11-14-2019, 05:37 PM
(11-14-2019, 04:57 PM)findingme Wrote: Keep asking yourself "why?", but don't demand an answer. Seek it, but don't demand it.
Having used Shannon's subs for a few years, I've slowly let changes happen. I didn't trust myself, so I didn't share my heart with myself. Fear just kept its stakes in the ground, saying "MINE!". My own resources never changed that.
But over time, being nicer to myself allowed trust to surface. It was cautious at first, but practicing with what emerged created new thoughts and feelings in me. When I was mean to myself, I was distant from myself. When I began being nicer to myself, the inner "me" began coming out, the one with purpose and desire. NOTE: For me, this was done almost solely with Shannon's subs. It's the most effective "therapy" I've ever used; no kidding there.
I hated cliches such as "be patient. It'll come". Since it didn't happen when I wanted, I'd allow myself to be frustrated and discontent with even small glimpses of change. It will come though.
Be nicer to yourself FOR yourself. A buddy of mine has practiced being thankful for lots of messed up stuff in his life, and not surprisingly, his problems don't have the same power anymore.
A cliche fits here (sorry). What you think on will increase. What you dismiss will decrease.
Have you given yourself any credit for anything good today EP? You definitely deserve some.
Thanks man. I needed to hear that. I really appreciate your words and your support. Even now, I'm thinking of my regrets as I type this, rather than my achievements, however small I might perceive them at the time to be. Glad to hear such good advice and to have such support. I love you all. Thank you all for your support. And thank you, Findingme, and especially thanks to Shannon for making these subs. I shall do more as you guys guide me to do: keep asking myself "Why?" and start giving myself more credit while being kinder to myself for my past decisions. And being grateful for the lessons provided even from the painful consequences of my decisions. I shall put your advice to good use in that matter. No, I haven't given myself credit for ANYTHING today. Thanks for reminding me I deserve some