05-20-2012, 04:26 PM
Quote:What stopped you from finding new training partners?
Well I started to lose some interest myself in it. But I obviously still have some since I get excited when I talk about it.
I found it hard to find good training partners because of the nature of the training, it was more intense and in the way I train alot of it is about adding fear and discomfort by doing scenario stuff on purpose. And I scared several people away from doing so. It seemed they were okay with it at the time but I never heard from them again.
And i'm also very careful who I train because I live in kind of a small place, especially since I was doing security. I didn't want to arm dickheads against me with my own training. Or against my friends who still do security.
Hmm I might ask the guys I used to train with if they want to do some again and tell them that we can work from some dvd's so as to vary it more instead of doing the same thing all the time. That will be good for my learning too. They were good training partners at the time, consistent and could take the intensity that I wanted and picked it up quick.
Even though I wanted to teach this stuff, I first wanted it for my own training so didn't want to have to baby people too much and occasionally I would ramp it up to challenge myself.
The other issue was that my motivation wasn't consistent either which was frustrating.
Thanks Shannon, just asking that question has got me inspired again to do it!