05-20-2016, 06:39 AM
Absolutely right, Shannon. Are there any good reading materials you could recommend to help me on healing to supplement the subliminal?
DAY 15
A few cool things happened lately:
-I sent a really long email to my bosses telling them I was unhappy with the current situation at work and felt I was getting used. Only a while after the fact did I realize this was quite a big step. They responded really positively and said we would discuss it further.
-I care way less what people think of me. It used to be a curse that when I was in a public place, I would wonder if anyone was looking at me, am I getting any IOIs, do I appear attractive, etc. It caused tension. Now I care way less - I wear a cap and plain running trainers for comfort, I have headphones in, I'm reading or writing on my phone, and am way less invested in what people think. That's a huge step for me. I don't care how I look whereas before I would obsess over it.
-In the office I speak louder and joke more.
-I don't worry as much about events in the future. I take things 1 step at a time, and far less seriously as a result.
-The pain in my chest hit a peak and now seems to have largely disappeared. If I focus on it then it comes back a bit, but it doesn't feel as suffocating any more.
DAY 15
A few cool things happened lately:
-I sent a really long email to my bosses telling them I was unhappy with the current situation at work and felt I was getting used. Only a while after the fact did I realize this was quite a big step. They responded really positively and said we would discuss it further.
-I care way less what people think of me. It used to be a curse that when I was in a public place, I would wonder if anyone was looking at me, am I getting any IOIs, do I appear attractive, etc. It caused tension. Now I care way less - I wear a cap and plain running trainers for comfort, I have headphones in, I'm reading or writing on my phone, and am way less invested in what people think. That's a huge step for me. I don't care how I look whereas before I would obsess over it.
-In the office I speak louder and joke more.
-I don't worry as much about events in the future. I take things 1 step at a time, and far less seriously as a result.
-The pain in my chest hit a peak and now seems to have largely disappeared. If I focus on it then it comes back a bit, but it doesn't feel as suffocating any more.