03-09-2016, 10:17 AM
(03-09-2016, 01:15 AM)LionKing Wrote: E: I want to go the gym already! I over trained my right shoulder and forearm some 1.5-2 months ago and they still haven't healed. Only hurts when I put pressure on them; I could train, but that's just set me back even further. I did see a doctor and got something for inflammation, but they didn't have much effect. I guess I've been doing "something ligth" every now and then with the pull-up bar and such, that must've been preventing the healing. Sucks. And yes, I'm attached
Look at getting some cissus quadrangularis (Absonutrix on Amazon looks promising) and 12.5 mg astaxanthin (I like Nutrex Hawaiin BioAstin). Both come a little pricey, but are really good at battling tendinitis. Cissus actually increases blood flow to connective tissue. I doubt muscle strain would plague you this long, and if you had a rotator cuff tear - you'd know it.