09-08-2019, 08:46 AM
The past 2 nights, I’ve had an increased number of dreams. The one I had before waking this morning is one where I basically was about to kill a woman that showed up to my house to fight my ex wife. She pulled up in a car full of four other women. While they were in the car they stared her down and somehow I knew at least one was going to get out and start a fight when the car parked. Sure enough one did while the other women cheered her on. I grabbed some scissors on the shelf and opened the door before she could even reach it. I started yelling and making motions to stab her. She was shocked and instantly began backing down. After 3 missed stabs she ran back to the car, while mouthing off and they all left. A female supervisor from my job then entered the room and the dream ended. Not sure what any of this symbolizes.