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Normally I would be the first standing outside as I love thunderstorms myself. So, I knew something was up lol. Lightning has been struck here before, so that is the very first thing that sticked to the forefront and it didnt let up.

Tonight will be another round of 3 loops masked.
I have a sudden urge to go live in the woods, wooden log, having bears, huge land and forest, and live off grid. Also having stock to cover basic needs and live in harmony with nature. ( not the hippy one, but the primal one, understanding the raw realities of nature )
Im ballin af on this sub! Alpha, fearless, cocky, saucy. Complete open, tall, bigger then life. I am
THE DAMN PRIZE! Honestly perceiving me while IDGAF as a rare specimen, a rare breed like la farrari. The most interesting. It is what it is. Not knocking anyone down cuz idgaf.
Ran 4 loops last night.
This morning I had flashes come up from a former "friendgroup" and situations that came with it. The abuse is clear now. Hot flashes of rage, right back in the experiences.
I also am aware how I blame it on myself in a negative way. I feel myself even regressing to a younger state, and wish it on no-one. Hits hard, raw.

Accountability motivation in those podcasts for example can be another form of self punishment, another stick to hit yourself with, so can be "self improvement" I even realize now that the whole "I need to set boundaries" kick in a subtle panic driven motivation. Its fear. Reactionairy.

Anyway, having all these flashbacks coming to the surface and what not, seems OF is clearing them out.
Funny is, when I went to get my new drivers license, on my way back, my head was clear, OF was dominating completely.
Another is, no matter if you are a granny or what, you aint getting special treatment. No handouts, no discounts. Even grannies are still women and they do what women do.

Societal matrix is breaking down, societies programming and its ridiculous bs, its breaking down. Very cool.
Yesterday I ran 4 loops masked. The day before that I ran 3. Now 5 loops are coined. I dont know what is going on. There is a sense of building to a certain point, like powering up the engine.
(06-29-2021, 07:34 AM)Kol Wrote: [ -> ]Yesterday I ran 4 loops masked. The day before that I ran 3. Now 5 loops are coined. I dont know what is going on. There is a sense of building to a certain point, like powering up the engine.

Im starting to wonder if this is AutoConfig.
Guess we'll see what 5 loops does. My only concern is to get so consumed in it, I will never have off days.   

Watching this is a must on OFv3 if you ask me.
You need days off. Otherwise you never fully finish the actual processing, and that's a big part of what makes it work. Even more especially if you're going to go so far beyond the original limits.
Yeah, I figured it was fear. Fear of always having loops running. So I figure, autoconfig will come up with on and off days, and the high loops/high amount of days on might actually be temporary. Im feel great today. Social anxiety is gone. Over

At the gym women actually approach me and subconsciously it clicks. Men respect me and conversations are based in comfort. I am the centre of attention and I direct. Guess im radiating an aura of comfort/safehaven. Im getting discounts. It just happens. Financial stuff manifests almost instantly. The state im in feels like authority in which I relax. Its me.

Why are the forumposts so tiny? Is it just me or is there a forum design overhaul taking place?
The effect on others comes from your body language and aura no longer having fear in them.

Nothing being done on the forum. Maybe check your settings or adjust the font size.
Cool, makes sense yeah.

Update: day 1 off. Great things are happening and liking it is an understatement. Thats all I want to say about it to not spoil the experience and just to let it roll.
Day 2 3/7/21

Had dreams involving fear. Woke up with fear. Am going to run 2 hybrid today.
50 minutes in my first out of 2 trickling stream hybrid loop and im unplugging from redpill. Im unplugging from internet and undoing jargon terms like simp and what not. Its all illusion. When I was 19, I was focussed on the gym, building, success etc without thinking much about it, other then just grinding. As a result, my social life was flourishing, yes, I had rejections, its part of the learning process. I had females since kindergarden, had other people telling me "do you know girl x is interested in you?" Or, hearing from others that my sister was being asked if I was her brother.

There came a point that I threw the towel in the ring as I saw through the rat-race and just said "fuck it" to the matrix illusion and bullshit. I write this because..well because I write it. Just writing it, nothing else. I was heavy into meditation, eastern stuff, pealing off layers, sacrificing basically.

The whole redpill thing is great to hide behind btw. To keep the door shut, as a cope, an excuse, an escape, which I did. For some reason I started to adopt all this from a place of ambesia. Maybe an experiment, idk, but man, looking back, the years and time I wasted, while I could simply just love myself and do the actual direct inner work is insane. I talked with people about this, about how a choice can set off a chain reaction, which then ripples forward and get you to the place youre at right now. One choice, just one decision.

Now, looking back at what I wrote, I never was bad with women to begin with. Nothing was wrong with me, and OF hitting on insecurity, selfesteem, selflove, being sexy in my own skin, seems to be no coincidence. Maybe it is, maybe it isnt, get out of your head and accept yourself.

My second loop just started as I finished this post. Im facing it all directly. No weaseling out but actually improving what is directly gping on with MYSELF. Unplugging from redpill and the internet is unplugging from validation and permission seeking. Being a 90s kid has its pro's, due to the pre-internet era that it was.

To add: I did notice some social anxiety was present today at the grocery store. So that is now being worked through. Cool. Multiple reasons do surface now
Which is very interesting!
(07-03-2021, 10:31 AM)Kol Wrote: [ -> ]50 minutes in my first out of 2 trickling stream hybrid loop and im unplugging from redpill. Im unplugging from internet and undoing jargon terms like simp and what not. Its all illusion. When I was 19, I was focussed on the gym, building, success etc without thinking much about it, other then just grinding. As a result, my social life was flourishing, yes, I had rejections, its part of the learning process. I had females since kindergarden, had other people telling me "do you know girl x is interested in you?" Or, hearing from others that my sister was being asked if I was her brother.

There came a point that I threw the towel in the ring as I saw through the rat-race and just said "fuck it" to the matrix illusion and bullshit. I write this because..well because I write it. Just writing it, nothing else. I was heavy into meditation, eastern stuff, pealing off layers, sacrificing basically.

The whole redpill thing is great to hide behind btw. To keep the door shut, as a cope, an excuse, an escape, which I did. For some reason I started to adopt all this from a place of ambesia. Maybe an experiment, idk, but man, looking back, the years and time I wasted, while I could simply just love myself and do the actual direct inner work is insane. I talked with people about this, about how a choice can set off a chain reaction, which then ripples forward and get you to the place youre at right now. One choice, just one decision.

Now, looking back at what I wrote, I never was bad with women to begin with. Nothing was wrong with me, and OF hitting on insecurity, selfesteem, selflove, being sexy in my own skin, seems to be no coincidence. Maybe it is, maybe it isnt, get out of your head and accept yourself.  

My second loop just started as I finished this post. Im facing it all directly. No weaseling out but actually improving what is directly gping on with MYSELF. Unplugging from redpill and the internet is unplugging from validation and permission seeking. Being a 90s kid has its pro's, due to the pre-internet era that it was.

To add: I did notice some social anxiety was present today at the grocery store. So that is now being worked through. Cool. Multiple reasons do surface now
Which is very interesting!

Wise words. I was into redpill way back when and I found that it's an illusion that is meant to fight another illusion. It's trading one medication for another, treating symptoms but not curing the illness. And it's really bad as it fills you with undue anger and resentment, drugging you with superiority complex as you're no longer a blind sheep. For me the truth is somewhere in the middle - it's good to learn about redpill, understand it and adopt some of it but not to go for it full stop. We all must find our own paths and there is no easy pill for it. No internet forum, no subliminal, no guru.
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