Stage 1 Day 1
As before doing AM6, it's good to note down where I'm at so any changes (internal or external) can be more likely attributed to the sub and not coincidence or luck.
After the rough shaking down that was AM6, I have gained a maturity and a more rounded view of life and people in general that I never had before. My inner attitudes and beliefs are hugely improved and I'm not the negative, self loathing individual I used to be. I'm not going to go through my AM results as that journal is available on the forum. My self improvement has been nothing short of miraculous and I can see, absolutely, why it's essential to run through AM6 first. That said I have no idea, of course, what WM will do or bring to me, but basing it's power and ability on the strength of AM6, then it's not something I'm going to treat lightly or f**k about with. I will run it the same way I did AM, aiming for around 10-12 hours a day, mostly ultrasonic.
The current female situation is I have no women yet, although AM has increased the looks and attention I get from them. I get a lot of inquisitive looks from women in general, often long side looks while they're doing something or talking to someone else, or passing them in the street and it's very obvious and no it's not my imagination either! I seem to have a curiosity in the eyes of women these days
As I said in my AM journal I will be working nearer to home and not in London anymore so I'm not sure how much of an impact that will have on manifesting women. I have several profiles on a few dating sites which have so far have yielded various horrors, but I'm seeing these as providing outlets for nice women to come into my life.
After AM6 my standards are quite high and unless I end up with someone who really connects with me then I will more than likely run AYP Sexual Lover 5G and then the Financially Wealthy lover (4G), both of course, after another run of AM6.
BTW The trickling stream is nicer in WM but although it's an hour long there is a brief cut at the 30 minute mark like it's finished then quickly resumes for the rest of the track. It's a fresh download so It's probably just the way Shannon built it?
Anyway let the tournament commence

As before doing AM6, it's good to note down where I'm at so any changes (internal or external) can be more likely attributed to the sub and not coincidence or luck.
After the rough shaking down that was AM6, I have gained a maturity and a more rounded view of life and people in general that I never had before. My inner attitudes and beliefs are hugely improved and I'm not the negative, self loathing individual I used to be. I'm not going to go through my AM results as that journal is available on the forum. My self improvement has been nothing short of miraculous and I can see, absolutely, why it's essential to run through AM6 first. That said I have no idea, of course, what WM will do or bring to me, but basing it's power and ability on the strength of AM6, then it's not something I'm going to treat lightly or f**k about with. I will run it the same way I did AM, aiming for around 10-12 hours a day, mostly ultrasonic.
The current female situation is I have no women yet, although AM has increased the looks and attention I get from them. I get a lot of inquisitive looks from women in general, often long side looks while they're doing something or talking to someone else, or passing them in the street and it's very obvious and no it's not my imagination either! I seem to have a curiosity in the eyes of women these days

As I said in my AM journal I will be working nearer to home and not in London anymore so I'm not sure how much of an impact that will have on manifesting women. I have several profiles on a few dating sites which have so far have yielded various horrors, but I'm seeing these as providing outlets for nice women to come into my life.
After AM6 my standards are quite high and unless I end up with someone who really connects with me then I will more than likely run AYP Sexual Lover 5G and then the Financially Wealthy lover (4G), both of course, after another run of AM6.
BTW The trickling stream is nicer in WM but although it's an hour long there is a brief cut at the 30 minute mark like it's finished then quickly resumes for the rest of the track. It's a fresh download so It's probably just the way Shannon built it?
Anyway let the tournament commence