08-03-2015, 10:40 AM
Do you have something interesting to raport, Ricardo? Are you there or women swallowed you for good?

Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
08-03-2015, 10:40 AM
Do you have something interesting to raport, Ricardo? Are you there or women swallowed you for good?
08-11-2015, 12:37 AM
No news from you, Rocardo. from a long time... Is there nothing to write? Plase, tell me, do you satisfied with your `inner` results at least?
08-11-2015, 07:53 AM
08-11-2015, 08:40 AM
Ok, I`ll wait till you do this, Ricardo. I don`t any other option, I guess.
08-15-2015, 12:00 PM
Stage 6 day 29
Just a couple of days left and I will have finished this sub. Unless something earth shattering occurs then I will give a final review now, I have been running WM for 6 months 11+ hours a day ultrasonic and masked (averaging between -30 and -40dB) 32 days per stage, so it's reasonable to assume that I've had enough exposure and more than complied with the instructions. AM6 had already cleared out a lot of negativity that I had before starting. As I've said before, the final 2 stages of AM6 really didn't bring me anything noticeable (apart from a permanent boner) and I felt that all the work had been done that was going to be done in stages 1-4. As such I went into WM with a lot of optimism. The last stage of WM, and I think the tail end of Stage 5 kept giving me this type of fixation whereby a woman that I like suddenly becomes all consuming in my mind, believing her to be the sexiest woman ever. I can't think of another thought and I dream about her and then it passes 24hrs later and a few days later the same things happen again with someone else I like, often the same women were repeated like that as well?? Sex drive is still strong as is appreciation of the female form but the desire to masturbate has gone right down. Although 'relief' would be nice, masturbating is not how I want to achieve it. I can honestly say that appreciation has done it's job from WM. I will really appreciate a lovely woman in my life now ![]() My interactions with women are also better as I don't talk to them with an agenda. I converse more openly and honestly and a lot of the time quite humorously. When I mentioned to one women about how I want to go back to London she said she wouldn't want to see me go. OK not great shakes but she's young and hard to impress so it's actually encouraging. I have also had a flurry of women wanting to meet me on POF but they are not hotties, even in the remotest sense and I've no interest in dragging myself out of an evening to spend it with some manky old granny or aunty figure. Another big thing of WM is the desire for self improvement. I'm not talking about beasting myself in the gym to look like the incredible hulk but just to have a slimmer look with no paunchy belly. This is going really well as I've eliminated all the snacking before bed and doing intermittant fasting 15 hours a day while modestly increasing exercise. My appetite has dropped as has my weight and I've lost a lot of the flesh around my face and neck which are now showing my high cheekbones which women seem to like ![]() I'm also painting my home and looking to get new furniture. My car is also clean and fresh inside. It's become a real obsession with me to do these self improvements and domestics. I feel awsome within myself and a real catch to the ladies. Thinking about it, it may be because I've been so dissatisfied with my self and my surroundings that even if women did manifest they wouldn't want to stay around my s**t tip! I'm even going to the dentist for regular hygienest sessions. I'm sure the more "advanced" members here will belittle my results claiming mental masturbation and all the rest of it but before you chin it off, remember that all that I've written since journalling was not happening before AM and WM and believe me these changes are big for me! As far as manifesting a never ending supply of beauties well that's not happened, not even one ![]() I'm sure another run-through of AM and perhaps WM again will have less work to do on me and therefore the manifestations and more obvious results should be forthcoming. I don't know if it works like that. I also had phases where I really wanted to stop using the program and try other subs (single stage ones), from about stage 2 -5 I really felt like it wasn't worth it but when I felt like that I just reminded myself that when the time came where I would have finished WM and hadn't because I'd given up, I would be really annoyed at myself, and it was only a few months so there's no reason to stop. So what's next is the big question? Well I've toyed with running AM6 again, Luck Magnifier or an AYP (haha Catman!). After a lot of thought I've decided on LM for the rest of the year as I just want to break now from the 6 monthly commitments of the big subs. I'm also intrigued by LM and what people have said about it. There are a few short term things I'd like to bring into my life and this sub looks just the one for the job.I plan to run AM6 again in January and possibly SM3 after (really debating if it's worth doing SM after 2 runs of AM or just do WM again after AM??). Why not AYP? Well quite simply it can take nearly a year and even then no one may come into my life so I'd rather use more faster acting subs for now and self improvement. Besides Catman is right when he says that AYP's should be your last sub when everything else is sorted out. Another thing I agree from Catman's SM3 journal is the amount of OF that has been worked on me with EPRHA from AM and WM. I did have a lot of emotional hang-ups, to the point, remember, when I could never look anyone in the face (see start of AM journal). There's nothing like that now from me and I feel like a newly built hotel with all the mod cons but no guests ![]() My thoughts on this sub?? If you look at the bullet points of WM then you can see that most of it is internal and the sub does it's job well there. The weakness to it is the manifestation part, which was non existent for me and also made worse by the focus on SINGLE women. If you live in a small town like I do then the sub just isn't going to find anyone like that, that you didn't already know about. If anyone is thinking of running this sub then I would do so only if you want your internals sorted out or live in a large metropolis with loads of women about. Don't expect to gain a huge female following as the sub isn't designed for that. It makes interactions with women easier but you still have to push things to get what you want. There is nothing obvious or forward in behavior from women. If you want results more quickly but to not be as polished internally then go for DAOS or BIATBW+(S), or if you just want someone, do an AYP. Like AM these 6 stagers take more than one run through. Of course no 6 stage review would be complete without considering all the bullet points. Change your self image to a positive one which allows you to become “that guy” who always has lots of beautiful women to socialize with, date and have sex with. Not really. I have strong self belief but there's no women to back it up. Overcome social anxiety concerning beautiful women. Yes Overcome approach anxiety concerning beautiful single women. Haven't approached..no one to approach ![]() Manifest a powerful, magnetic aura that both communicates your warmth and approachability to others and makes them want to come talk with you, but also attracts beautiful single women to you. No Manifests into your life an abundance of beautiful single women with whom you can socialize, date and have sex. No Makes it easy to meet and attract beautiful single women, both actively and passively. No Changes your perspective to one of abundance and ease concerning the availability of beautiful single women, and meeting them. Yes Changes your perception so that no single specific woman is of extremely high value because of the perception of scarcity, which makes your actions and attitude based on a lack of desperation, which makes you more attractive to the women you are attracting, and makes you more powerful in dealing with them. Yes (strong) The knowledge that no matter what, you have something in common with, and of interest to, the women you are attracted to, and that discovering those commonalities and mutual interests is a great way to have fun with her. I believe so but no women to prove it. Complete lack of concern for whether she is involved, because you have the confidence to know that you are a great catch and a lack of desperation in needing to get involved with any specific woman, while at the same time attracting a steady stream of beautiful SINGLE women into your life with whom you can have a good time. No if she's taken I'm not interested. No steady stream of women either To fill your free time with beautiful, single women with whom to have a good time. No Makes your aura irresistibly attractive and sexy to the sort of fun, beautiful, single women you want to attract. No, just blanked by the ones I like. Changes self perception to that of a high-value high status man, as a man, as well as sexually and romantically. You will see yourself as being someone who has something to offer women sexually and romantically that makes you worth their interest and pursuit in these areas, and you will be able to deliver on it. Yes Creates and capitalizes on a special sort of manifestation and success momentum concerning attracting and dealing with beautiful single women. No Improves self esteem, self respect, self worth, self reliance and self security. Yes Helps you live in the moment, instead of worrying about the past, or “what if”. Not really Gratitude programming. Everything is better with gratitude! Yes (strong) Helps generate an abundance of good things in your life, naturally focused according to the title. No Success programming, but focused on – women! No Generates a reality in which you become pursued and approached wherever you go. No Allows you to see beyond just a woman’s looks, and discover her inner beauty as well. Yes Eye seduction! Become capable of communicating with, and seducing, women using just your eyes. No, couldn't understand how to do this Loving life. If you’re having a great time being alive, you’ll naturally attract women who want to feel good. And everyone wants to feel good. Feel good but that's about it. Generating more self trust. Trusting yourself helps a lot with relaxing into the role of, and naturally becoming, a playful social alpha. Yes Authenticity and congruency programming. Yes Everything is possible programming. No Deservedness programming – a big one that makes a huge difference. Yes Intuition enhancement and observational enhancement, designed to allow you to know which women are interested, how, in what, and when, so you can act on it appropriately for the situation. Maybe! I do a get a little voice in my head but it may be wishful thinking. Limitlessness programming. Life without limits is a life lived fully. Not really Gets women to express their interest in you both physically and verbally, and in ways that are as obvious as possible. No Focuses on attracting high quality beautiful SINGLE women into your life. No Status booster works to turn you into a high status, high quality, high class and high value playful social alpha male. No Allow yourself to fully express your passions during sex, while being able to shift to deep, intimate lovemaking if you wish. Love to have a try! Be able to handle, and manage, multiple relationships and sexual partners simultaneously, if that is your desire. Love to have a try! Increases openness, and focuses on relaxed honesty. There is no man more attractive than the one who is honest, because such a man can be trusted, and only through trust in the man she is interested in does a woman’s potential truly bloom. I think so. Self image programming strips off negative self imagery and shifts you to acceptance and appreciation of your body and how you look, while still wanting to improve (or at least maintain) it. Yes (Strong) Positive attitude, positive thinking. Staying positive Ego balancing.Yes Ability to let go and relax, because you know everything will be okay. Not really Be genuinely interested in discovering new things, have genuine interest in others, and therefore naturally and automatically enjoy meeting, getting to know and spending time with others. Yes Working on your body, taking care of yourself, and being interested in self improvement physically. Yes (strong) Self acceptance as a high status, high class, high quality playful social alpha male – a genuine ladies man. Yes but no women. Own your accomplishments with socializing and women, instead of discounting them as luck, accidental, random, or something else. Not really Sexiness programming that makes you project an aura of sexiness and adjusts your speech, attitude, movement and body language to express your sexiness in a neutral manner that neither says you are desperate nor says to her that you are trying to seduce her. The result is a very sexy, magnetic and attractive man, whom ladies find unique and gravitate to naturally. My body language has changed making me feel cool when I'm out in public. No women though. Opening yourself up to trust others, but not so much that you are foolish or unreasonably vulnerable. Yes, but I was like this after AM Kill the creepiness factor, and the fear of coming across as creepy, and replace it with solid confidence instead. Maybe Strong knowledge and confidence in your skills and value as a boyfriend, lover, etc. which gives you the attitude, speech patterns, body language and belief that you are among the very best, if not the absolute best there is in those areas, while manifesting that as an outward reality that is not just a belief in your head. Yes but no manifesting “Alpha anxiety” destruction. For those of you who worry about “being alpha enough”, or not being “as alpha as you should be”, this will kill the need to be good enough, and allow you to just become the programming and express it naturally. Not bothered about being "alpha" Understanding that you are not perfect, and allowing yourself to express vulnerabilities, which makes you approachable to others, especially women. Not really Continues the programming from AM to prevent you from allowing yourself to be manipulated by others, especially women. Yes For those who choose to be monogamous, it triggers gratitude in being with just the woman you choose, and allows you to be happy with and enjoy being with just her. No woman Confidently and successfully recognize, and respond to, the tests and drama women give you, remaining calm and in control, and having a calming effect on the situation at the same time, and in the end demonstrating such alpha self mastery that she ends up wanting you even more. Love to have a chance to show that. Improves and empowers communication with women, as well as communication skills in general. Yes The ability to make deep contact with a woman when you want to, in order to get through to her in powerful ways that grab her attention and make her understand what you are communicating. Not sure. Communicate with women in powerful, playful and physical ways which pull her to you and bring you closer together. Not really The ability to lead her to the best possible outcome from the situation, for you both. Not really The ability to shift yourself between serious, playful, sexual, and heartfelt, at will, smoothly and effectively, and back to any other of those states again. I can switch my mood ok Maximizes and magnifies social proof. Yes Let go of negativity, anger or hatred for women, and replace it with love and appreciation for them as a whole – while refusing to allow yourself to be mistreated by them in any way. Yes Make women feel good and have a good time being around you, and enjoy doing so for yourself. I think so. Sense and naturally express exactly the right level of “sexual threat” that she wants and needs from you for the goal you have concerning her sexually, while otherwise remaining non-threatening. Don't know. Destroy beliefs and thoughts that women are or should be uncomfortable around you, and replace this with knowledge that they appreciate and enjoy your company instead. Yes Understanding and acceptance that attraction, love and sexual interaction are natural, not forced, and allow them to flow and become, naturally. Yes Make it possible for multiple women to enjoy your company at the same time, regardless of how attracted they may be to you. Love to have a try! Destruction of approach anxiety and agenda. Anxiety no, agenda yes. Enhances flirting skills. Yes Achieve a natural state in which your expectations are zero and you have only the intent of laughing, having fun with and conversing with people you dont yet know, without neediness or agenda. Yes Fear destruction programming helps remove and destroy all types of fear. Yes
08-15-2015, 12:58 PM
Nice review, good that you got the internals down! How about getting along with men / general socializing? I've thought WM could help me overcome any limiting beliefs to being more popular and such, though it does feel a bit of an overkill.
Thoughts, opinions and beliefs subject to change without prior notice.
08-15-2015, 01:11 PM
Awesome progress man.
It's like gambling. You were already down a thousand quid before listening to the subliminals. The subliminals helped you get back to break even now. If you take a second run my guess is that you'll manifest those women you thought were sexy.
It seems to me like Ricardo is trying to catch fishes on the wasteland. May be if he live in environment with many attractive women he would catch some little mermaid.
![]() ![]() ![]()
08-16-2015, 12:22 AM
(08-15-2015, 12:28 PM)4Kingdoms Wrote: As you know that title doesn't exist... I am wondering if you are going to do I've got that one but it will be while before I run it.
08-16-2015, 12:29 AM
(08-15-2015, 12:58 PM)LionKing Wrote: Nice review, good that you got the internals down! How about getting along with men / general socializing? I've thought WM could help me overcome any limiting beliefs to being more popular and such, though it does feel a bit of an overkill. Hey LK, It's funny you should mention men. I have developed a real downer on men I perceive as not helping themselves or just plain let themselves go. One thing I do find is that some men can talk a lot at you without giving you the chance to respond properly which is annoying. WM on the on limiting beliefs part is more like a sledgehammer to crack a nut approach but it's something I didn't get from AM. It is also good for people who find it difficult to socialise because it gives you a self confidence and belief that you are the man! When I walk down the street I feel really good and my body language reeks of confidence and coolness. It feels like you are a wrestler making an entrance at some WWE show!
08-16-2015, 12:32 AM
(08-15-2015, 01:11 PM)kyng009 Wrote: Awesome progress man. Thanks, it's just a real pity the women weren't forthcoming. After all it is Woman Magnet for a reason ![]()
08-16-2015, 12:34 AM
(08-15-2015, 09:24 PM)Voytek Wrote: It seems to me like Ricardo was trying to catch fishes on the wasteland. May be if he had live in environment with many attractive women he would catch some little mermaid. Yes, I did leave London shortly after starting which was not the best of moments to go. I cut down the field by about 95% doing that ![]()
08-16-2015, 04:38 PM
At the end of the day, if you can say with certainty that WM2 gave you improvements, then the sub was a success. It'll only get better from here.
08-17-2015, 04:46 AM
if internal changes are there but no external then you have to make things happen by its own...
its known that poeple above the age of 28 are more resistent to change |
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