06-08-2015, 06:32 PM
(06-08-2015, 02:37 PM)LiquidMind Wrote:(06-03-2015, 08:37 AM)Jake2015 Wrote: Hi Everyone
Im new here and after reading so much on the website for many of the products, I thought its best to seek everyones advice here
If this is the wrong place to post this my sincere apologies as I wasnt sure where to post it
Im 36 and not sure if my age will work against me in using the subliminals so I guess that is my first question if anyone can please answer
My issues are many. I want to boost my self esteem to the best it can be as I have read that self esteem is the basis of everything. I also ofcourse want to boost my confidence, afterall who doesnt. I want to also reduce and remove my anxieties. These have been with me since puberty and at the moment the anxiety or fear is strong when I think about a particular topic so would like this to be reduced or eliminated completely. I also have self image insecurities as i have male pattern baldness which causes all hair on top to look thin and diffused. I am also unsure what career or job to do and I have weight issues too (im fat basically). I may also have social anxiety as whenever I am around people or good looking women
I have tried subliminals in the past and nothing has ever worked. After reading this site I feel that Shannon may have something here that could finally work for me
I know many on this forum seem to start with or love the idea of becoming an Alpha Male and then having women and this is a goal I want later once I have a strong foundation.
I have thought alot about this for weeks and have realised its best I focus on building the strongest foundation I can in terms of beliefs before I venture into doing things such as women, weightloss, bodybuilding, millionaire etc - do you agree?
So from all the subliminals on offer I have see there are some that are free to try such as the confidence one and the shame guilt and fear one too. I have also seen there is another overcoming fear subliminal but no idea if that is suitable for me as it does say it could be dangerous if you eliminate all fears and well I have fears of spiders etc but my inner fears or anxieties are more what I want to resolve rather than my fears of spiders etc
I have also seen a program that is called Positive Thinking and also LifeTune Up. (the life tune up comes as a 6 stage program or as a 1 stage 3.1 version - both are on the site)
Ofcourse there are tons of other subliminals perhaps some that I havent come across as yet
So the advice I really need is to know which is the best one for me to start with, to gain my trust and belief in these working and so to keep me going but also to help as the first stone in the strong foundation that I would love to build?
I was confused as to whether to start with the LifeTuneUp or the confidence or the shame guilt and fear one, any thoughts please?
Whichever you suggest, please explain as to how long it will take to see results perhaps and how long should I listen to make it the permanent and set for me to move onto another subliminal (im optimistic that these work and are not rubbish as all the others ive come across)
Also before moving to another subliminal, do we need weeks or days break of listening to nothing or can we move to a new subliminal immediately once the required number of days worth of listening as be done?
thank you
ps: I'm not sure I'd this is the way to do it but for now I have it in my mind to start with 1 of those programs listed above and then move my way through them all but is that the way to do it? thanks
Hi Jake and welcome to the forums!
This place is full of people who all started like you wanting to better their lives and there are plenty who can attest to the power of these subs, myself included!
So from what I've read it seems you are interested in bettering yourself and your own life and working up from there. It is better to truly improve ones own sense of self awareness and being before attempting any manifesting or more challenging changes.
Therefore I suggest the following (and just my opinion)
- ASC (Absolute Self Confidence) OR LTU (Life Tune Up)
- Alpha male 6
From what I've found EPRHA is brilliant for getting under the hood and reaching deep down into your past and getting all the hard to reach gunk out that conscious effort would miss and remove it from your system. I have used it before any other subs and it was a marvellous sub to begin with.
Up next is Absolute Self Confidence or Life Tune Up. Personally after you've reached those hard to reach areas (sounds like an aquafresh plug i know) you can then begin building up some foundations to build the final Alpha male subs. You can do this with either ASC or LTU. Up to you. *ASC is free btw*
Last but, no where near least, is Alpha Male 6. I am currently in my final period with this sub and it has been nothing short of rediculous. I mean good rediculous. The kind that makes you grab your balls and inflate them to the size of grapefruits. I have had nothing but pure joy with this sub. I still feel I have a ways to go but I am completely different when on this subliminal than not. It is that great. It is a little pricey but you can buy sets in stages for cheap so you can fragment them and pay for them when you need them
Well the rest is up to you pal. These are my 2 cents (like 3 pence? I am from UK) on the subject so please don't take my words as gospel.
I hope whatever you choose to do you are fully ready for a brand new life because the old you dies the second you begin the journey dude..its a mountain to climb but one hell of a view!
Peace brother
Hey LM
Thank you very much for the welcome bro and also for replying to me that means alot so thank you
Hey thank you Yes I'm hoping to learn and expand and definitely improve my life

Great yes EPRHA seems to be the one everyone is telling me to start with. I have to be honest and say that over the past few days I'm wondering whether to start ASC for 32 days just to prove to myself these subs work on me and then stop and start with EPRHA properly for a fuller longer duration, know what I mean?
lol I love how you explained that it makes real sense about EPRHA reaching out to get all the gunk from those hard to reach areas. BUT I'm wondering if it's enough because as I try to read and understand journals on here I'm sensing that after EPRHA it's best to do another "fear eliminate" sub to further dissolve any remaining garbage before then finally focusing on building a new positive base..what do you think?
Lol what's an aqua fresh plug is that like toilet duck? ok Ive asked this on another thread/post and nobody has answered so wonder if you know and it's about LTU. LTU seems terrific because it has lots of individual subs in it including ASC and EPRHA. So is it as strong or stronger as those individual subs or is it maybe strong but not as strong as listening to the individual subs? and if it's so good then why not just start with LTU anyway? (I'm gonna start with EPRHA or ASC anyway as explained but wonder about LTU as its good to know for when I'm stuck on whether it's a sub to start or not)
Okay reading what you wrote about Alpha Male had really got me excited. I gotta ask firstly how long did you listen to EPRHA and other subs for before you started Alpha Male? and how many times have you listened to Alpha Male because I've read somewhere that some listen to it 2 or 3 times.
Finally bro you say your experience with Alpha Male has been ridiculous so come on spill the beans lol you have to now share what's happened for you cos it will help me build hope and trust and maybe help others that are reading this post too

For me though Alpha Male I doubt I'll use for a while because I just can't afford it and think maybe the seperate stages could be a bit too much to afford yet but also because after dealing with my fears etc I gotta focus on success and weightloss before I focus on girls or sex etc.Its why I was asking now about LTU because in the shop the information about the sub called Positive Thinking and Attitude says it's great as a foundation sub on which to build all others and then I'm thinking if I hammer in the subliminals on success and luck and whatever else then hopefully my life will change so that I can stop worrying and being anxious and afraid and grab life with both hands and sail into good things. know what I mean?
oh really I'm from UK too.I thought maybe everyone was from USA on here so ita great to meet a fellow brit. In which cade what's an aquafresh plug cos aqua fresh is a toothpaste lol I'm glad you didn't say Cillit Bang cos that stuff is a lie it's rubbish it doesn't move jack haha
Since you're from the UK then what speakers or headphones or hifi etc are you using? you said you're getting results so whatever system you use could really help me in choosing what to buy. I don't have anything except my phone on which to listen to subs which is why I haven't even started yet.
my room got flooded and everything more or less ruined so im in the process of sorting that out and having a new bedroom designed. Tbh I used to listen to subs on my phone or through cheap speakers and only now understand that my phone is mono it's not even stereo and that speakers matter. I'm listening to a free ocean sub from another company for the past month through my phone and only few days ago I found this site. If it wasn't for the way this site seems to say how beyond the norm it's subs are or how on this forum people rate these subs so highly I probably wouldn't have taken a 2nd look but now due to my increased belief that these subs can work I'm already looking into 20khz micro/mini hifi systems and will be asking the bedroom designers to make a dedicated shelf for it so that I have it playing all night. My beds on the side of the room so I won't have speakers on either side which is a shame but I hope simply having the speakers in the room will be good enough. I'm also going to invest in some Bluetooth headphones (not earphones but on the ear headphones) so that I can try and get atleast 1 hour of listening that way.
It's not been easy. I've spent 10yrs giving subliminals a go. 10yrs where some years I gave up totally and decided they are fake and waste of money. I had no intention of using subliminals at all but last month I don't know why I just decided to look into them again and well thought I'd try a companys subliminals but as my faith was shaking again I somehow found this place and it's changed all my plans. I was going to get my room fixed and the focus on goal setting with affirmations and visualizations and give it my best shot but now it seems I don't need anything except these subliminals so really hope they work for me I really do.
Speaking of goal setting and visualizations etc I've read Shannon here in the forum say that if using these subs the we shouldn't do any mental programming which means affirmations and visualizations. If that's the case then how can you focus on and achieve your goals while listening to the subs if you can't install the goal (car, money, weightloss) for your subconscious to work on? make sense?
Seriously man I can't wait for a brand new life. The one I have is so bad and rubbish that ill climb any mountain to change it and yeah can't wait for that view

thanks alot bro
OF3 5.75.7G 13/15Vol
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days