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(10-02-2017, 09:13 AM)Adrien Silva Wrote: [ -> ]sarge when you run it do you get a morphine effect people say they get???
I don't know, maybe. I have no idea how it feels.
What a long day.
Went out to do some errands for my boss.
- Guy in line started talking to me. I could tell he enjoyed talking to me yet everything he said I disagreed with. I smiled and encouraged him to speak out of courtesy, however.
- Woman further ahead in line. Very cute. Was hoping she'd be sniped but I noticed nothing from her.
- Woman working the till seemed quite friendly. Good customer service is all that was
- Secretary at the office told me to "stay warm" as I was leaving.
That's about it for today's events. We've got a storm hitting us so I didn't do D2D.
More in line with the seduction skills I was talking about in myth's journal (really these are just social skills, but the same principle applies to seduction I BELIEVE/IMHO):
- I love to play Gears of War. I also love to play NBA 2K17.
I have noticed that when my brother is home and I'm playing Gears of War, he falls asleep.
When he's home and I'm playing NBA 2K17, we start joking and have great convos.
Hence I've stopped playing GoW when he's home, opting to play NBA when he's home.
Same thing in seduction. Cut out the behavior that bores or turns the girl off and amplify or only do the behavior they like.
You can see in the video game example how this is NOT manipulation or "fakeness" but rather just deciding to do what optimizes the time for everyone.
So today I read a book that I thought might really help.
Then I went out and did sales and got no where.
So I fell into my normal pattern "STUPID $%*% BOOKS! I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING ALL ALONG!!! RANT RANT RANT!!"
But then I considered things more closely and gave it more of a chance and things started to work. Hoping this means I'm moving into the next level..ION, really wanna have sex with my hairdresser.

Went to the gym.
Lots of cute girls and alpha-type guys.
Never seen them before.
I always take that as a good sign of my reality shifting.
So last night I noticed some insane behaviour from my brother.
Insane here meaning: out of the ordinary and more intense than usual.
His laugh was more intense, he was more giddy, more engaged, more everything. It's almost like he was on drugs.
Everything he normally does was intensified, amplified, insane.
I had applied the pheromone SOB to myself in the morning. I find it hard to believe that it lasted that long, but that is the only explanation I have, unless it's the stuff I'm learning from that book.
I was trying a few techniques and it was like setting off a bomb. If I timed it right, my brother would explode into crazy laughter or more intense talking.
This is some next-level shit. I'm not sure what it means or what to do with it.
So far the book I'm reading largely advocates copying people and giving them back tonality, behavior, and body language that they display to make them feel connected to you. So far, it's worked.
It also reminds me of my hairdresser and how I did the exact same thing with her. Basically just did a variation of "matching and mirroring".
When you match and mirror, people feel connected to you, even if you don't agree with them. It's crazy.
Freaks me out, tbh. Here I want to think people are rational and individuals, yet all you have to do is copy a few gestures and they change their behaviour immediately.
Which is all well and good, but so far it's directionless.
I need to be able to match and mirror only the positive stuff (or only the stuff I like?) and not the bad struff. Hoping there's a key to influence people in there.
We'll see.
One thing my brother has shown me is that people can take notice of and try to get on your good side/impress you/connect with you even if you are very different.
I'm puzzled as to why girls are not this aggressive in their interactions with me, and what caused my brother to start doing this. The SOB may have amplified it, but it was there since a few months ago. He got more and more like this.
DMSI Notables:
- Went to the store to pick up some groceries just now. As I was pulling into the parking lot, a bonde very much my exact type (physically) was walking into the store. I didn't go in after her.
- The girl who brought out my groceries mentioned she was off work now and I was her last customer. She also mentioned she worked till a certain time most days. I thought that was an obvious reach-out from her but I didn't do anything with it.
A TON of dreams last night. Felt like I got no sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I was bombarded with dreams that seemed like they were trying to teach me something. Mostly surrounding social skills. A few about women. None to enjoyable though. Felt like doing work all night.
DMSI Notables Post (will update throughout the day):
- Walking down a street. An asian milf with a baby carriage/stroller was on the opposite side of the street walking in the opposite direction.
I noticed her but didn't stare. Just sort of looked then kept walking. Well, when we were across the street from each other, she had stopped and put a hand (fist) on her hip, the other hand on the stroller handle, body completely facing me, looking away so to expose her neck. IOI for sure. Posing IOI.
Anyhow, I noticed and kept walking lol.
Then she waved at me timidly while smiling.
I said "Hi!" in a booming voice that surprised me. she just looked away but was no longer walking.
Since she didn't say hi back or whatever I just kept going. After a while, she, too, kept walking.
- Seeing lots of people I recognize lately. I'm not saying hi to them however.
- Went to a best buy. While in there 2 6.5-7/10 girls seemed to be following me.
Before that, an associate came up to me very quickly and asked if I needed any help. He was slurring his speech. Not sure if that was his regular voice or if he was just nervous.
3 Sprays Taboo (although, the spray is so random and wide, I may not have gotten 3 Full Sprays. Must remember to go closer to the skin next time). Applied to Right and Left Wrist, each wrist rubbed to opposite side of neck. One Spray in Middle of Neck.
Nothing in sales but I didn't speak to anyone.
At one point, as I'm walking, an older lady getting into her car said hi to me. I was on the opposite side of the street.
At the hair salon, my hairdresser was getting her hair done at the salon next door lol.
The girl at the front desk was very friendly, held solid EC with me. She even said she remembered me from last time. She is cute, a solid 8 in my books. Not overweight, but not lean. If she leaned up she'd be a 9.5 for sure. Huge tits on her, just like my HD. Only the front desk girl is young and arabic.
Anyhow, HD came in shortly after (I didn't have to wait longer than normal) and she apologized for the delay.
Good conversation between us. She was motor-mouthing again, telling me all kinds of stuff. Mostly about the gym (she's gone back now that she's recovered from an injury). I told her that was awesome.
She also let me talk a few times, seemingly interested in what I was going to say. I did alright but I'm no master conversationalist yet.
Mostly talking about the gym is a safe topic since we both love it and have pretty much the same goals.
She placed her leg to my hand a few times, and then once, after placing her leg to my hand, re-positioned so that her crotch was at my hand, but not fully. I could feel each leg around my hand but not her pussy. Pretty intense tho.
I also put my hand to her leg once as well when she had moved to another position. She didn't react. Clearly she doesn't mind being touched by me.
At one point she was showing me her leg explaining an exercise. For a second I though I should grab it to feel the muscle tone in a sort of "oh yes, I see what you're talking about. Nice definition" but I didn't. I felt it would be too much.
She gave several iois aside from that, as well as struck a few poses. Her pupils were also dilated.
She also mentioned how she was busy this weekend and seems to like to keep me in the loop of those kinds of things.
All in all, Taboo seems to be growing on me. I much prefer the slightly sexually charged interactions to the blatantly sexual SOB ones. Under the radar is so much more exciting, and plus, I don't think my HD would appreciate it if she always went wild when I was around because of social pressures. So I think I'll stick with Taboo with her for a while.
Working on Emotional Intelligence more.
Near as I can tell, DMSI has put me in a higher "league" if you will, and now people expect more out of me, socially. Or I expect more out of my self.
It's a good thing, but it's difficult, especially when you need to change literally everything about yourself to align with the new expectations people have of you.
One step at a time.
Thanks to Dr. Strangelove's Topic:
I've started to put a few pieces together regarding women, attraction, and (oddly) sales.
I'll just stick to facts and then sum up my theories at the end:
- When doing sales, I've always had more success being somewhat ferocious and forceful than trying to reason things out in a civil manner.
- When with my HD, I tried many ways to kiss her on our 3rd date, yet found she responded best to when I put my hand over her forehead and tilted her head back, or when I pulled her towards me. On the other hand, being gentle or accomodating was met with the stiffest resistance. Both methods were used on the one date.
- On DMSI, I've felt mostly confused, while on AM I felt more certain. I had trouble in sales while on AM as well, but I think the uncertainty has undermined me a LOT on DMSI. However, when I can engage my certainty/confidence in what I'm doing and my abilities, the results are BETTER than they were on AM.
To that end, I'd say maybe (heh) just remove whatever is causing the uncertainty. It is likely that women doing the "180" or not being sure about us is simply a reflection of us (me) not being sure of ourselves (myself).
Now, it could very well be that I'm simply unsure of myself because I am learning new things. Indeed, the social aspect of things has got me pre-occupied and deathly afraid of faux pas (which I make repeatedly)
The difference is, when I was on AM making a faux pas was seen as funny and got me attention, nowadays, the slightest faux pas is taken badly. As if I should know better, even when (often times) I don't.
So I'm not sure (heh) if doing the right things are as important as being confident and certain of your own good intentions. Self-doubt, I'd say, is a big theme for me on DMSI or just at this stage in my life.
I also recall my first dating coach and how he said you must be confident. "Even if you're not confident, be confident that you're not confident". That always rang true for me.
So there you have it. Some ideas, mostly brainstorming, but it's the best I can come up with atm.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: this is not to say that I don't think DMSI needs other things as well. Social/conversation skills, emotional intelligence as well as a " physical harm only" anti sniper are still things I advocate.
Went for Thanksgiving Dinner tonight at my cousin's house.
Grandparents, cousins, and a family not related but who I know slightly were all there.
I was wearing Wolf and Dirty Primitive.
Crazy celebrity effect when I first got there. Everyone wanted to greet and cater to me. Some hands were shook, some very forcefully lol.
Conversation was easy but sometimes things would just die out.
I guess there were 4-5 major convos I had all night (5 hours). In between those was eating or just silence on my part.
It didn't seem as crazy as I thought it would be (though there was INSANE eye contact from everyone there who I interacted with), and I was even avoiding or being avoided by a few people there. Still not sure how to resolve conflicts in a healthy way. Working on it.
Anyhow, that was that.
sarge how long did you run dmsi for a woman to first approach you? I mean the first time a woman approached you while on dmsi. How many days/months did you use it to see anything?
(10-09-2017, 08:54 AM)Adrien Silva Wrote: [ -> ]sarge how long did you run dmsi for a woman to first approach you? I mean the first time a woman approached you while on dmsi. How many days/months did you use it to see anything?
Hey man, that's a good question.
It wasn't long ng. It may have been on 2.5 (I started DMSI on 2.5).
A few days or a few weeks maybe.
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