02-13-2019, 03:17 AM
So yesterday was a very busy day at work. I felt like I was able to work past my normal breaking point, the only thing that stopped me was that I became mental and physically exhausted. I decided to call it a day as I had already been in the office longer than normal (I choose my own hours). I went home and realized that I needed to replenish myself physically and mentally to avoid burnout. I put on my headphones to listen to my daily loop while eating some food and taking some herbal supplements. I noticed that I was able to handle the level of fatigue much better than normal. Usually I become irrational when fatigued, resulting in being grumpy and just wanting to lie on the couch. My mind was still focused and within 30 minutes of listening to my loop I felt rejuvenated and wanting to go back to work. That isn't normal.
These effects are great, I kind of expected things like this to happen on LTU considering how good 3.1 was but then something completely blindsided me. I used to be a very slender and active person. However, about 4.5 years ago I got my first desk job. I sit all day and my job is often stressful as I have a high level of responsibility and expectations. I've put on about 10 pounds per year doing this. Partially due to stress eating and seeming never being able to eat enough to keep my brain going. I typically bring a breakfast and two lunches with me to work. Eating the breakfast when I get to work, the first lunch around 9:30 and the second around lunch time. However, lately I have only been wanting to eat a light breakfast, then after eating my first lunch I am unable to finish eating my second. This is crazy, I'm using a sub that should be requiring more food intake but I'm actually eating less. Before if I tried to eat less intentionally I would barley be able to function. I may actually be able to lose some of this excess fat that I have built up as a side effect of changes that are happening right now.
These effects are great, I kind of expected things like this to happen on LTU considering how good 3.1 was but then something completely blindsided me. I used to be a very slender and active person. However, about 4.5 years ago I got my first desk job. I sit all day and my job is often stressful as I have a high level of responsibility and expectations. I've put on about 10 pounds per year doing this. Partially due to stress eating and seeming never being able to eat enough to keep my brain going. I typically bring a breakfast and two lunches with me to work. Eating the breakfast when I get to work, the first lunch around 9:30 and the second around lunch time. However, lately I have only been wanting to eat a light breakfast, then after eating my first lunch I am unable to finish eating my second. This is crazy, I'm using a sub that should be requiring more food intake but I'm actually eating less. Before if I tried to eat less intentionally I would barley be able to function. I may actually be able to lose some of this excess fat that I have built up as a side effect of changes that are happening right now.
Sub history approximate total usage in months: ASC 5G -2.5 / EPRHA 5G - 3 / LTU 5G – 9 / AM 5G – 13 / E2 5.5G – 15 / DMSI 5.5G – 4 / LTU 5.5G – 11 / UMS 5.75G – 3 / OF V2 5.75G - 1.5 / E4 5.75G - 9.25 / OF V3 5.75G - Current