So, I've been using the GTD system and Andrew has been helping me understand it better. I'm doing very well with managing my time these days and now that I have the GTD system by my side it's ok to do the things I need to do. I'm not thinking about other shit when I know I need to be doing the things I need to be doing. When I'm productive it's relatively stress free and that's thanks to the GTD system. By basically writing down all the things I need to do or am thinking about (ideas, insights, optional future projects) I'm closing the thought loops in my brain. All it takes is a little time and a desire to be organized. I can plan my day ahead the night before and it takes 10-15 minutes. I feel good going to sleep and when I wake up I have my task list right in front of me. If I do 50% of what's on that list I'm happy. I have all my tasks in controlled lists and separate lists for my daily schedules so if I do feel like changing up a daily schedule I can. Everyone knows life can be unpredictable. It's easy for me to change my schedule anytime as well since I'm using Wunderlist. I have it on my work computers and my personal computers. I also have it on my Android phone. Since I have the things I need to do written down and I make time to schedule them and I DO them.. then I know I'm making progress. No matter how slow I go "some beats none" and that's all anyone can ask for. Took me awhile to stop beating myself up over the mistakes I've made from not doing something.. or not taking action on something new and exciting... but this GTD system is like holding yourself accountable. You no longer need anybody else to do it for you. No more talking and bullshitting. You've got it written down.. go and do it. Haha I know it's hard too because I'm having some trouble confronting a few fears but I'm doing it on a daily basis all the time whether I know it or not. I'm taking baby steps.. and that's good enough for me as long as I'm learning.
Like Kid Cudi said... "At the end of the day, day you can't regret it if you were trying if you were trying"
Shine on bruthers and sistas
Like Kid Cudi said... "At the end of the day, day you can't regret it if you were trying if you were trying"
Shine on bruthers and sistas
"To love completely and hold onto nothing-that is the only freedom." -David Deida
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.