Subliminal Talk

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So I think I've mentioned earlier in my journal that I've been more intuitive. Well, every time I follow my intuition telling me to go somewhere, it either leads me to euphoria by just looking at how beautiful the world is and realizing how fking stupid I am for resisting multiple beautiful experiences because I'm scared, or it leads me to meet some friends of mine. That's most of the times at least, I've also ran into "C-type celebrities". Generally, it has been girls but has also been guys. This has happened on a scale where it simply can't be without DMSI telling me to go to these places at these times. I'm uncertain on why it works the way it works. Why do I "have" to spend 2 hours walking all over town to go to a specific place where I'll meet these people, why can't it just allow me to go straight to the place where they are, and at that time. I'm wondering if it's some sort of anti-resistance sort of programming where it takes me a step at a time, without giving me the complete reason(s) of why. Or it's trying to make me enjoy the "Now" and not just plan for the future.

Had my best friend here over the weekend, had a great time with him and I miss that crazy fker, we together always end up with things getting out of hand and us laughing our asses off to some hilarious shit with a circle of people just looking at us because we look like we can't breathe due to our laugh. Was about a year since we last saw each other so it was a good catchup. Also made me realize how much I'm stuck in my own head analyzing things, even when I'm not consciously analyzing. Seeing him again in 2 weeks and we'll be going to a festival, we'll probably get out of hand again and people will love us for it Big Grin

Having dreams where I kill people in self-defense.
Had a period of 2½ days where I was non-stop eating. Was processing something internally making use of all that food. I'm not kidding when I say I had to eat food for 3 people with a 3-hour interval, for these 2 days. I woke up in the middle of the night needing to go up, eat and back to sleep. Did some extra loops over these days as well to help deal with it, whatever it was. NoFap streak also died these days.

Did another "intuitive experience" today, running into 2 girls I know.

A lot of respect/looks from people today, sat across a girl on the train whom I recognized, unsure from where though. She started doing IoI's, looking at me when she thinks I didn't notice. Showing off her body in weird unnatural ways.
Turns out I recognize her because she's my neighbor lol. Her face when she turned around towards me when she closed her door was insane. Couldn't help but burst out laughing when walking to my house. She couldn't take her eyes off me, but was also seemingly so afraid that I would notice her. 3.2 definitely have to work against affected-side resistance in some way.

I've mentioned earlier that B and A is different. It feels like A makes the girls attracted to you and then aroused, which seems to work better for my circumstances. B works the other way around, aroused first and then attracted. This also backfires sometimes making her aroused, not connecting that feeling to you, but someone else. At least that's what I've seen it as. Sometimes you can TELL it is because they want to make you jealous, but sometimes there's just something "off" where it seems genuine towards someone else. They also seemingly get scared/resist making move because it's not natural to do something like that to a guy they don't know.

On B girls seem to need more time to get "used" to the feelings B caused by your presence. When they are "used" to them, a girl will slowly let down her walls and allow you to push an interaction further.

This is at least how I interpret things, but I definitely see how this could be faulty.

Had some interesting experiences with A these latest days. Manifesting girls. "Overloading" girls if you can call it that where they simply can't HANDLE being in my presence without making a move, and they instead leave the direct area (affected side resistance). Mostly random girls of whom activate the sniper.

Last week I had a HUGE desire to get MLS and start doing 6 months of it. Recognized it as resistance and I'm sticking to A for at least another 2½ weeks. After that, I have to decide whether to continue with DMSI or switch to MLS for 6 months. I'm currently leaning towards MLS. But that also depends on what happens these 2 weeks. I'm aiming to moving to another country in the beginning of 2018, so what sub I'm going towards is simply going to be the one that will be able to help me financially achieving my goals, and that currently seems to be MLS. It also "fits the schedule" of a course I've been meaning to roll into this year.

I think I'm experiencing TID from MLS as well by having thoughts/memories pop up regarding my intelligence, my school-years and others people intelligence.

I've started with inner dialoguing again and I regret that I for some reason stopped with it at all.

Feldenkrais is lovely.
What is inner dialoguing and how do you do it?
(07-27-2017, 01:21 PM)Darkness Wrote: [ -> ]What is inner dialoguing and how do you do it?

Inner dialoguing is pretty much what it sounds like - Having a dialog with your inner Wink

It can be by talking to yourself, singing, thinking or anything pretty much. I prefer writing and talking, as these are stuff that's put out there, either visually, auditory or combined. They are also are easily caught upon by the subconscious and gives you a different kind of focus, thoughts are completely different and much harder to keep a good dialog with yourself, at least in a beginning. It's something I'm slowly getting better at, but I still have a long way to go there.
Ben seems to be using some sort of inner dialoguing to get in touch and over his abandonment issues.

I have been using it to get over destructive habits of mine, caused by some memory from my early age. But I am also using it to get a better relationship with myself.

This is another explanation of the inner dialogue, but my definition of an "Inner dialogue" is where I consciously try and talk with different parts of myself. Parts that are responsible for certain behaviors, where I can give encouragement, ask them to change the behavior in an empowering way, ask if I can help them with their tasks in any kind of way.

This is also the way I determine how many loops I'm gonna use for DMSI.

I have used it to ask why I am resisting and tried convincing these parts of myself to let these changes occur.

Yesterday I broke down. Sat up in the middle of the night and cried for an hour, tears running like a waterfall down. I had been listening to a podcast talk by Steve Mayeda "The Man You Want To Be", actually I had been listening to multiple talks by him. But it was something in this talk that hit something deep inside me together with DMSI.

I began writing in my (personal) journal and just expressed myself in a way I can't say I've done earlier.
What the f*ck does it matter if "I'm" successful? What the f*ck does it matter how many holes that get my magnificent d*ck wet?
What the f*ck does all of it matter, if not the COMPLETE Me. The REAL ME is there to experience it? What does it mean to be rich, when you are shutting out the social part of you? What does it mean to f*ck, when you are not allowing yourself to connect with the women.
I am not saying this is something you have to do and that you can't be rich without being social, nor that you can't f*ck women if you connect. I'm talking about my experiences and how I'm suppressing myself in different situations, and stopping myself from being, well from being me. The complete and real me. It's not about being successful, it's not about all that crappy shit society tells us. It's about being complete. Complete as a human, complete as a man. Complete as an individual.

Everything else right now just seems, well useless.

I'm gonna be doing a course called "Knowing Your Shadow: Becoming Intimate With All That You Are" together with "Self-Authoring". Both programs to help me overcome past scars, getting in touch with my current personal faults, and strengths. But also to get something on the way ahead for the future.

After I woke up tonight I feel like a new person. I am just so relaxed, so loving and yet filled with distraught and a feeling of grief. A grief over myself, over the suppression of myself. But here is also where the confidence/loving/relaxedness comes it. The confidence in knowing that I can and will get in better touch with myself, the love over my own disabilities and from where they come, the relaxation of knowing it will all work out fine.

Since yesterday, I really DON'T wanna go away from DMSI anywhere near the coming 6 months. I feel like the growth from it and with realizations like this. There's not much that's gonna be as beneficial to me as this... I can imagine it'll just be a short while before resistance kicks in making me wanna change subs again. But I also have a genuine interest in MLS.

With this, I'm gonna be wrapping up my DMSI journal. It's starting to become more about my personal journey rather than about DMSI. So I think it's time for me to get out while I still can Big Grin
If I do notice anything interesting or something I think can help develop DMSI is any way I'll make sure to post about it. But this is more or less the end of this journal. I will continue DMSI A for at least another 2 weeks.

Since my last post, new people are approaching and talking to me on a daily basis, people looking at me have a look of awe in their eyes on a completely new level and beautiful girls just HAVE to be around me.

DMSI is one heck of a program and I can't recommend it enough, and this is not the finished version. But I do think you shouldn't expect a "quick-fix" for your life. This is in my opinion meant to be run as a minimum 6-month program, just because of all the many changes it will make in your life.
Shannon, thank you for making such amazing products. Nothing but respect for the work you put in. Never thought I would use anything such as subliminals in my life, but it was your ethics and moral that made me at least try it out. DMSI has now made profound changes in my life all for the better. A great way to start my young life and look upon the challenges ahead.

All love.
Interesting that DMSI is leading you to similar conclusions and similar work. I'm interested in that course but haven't looked at it seeing i'm studying Inner Bonding and a few other things and that already takes up a fair bit of time.

But it's all along similar lines of allowing myself to connect with, feel and be okay with these deeper wounded feelings and making peace with them.

It's awesome that at 18 you've got to that point! I was into self development and pua stuff at 18.. but not to this depth of realization and being prepared of really dealing with the deep stuff as you are, and I am now at 32.

I give you alot of credit for that.
I've been wanting to write something here for a while now. I just haven't been entirely sure on how to formulate myself. Or actually not even sure about what to write.

Anyways, I've been semi-listening to DMSI, I've been naughty and mainly listening to other subliminal/hypnosis products. Going about 3 days between listening to DMSI and I would recommend those of you who haven't tried doing the bloom, to do so.

I've had some intense breakthroughs in my life and mindset. Especially these 2 latest weeks, I see life from a VERY different perspective. I've found appreciation in the slightest things, I see beauty wherever I go. Not beautiful girls, but beauty. Beauty in the nature around me. Beauty from the invention of things. Beauty in business.
Especially the beauty of a social relationship.
I feel like this is how it was "intended" to be. Where I as a human, can appreciate the beauty from another human. By their creation/invention, by themselves or anything else. This is for every human, even the 500 pounds girl on the train. No, I don't find her attractive, but I find her beautiful. I am not attracted to her, but I can appreciate her.

I feel like I've come to realize how this script works, at least for me personally. This has also given me a greater possibility to consciously follow along with the script and to personally take responsibility to execute it. Which is not always the easiest to do when you don't know where you're going.

Last night I looked through all my old journals, my old notes on self-development and PUA courses and everything else.
I've gotten so far and yet haven't arrived. Some goals I had forgotten about are now achieved, some are not. It's nice to go back to these things in periods and realize how much you've changed and realized yourself how much you've accomplished.

Yet through this DMSI journey, I also see what I've neglected and what I do need to work on, and it's a journey I certainly will be enjoying.

These latest 2 weeks have been beautiful. Results of a new level, manifestations taking place, social life is abundant but most importantly. I have been myself. I've opened up "ReeZoX" to other people and made a human connection to other people. That is to me, worth more than anything else. Had DMSI not changed my beliefs and perception of this world I would've never said those words but I'm glad that DMSI did change my life around like this, I find so much more enjoyment in it.

The latest changes I've done in my life is cut out things in my life that is of no or low value to me. That doesn't currently provide with making my life better. Newspapers, unnecessary apps and I'm making preparations for bigger changes as well. That said this will be my last post here for a while. There's not much more to say to it than that I wish all of you luck with all of your journeys. For those of you on DMSI or those of you thinking about getting on DMSI all I can say, is that's it is worth sticking to it. While it may be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, it doesn't mean it's not there. Just keep going, it's worth it.

Have I reached that "end of the tunnel"? I don't know. But I don't really care.
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