06-09-2016, 08:57 AM
(06-09-2016, 05:39 AM)Jake2015 Wrote:"FREQUENSEE" MOBILE/CELL PHONE APP
For anyone that isn't sure, this is a mobile/cell/handy phone app that measures the output of a given source of sound, be it speakers, a human mouth, hell even a cockrell I guess lol
(You can download it for free from your phone's app store)
Many here have used this app in the past to verify that their speakers are able to play the Ultrasonic track/ US Track.
I haven't used this app before until today. I am using it to see that my laptop is indeed able to play the ultrasonic, thus alleviating any doubts I had, that my 2hours listening yesterday was debatable.
I am writing this post in the hope that someone if not everyone that has used this app can kindly inform me that my use of this app was correct and that my results were good or bad etc.
I am not very technical savvy thus hope what and how I did this was correct and helps others too.
As far as I know, I have used it correctly.
After installing the app to my ANDROID SAMSUNG phone I played the trickling stream track on my laptop to make sure the sound was loud enough (mid level seemed okay for now), then played the ocean to recheck and then the subliminal.
I clicked on the app and voila, the app came on immediately revealing a line graph, with db (decibels) on the Y-Axis (thats the one on the left, that always goes from north to south) and hertz/Hz on the X-Axis (left to right, usually the scale at the bottom of a graph, can be going across the top too I think).
The green line graph was already vibrating/bouncing up and down even before I played any tracks, and that must have been the sounds in the room already (not the 'moaning' from my previous post, which is a shame lol).
I believe that the earpiece on my phone, where my ear goes to hear someone that has called me is NOT the microphone but a speaker. I also believe that the speaker located on the back of my phone, within the casing is also not the correct place from which to pick up sound for this app.
The mouth piece on my phone, that hole located at the bottom of my phone, which is where I speak into when I am talking to someone on the phone, is the microphone and so the part of the phone that would pick up the sounds that freequensee would use.
(I used the app at first for the trickling stream and then the ocean track to see that the app worked, and brought the phones mouth piece close to my laptop's speakers and then withdrew it slowly away to my ears and then as far behind me as my arms would reach - because I'm lazy and didn't want get up lol - and the whole time, the line graph was vibrating like the voice interface for KITT, the talking car of Knight Rider, on the dashboard of the car lol)
I played the US Track, repeated the same process of bringing the mouth piece to my laptops speakers (located on my mac book pro, under the monitor/screen) and slowly pulled it away, observing the graph the whole time.
Unfortunately I have no idea how to post a picture within this post, otherwise id have taken a screenshot of my graph's results for you all.
So you will have to take my word for it lol
What I saw was a fairly insignificant line that hardly moved until it reached the 18 or 19Khz point (located on the X-Axis).
Here the graph spiked up sharply, almost like a mountain would be drawn by a child or myself lol or an Isosceles triangle (google it please).
The point/apex/pinnacle/summit of this sharp risen line - on the graph - at the 18th or 19th Khz point read -30db on the (Y-Axis).
The graph from the 18th or 19th kHz point did a sharp dive, equal to its sharp rise on the other mountain face and reached the base at 20khz. The base for all of the graph being -80khz.
As I withdrew the phone away from the laptop, to my hears and as far back as my hand would go, it remained the same value.
Additional EDIT:
I have just played the track and walked away to cut some bread and the app revealed that the peak of -30db went down to -50db.
Is this Good or Bad??
Is this correct?
If this is correct, then I know that in the future, if I'm not sat at my laptop (as I'm doing right now and this is the same distance I was when I underwent this test/research), then I can use this app to verify that the US is indeed still reaching my ears - for example if I'm washing dishes or on the other side of my room etc.
If the sound isn't reaching me, then I'm assuming that simply increasing the volume on my laptop will fix this, correct?
Great that you are fine tuning the sound on EHPRA 5.5 G. I noticed others have photos or images on their posts; try to ask how they did that. It is under 'User CP' somewhere under Edit Profile, attachments

ASC 5G / AM6 5G / OF 5G / BASE 2.1 5G / MLS 5G / LTU 3.1 5G / SDAF 2.0 4G / OP 4G / EPHRA2 5.5G / FYPJ 5G
DMSI 3.0.1 Version (5.5G TESTING GROUP)
DMSI 3.0.1 Version (5.5G TESTING GROUP)