...def DTF.
I think what he's trying to say is that you're getting good results, but every time he looks at a woman his first thought is wether they are DTF. haha.
=_=... ok... just assume they are DTF who cares lol
Eh another weird dream...
was in back home town. and was calling this girl ... from long distance...
then i have flash backs on how i meet her in a club ..
or it was that when i call her i can sense where she is ... and it was in a club..
we chatted i hung up on her when i had to work.. weird shit is people that came in spoke english too back home they arent suppose to..
then i was talking to her on the phone again... then i saw this girl i havnt seen since preschool. i waved at her ... she was confused or shocked and she looks behind her and sees no one else.
i was thinking to myself " yah it u im waving to " next thing i know she runs off or just disappears =.=.
and then all of a sudden she appears right in front of me and said Hey . i was like wtf? but i said oh hey X havnt since u for ...
her: 5 years?
then i told the girl on the phone i gotta go met someone.
then i woke up from the alarm
Eh... another dream with killing things =.=
ok killed some zombies this time . but i dont recall actually killing any of them physically. was just hiding in a house and escaping . then later was some other weird stuff like teleporting and magical powers ...
i did remember i was fighting someone ... punched him few times he became rotten... and then transform into some other thing ... then i did some kinda skill shot that i punch million times his head explode lol . dont recall anything sexual in the dream..
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