Post date high. Lotsa escalation. Understanding dynamics, push-pull, fantasy trippin/selling, spiking, holding back power increase attraction all along with a predatory sense to me. Not a clue where this comes from, its next level disinhibition and line crossing and my agressive cocky entitlement grows with the second.
Involving is key even if behaviour comes out. I flip the script, learn a shitton and move on. Instant learning.
Also understand no fear. None to fear. Nothing matters at all profoundly, giving it a brual edge in all of this. Like a dark ruthless truth in being. It only gets more and more
Fuck shit up is the motto. No safe play. Also, all bs drops off nothing matters frame is set, alpha is this. Im living my world/life/reality and nothing affects me. Makes me pretty dark in advance aswell. Understand attraction as being established. Doing kills it, its like a constant doubt down play and instilment. Fuck that shit. Assume it directly from the start like a hardwired belief. As soon as this ingrains its like an open game and no doubts are there.
Some alcohol in my system so rambling on, on this shit. Simply stating some stuff here and it keeps building, growing, acknowledging. Its being the sole ruler of my own movie and living life to the fullest. Embracing it all. Everything is possible. Could be partly AOS which I played today while thinking it was AM. oh well. No wonder. Lol.
Involving is key even if behaviour comes out. I flip the script, learn a shitton and move on. Instant learning.
Also understand no fear. None to fear. Nothing matters at all profoundly, giving it a brual edge in all of this. Like a dark ruthless truth in being. It only gets more and more
Fuck shit up is the motto. No safe play. Also, all bs drops off nothing matters frame is set, alpha is this. Im living my world/life/reality and nothing affects me. Makes me pretty dark in advance aswell. Understand attraction as being established. Doing kills it, its like a constant doubt down play and instilment. Fuck that shit. Assume it directly from the start like a hardwired belief. As soon as this ingrains its like an open game and no doubts are there.
Some alcohol in my system so rambling on, on this shit. Simply stating some stuff here and it keeps building, growing, acknowledging. Its being the sole ruler of my own movie and living life to the fullest. Embracing it all. Everything is possible. Could be partly AOS which I played today while thinking it was AM. oh well. No wonder. Lol.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus