(08-01-2015, 09:10 AM)apollolux Wrote: some part of my subconscious mind was running on programming that was telling me that my desires did not matter when it came to women, and that I should accept whatever woman wanted me instead of trying to find what I liked and wanted in a woman.
(emphases mine) This hits the nail on the head for me for one of my issues, and I feel that this is becoming more and more common nowadays, not just because of parents but also because of other people. Thank you again, Shannon, for finding a way to pinpoint this important one and teaching us all how to break through it!
You are absolutely correct. A combination of Feminazism, single parents (moms), divorce spam (initiated almost always by women, even though almost every time it's the women pushing for the ring to BEGIN with...). Combined with two career households (translation: being raised largely by mom), female-centric education system (majority of teachers are females, and push female double standards and feminist policies from the government). As well as movies and TV shows pushing the pedestalisation of women even from a young age, create needy, clingy, pedestalising beta males trying to buy women's affection and putting them on pedestals as it's all they've been taught to do. It's ironic, women push men to become this, but yet are recoiling in disgust at those kinds of guys. It's weird! It's like, they think they know what they want, but apparently they don't. It's also interesting to me...that the feminist movement does everything in it's power to stamp out any TINY, stupid nonsense, indirect claim that women "need" men in any way (even though it's obvious our genders are built by evolution to support and add to eachother, but don't tell a feminist that, they don't live in reality), but yet conveniently do nothing about alimony, probably the biggest symbol women "need" men for at least financially, to ruin daily in divorce courts. It's always amazed me how women conveniently haven't gotten around to getting rid of alimony if they're so strong and independent and "don't need men", hmm...interesting...nevermind when they trap men into having kids and make them pay for those too. Strong and independent, hmm.
Women being raised on that dysfunctional one-sided culture, over time develop a big chip on their shoulder, a major sense of entitlement and superiority, a huge overvaluing of themselves (only realising often too late in life that they aren't really anything special), and generally treat men as disposable trash. What a screwed up situation. No wonder we have so many lost people, figuring out what they're supposed to do as their gender far FAR into adulthood when this stuff should've been taught to them when they were like 12.
Looks like we need to continue this idiotic failed social experiment in the west, a decade or two longer until people get the message that it's doomed and feminism can never, and HAS never, survived on it's own two feet on it's own merit, without MASSIVE help forcing it in through laws and forcing it down men's throats with public shaming if you don't tow the line and continue the worship of women with double standard special rights and priviledges feminists call "equality", and beta male behaviour...I wish I learned about these subs etc. back when I was a kid, would've kept me from being really screwed over by women despite doing what they claimed to want from a guy...I'm 33 now, better now than never I guess.
We are all very fortunate to have these resources at our disposal and to talk to eachother and network and support one another in our quests to change our lives.