03-16-2022, 07:24 PM
I tracked down something pretty interesting, a belief that want others to do the job instead of me, in short, subconsciously I don't want to do shit and want others to do it, i know i have to do my own life but deep inside i'm mad because it will be easier if someone else do it for me, i wonder if it was caused by overprotection you know my parents or someone else solving my problems or doing things for me, telling me how to live, behave, do things, react, so how i reach that conclusion? I'm having a hard time figuring that out, maybe it was comfort, fear of failure, believing my actions are useless, fear of disobey, in the end I'm just making it harder for me to live, so the reason why I started with subliminals is because i'm not the one executing it? i'm not the one who is changing? i don't have to deal with it? this will be hard to overcome.