08-25-2016, 09:23 PM
Stage 2 day 5
Well, as I've said previously in my other BASE journal, switching to another stage can seriously suck.
I made some obvious attempts to help others during the first few days of stage 2, and each attempt failed incredibly in some unforeseen way.
This is just the folly of switching from one stage to another. I'm not even sure I would call it resistance; it's more like moving someone out of a house and trying to move someone else in quickly. Old stuff is coming out and new coming in, so there's likely to be a lot of discomfort, tension, a free floating unjustified sense of being hurried, and just a general sense of misalignment.
So I have this feeling to look forward to at least 4 more times lol Oh, what fun.
The upside is that just yesterday I connected with a high earning freelancer who works primarily on Upwork.
He was a bit affronted when i told him my views of working within a system like Upwork, but our conversation actually turned into an incredible information exchange.
I had a crap ton of knowledge he needed, and I got my mindset readjusted with the right focus on using Upwork properly to start out. Now that's an incredible win-win situation.
Now I no longer feel anxious about reeling in those first few clients. I know what to do and generally what to say. All this coming from a dude making clear over $20k a month from Upwork (he's not a copywriter, but whatever - I generally know what to do now).
I also had to readjust my focus for my actual copywriting. My coach still hasn't cleared me to pull in a client yet, and I'm guessing now it will be into October when that time comes.
I'm not willing to put myself out there when i obviously need to fix my mindset about creating copy. That's the whole point of paying for coaching; i need to crank up my skills as much as possible while I have an expert mentor guiding me. But the timing for things seems about right for now.
I'm slowly switching gears from what i call "unconscious incompetence" to "conscious incompetence".
This is the difference between being a borderline idiot in terms of knowing proper copy and discovering what I didn't realized I needed to know (hence being 'consciously incompetent').
The next levels here are "conscious competence", where I understand how to create decent copy but with much effort and sweat, and "unconscious competence", where creating exceptional copy is second nature to me.
At the final level you are the master of your craft and can do it without nearly as much effort as when you first started.
Framing my path of becoming a copywriter in this way feels useful, anyway
Even though it's simple info, you can easily locate where you're at and refresh your focus to align with where you want to go.
Though this system only contains 4 steps, it does simplify what could be years and years of grueling grind, lots of trial and error, and a crap ton of challenges.
But that's why i chose this industry, because it's not easy but the rewards are high. And that's really the way i like it
Well, as I've said previously in my other BASE journal, switching to another stage can seriously suck.
I made some obvious attempts to help others during the first few days of stage 2, and each attempt failed incredibly in some unforeseen way.
This is just the folly of switching from one stage to another. I'm not even sure I would call it resistance; it's more like moving someone out of a house and trying to move someone else in quickly. Old stuff is coming out and new coming in, so there's likely to be a lot of discomfort, tension, a free floating unjustified sense of being hurried, and just a general sense of misalignment.
So I have this feeling to look forward to at least 4 more times lol Oh, what fun.
The upside is that just yesterday I connected with a high earning freelancer who works primarily on Upwork.
He was a bit affronted when i told him my views of working within a system like Upwork, but our conversation actually turned into an incredible information exchange.
I had a crap ton of knowledge he needed, and I got my mindset readjusted with the right focus on using Upwork properly to start out. Now that's an incredible win-win situation.
Now I no longer feel anxious about reeling in those first few clients. I know what to do and generally what to say. All this coming from a dude making clear over $20k a month from Upwork (he's not a copywriter, but whatever - I generally know what to do now).
I also had to readjust my focus for my actual copywriting. My coach still hasn't cleared me to pull in a client yet, and I'm guessing now it will be into October when that time comes.
I'm not willing to put myself out there when i obviously need to fix my mindset about creating copy. That's the whole point of paying for coaching; i need to crank up my skills as much as possible while I have an expert mentor guiding me. But the timing for things seems about right for now.
I'm slowly switching gears from what i call "unconscious incompetence" to "conscious incompetence".
This is the difference between being a borderline idiot in terms of knowing proper copy and discovering what I didn't realized I needed to know (hence being 'consciously incompetent').
The next levels here are "conscious competence", where I understand how to create decent copy but with much effort and sweat, and "unconscious competence", where creating exceptional copy is second nature to me.
At the final level you are the master of your craft and can do it without nearly as much effort as when you first started.
Framing my path of becoming a copywriter in this way feels useful, anyway
Even though it's simple info, you can easily locate where you're at and refresh your focus to align with where you want to go.
Though this system only contains 4 steps, it does simplify what could be years and years of grueling grind, lots of trial and error, and a crap ton of challenges.
But that's why i chose this industry, because it's not easy but the rewards are high. And that's really the way i like it