11-21-2014, 02:38 PM
This should me my first time using Am6 and I'm pumped. I took this program not to be necessarily attract women but gain massive confidence to approach women with the knowledge I have. I would consider the knowledge of attracting women as Advanced than most guys and Im not bragging at all but the problem has been having the confidence to act on that knowledge. In the past I would freeze up because my subconscious would conjure up strong fear as if a lion was right in front of me but now since using this sub, my mood has changed. Women are taking notice of my attractiveness. I thought this was a fluke until a male co worker told be if me and this other worker were going out because of how she kept looking at me. Plus another woman stood at one spot standing near at the top of the escalator where I could see her from afar. Pretending like she was on her phone for a good 3 minutes. Another woman was licking her lips as I was talking to her, and another was waiting across from my perepherial pretending like she was looking down. Most men will probably deny but body language doesn't lie. I could list a number of women who were attracted but whats the point Im only on stage 1...I can't wait till stage 4 when the attraction is multiplied