But now back to Lionkings journal.
I admire your resolution, I have a hard time going sober myself. It's just too tempting if I know my game could be 10 times better just with a bit of alc. Well at last the first half of the night, the second half the right calibration of tension just gets harder and harder making me fuck up much of what I built up with my awesome care free state in the beginning.
But I know it's possible to get the same level of carefree state even without alcohol, so I keep reducing it. I have a friend who refuses to drink at all as he is taking his bodybuilding seriously and he surpasses my drunken carefree state even when he is sober... that's where I'm aiming at. Naturally the girls flock to him. Most people think it's because of his looks only but then I remember the times when he was fat and carefree and still the girls flock to him.
If you let your body accumulate a lot of rescources by skipping trigger substances like caffein, cocaine or trigger images like porn (which cause you to lose rescources by ejaculation) it will be very easy to use another, voluntary trigger to put your body into the right state (e.g. the masculine intent exercises). Especially the more similiar the requred substances are. (so porn abstinence will make your body save up more of the substances required for arousal, caffeine abstinence more substance that are required for alertness)
The less rescources you have the more you have to force your body into consuming them. Longterm coffee drinkers have to drink more caffeine to get the same kick, the same goes for porn and any other trigger. If you have a lot of rescources you could generate heavy arousal and a very attractive state with just a faint masculine intent exercise. If you don't have much rescources you'd have to do it very very vividly for the same effect.
That's why meditation could also help you with increasing the masculine intent exercise. (I think the creator of MI himself also meditates doesn't he?) Meditation is the complete opposite of putting your body into overdrive. It makes your body save up your rescources.
Even better, if you are advanced in meditation you can get your body into such a deep state that, not only does it begin to save up your rescources, it uses those rescources to repair your organs causing them to become more efficient and be able to suck out more nutrients from your food and even air longterm. So longterm your not just saving up but even generating rescources through meditation.
Quote:I know that drinking (alcohol & caffeine) is just a sad and stupid excuse for being too afraid to fail. I thought if I go out alone I'll allow myself to drink a bit more, but I should drop that already. It makes it harder to feel the tension, its expensive and leads to these annoying half-hangovers where I'm not inspired anymore. Maybe the caffeine drains my adrenalin too, idk. I'd want to work on this overwhelmed feeling I had at the club a few times, but I'm not feeling my feelings well enough to do it properly atm. Date night today.
I admire your resolution, I have a hard time going sober myself. It's just too tempting if I know my game could be 10 times better just with a bit of alc. Well at last the first half of the night, the second half the right calibration of tension just gets harder and harder making me fuck up much of what I built up with my awesome care free state in the beginning.
But I know it's possible to get the same level of carefree state even without alcohol, so I keep reducing it. I have a friend who refuses to drink at all as he is taking his bodybuilding seriously and he surpasses my drunken carefree state even when he is sober... that's where I'm aiming at. Naturally the girls flock to him. Most people think it's because of his looks only but then I remember the times when he was fat and carefree and still the girls flock to him.
Quote:Maybe the caffeine drains my adrenalin too, idk.
If you let your body accumulate a lot of rescources by skipping trigger substances like caffein, cocaine or trigger images like porn (which cause you to lose rescources by ejaculation) it will be very easy to use another, voluntary trigger to put your body into the right state (e.g. the masculine intent exercises). Especially the more similiar the requred substances are. (so porn abstinence will make your body save up more of the substances required for arousal, caffeine abstinence more substance that are required for alertness)
The less rescources you have the more you have to force your body into consuming them. Longterm coffee drinkers have to drink more caffeine to get the same kick, the same goes for porn and any other trigger. If you have a lot of rescources you could generate heavy arousal and a very attractive state with just a faint masculine intent exercise. If you don't have much rescources you'd have to do it very very vividly for the same effect.
That's why meditation could also help you with increasing the masculine intent exercise. (I think the creator of MI himself also meditates doesn't he?) Meditation is the complete opposite of putting your body into overdrive. It makes your body save up your rescources.
Even better, if you are advanced in meditation you can get your body into such a deep state that, not only does it begin to save up your rescources, it uses those rescources to repair your organs causing them to become more efficient and be able to suck out more nutrients from your food and even air longterm. So longterm your not just saving up but even generating rescources through meditation.