02-08-2019, 03:26 AM
So I followed through and purchased LTU 4.0 last night. I was super excited to start this sub, I felt like I had purchased the Ferrari or Lamborghini of subs. There probably isn't a better option on the market right now. I have been waiting for a program like this. I often felt E2 was too yin and DMSI was too yang. I think this is going to be a happy median for me. I'm aware of the power of 5.5G subs as I own the previous two mentioned. That being said I wanted to ease myself into the experience as I have often had bad experiences with burnout, exhaustion and overload on 5.5G. I started last night with one loop of the trickling stream. I'm not sure if it had an effect on me or if I was just excited to start but I seemed to be motivated. I cleaned up the house somewhat and went on a power walk, my mind seemed to be very open. One loop already took a lot out of me though. I ate half a pizza but it wasn't enough. Looks like I'm going to have to plan more wholesome and healthy meals at night. Upon going to sleep I had a very interesting dream. I went out drinking heavily and was complete unaffected afterward in the dream. I was able to eat and function normally after wards which isn't the usual for me. I remember reading something about alcohol having less of an effect on you in the universal detox module of the sub. However, I woke up at 2:30 AM after going to sleep at around 8:30 PM. Not good, this was part of the reason I never had success with DMSI. I was never able to sleep well. The only way I was able to go back to sleep was to use the sleep aid sub (I'm hoping the sleep aid is still the exception to not using more than one sub as the same time). I was eventually able to get back to sleep but I had intense dreams the rest of the night that I couldn't tell if I was awake or dreaming. I'm hoping by increase my food intake I will be able to sleep better and increase the number of loops. Anyways going to see what today brings me.
Sub history approximate total usage in months: ASC 5G -2.5 / EPRHA 5G - 3 / LTU 5G – 9 / AM 5G – 13 / E2 5.5G – 15 / DMSI 5.5G – 4 / LTU 5.5G – 11 / UMS 5.75G – 3 / OF V2 5.75G - 1.5 / E4 5.75G - 9.25 / OF V3 5.75G - Current