(01-19-2016, 09:55 AM)Aventus45 Wrote: Around 2-3 hours in I had a sensation of crying and small amount of tears are coming out with a prolonged thought of my first and only relationship. The break up was fairly recent (about 2-3 months ago). Outwardly I didn't express it but I guess the damage was deeper inside.
So long story short of the relationship is she left me in the dark for months with no attempt of contacting me and what not. One day she actually replied to me to break up and she found another person before breaking it off. Essentially cheating on me.
After this break up i went to a survival mode in which I was forcing myself to be productive and force the feelings down to an abyss.
I feel you Aventus man, that happened to me before...
So CatMan encouraged you to do OGSF instead of Let Go Of Past Relationships, though LGOPR seems to suit you better at this point. (No, I'm not suggesting to switch, keep the OGSF running