03-18-2016, 07:53 AM
I thought I would never stop BAMM until I achieve my goal, but the last experiences I had overwhelmed me.
It was really tough. I've never been so scare in my life before.
I had anxiety attacks and panic attacks with BAMM before. It was heavy. But that last one was too much.
You have to live it to understand it. It's not something that you can just say "just keep going until it's gone".
I was unfunctional, shaking all the time, afraid to go to bed. I just don't want to describe it more.
I faced all my "external" fears before, I thought I was free from fear.
But the inner fears were too much. Now I am better. Still recovering. I had to understand how the mind works by nature and how to handle it. It was really though.
I plan to use EHPRA for 3 months and then go back to BAMM.
I biuld a million dollar business in revenue, not in profit. And I am reinvesting everything.
I putted my self a ton of pressure and tension. Always hunting the next level. I also toke the responsability of a broke company, to make it refloat. Also a couple of family issues added more stress and anxiety attacks. All of this stress and anxiety triggered the inner fears, and that was the challenge - not the external things.
I will keep working in the business, making it grow, but I will enjoy life more. See more friends and have more fun. The hardest thing it's done, like putting a train in motion from 0.
I was always happy to be one of the youngest guys to be in business and taking action. But I forgot the responsability and everything that comes with it. It's okay, I accept it, I just didn't think about it before. And I know as I grow older I will be more mature and it will be easier to handle.
I am still not 100% recovered. I will be soon.
I am happy that I had that experience now. Now I have more confidence in myself as I know how the mind works. I feel I grew a lot. Like my level of counciousness has been raised. But it tell you that when you are living it the thoughts you have like "don't wish for an easy life, wish for strenght to endure a difficuly one" don't help too much, or all the possitive thoughts you might have when you are okay don't help too much during this moments. I had one of the most optimistic minds I saw before.
I will posting something else, enought for now
I am looking forward to be fulled recovered! And going for BAMM soon again!
It was really tough. I've never been so scare in my life before.
I had anxiety attacks and panic attacks with BAMM before. It was heavy. But that last one was too much.
You have to live it to understand it. It's not something that you can just say "just keep going until it's gone".
I was unfunctional, shaking all the time, afraid to go to bed. I just don't want to describe it more.
I faced all my "external" fears before, I thought I was free from fear.
But the inner fears were too much. Now I am better. Still recovering. I had to understand how the mind works by nature and how to handle it. It was really though.
I plan to use EHPRA for 3 months and then go back to BAMM.
I biuld a million dollar business in revenue, not in profit. And I am reinvesting everything.
I putted my self a ton of pressure and tension. Always hunting the next level. I also toke the responsability of a broke company, to make it refloat. Also a couple of family issues added more stress and anxiety attacks. All of this stress and anxiety triggered the inner fears, and that was the challenge - not the external things.
I will keep working in the business, making it grow, but I will enjoy life more. See more friends and have more fun. The hardest thing it's done, like putting a train in motion from 0.
I was always happy to be one of the youngest guys to be in business and taking action. But I forgot the responsability and everything that comes with it. It's okay, I accept it, I just didn't think about it before. And I know as I grow older I will be more mature and it will be easier to handle.
I am still not 100% recovered. I will be soon.
I am happy that I had that experience now. Now I have more confidence in myself as I know how the mind works. I feel I grew a lot. Like my level of counciousness has been raised. But it tell you that when you are living it the thoughts you have like "don't wish for an easy life, wish for strenght to endure a difficuly one" don't help too much, or all the possitive thoughts you might have when you are okay don't help too much during this moments. I had one of the most optimistic minds I saw before.
I will posting something else, enought for now