10-26-2019, 05:28 AM
(10-25-2019, 12:39 AM)findingme Wrote: I'd suggest some form of anger management be put in UMS2. I posted about my bitcoin miner yesterday, and after doing so, I became flooded with anger. I realized I'd been putting on my "nice" face to her, when I wanted to call her a nasty b****! I hid behind logic that me sacrificing some of my profits would at least allow me to get in the game, which is true, but I allowed myself to be used. UMS is aimed at not allowing that.
I vote for anger management, to see clearly when feeling violated. The anger management sub in LTU worked wonders for me numerous times.
I even considered picking up the Tranquilizer due to this.
Bro, yes I have had the same thing, anger and harsh dismissal of anyone or any thing that is in my way. My relationships have been failing.
With tranqualizer, I have mellowed out but this last week I've been using it I have really done nothing so big health warning on that one.
I also agree that lazer focus on a goal is useful, perhaps some scripting to guide us to an appropriate goal which the sub can deliver efficiently.
Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.