05-31-2020, 07:53 AM
2 additional suggestions to add to UMS2... 1) Healing da Money Wounds from da Past & 2) Making deep Peace with Money,Success And deeply loving,appreciating & accepting yourself!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yse0u1wg9Ng Im NOT promoting mindvalley or the like.....this is a short clip around making peace with money,healing money wounds...these are thee ONY reasons Im posting this.... I just love the idea of healing old money wounds,hurt,pain and then making peace and getting on with da git git !!
There are also other youtube vid's with Ken Honda ( real name) around .
However,I've yet to watch them just found out about Him and this methods yesterday....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tchqwDURM30
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yse0u1wg9Ng Im NOT promoting mindvalley or the like.....this is a short clip around making peace with money,healing money wounds...these are thee ONY reasons Im posting this.... I just love the idea of healing old money wounds,hurt,pain and then making peace and getting on with da git git !!
There are also other youtube vid's with Ken Honda ( real name) around .
However,I've yet to watch them just found out about Him and this methods yesterday....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tchqwDURM30
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"