06-29-2016, 02:16 PM
Waiting on that V2 like everyone else , lucky for me il be running V2 for 3 to 6 months and then maybe EPHRA. V2 will be perfect for a certain test. I work with many women now so , ooolala. There's this married woman that I found today is married and she has 2 kids. Now I taught that she gave me a pass to hangout with her but I don't know. I been checking her out for a while and I sincerely think she wants to hook up. In a conversation earlier today she told me she has two kids and that her husband works alot of hours and that she's going to be home alone for the summer. I wonder if she was trying to convince me and herself that her husband is a good man and what not. But I also took it as her way of her wanting to hook up , my precious boss did that when I was SM. Later on she's said she's busy during the summer , so I'm wondering does she want to do this or is she just testing me and to see if she's still attractive. Now with V2 will find out for sure.

It always seems impossible until it's done."_ Nelson Mandela
"Continuous improvement is better then delayed perfection."_ Mark Twain
"We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become. " _ Dr. David Hawkins