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Quote: Its funny how when you start to have higher opinion of your self and self worth how people want to drag you to there level or keep you where you started.
See that all the time! It goes to show that the majority of people are insecure. They do such to bring others down to their level but when it's all said and done, it doesn't do any good and the one that throws out the insult often feels worse afterword. FAIL! Smile
(01-16-2011, 02:59 AM)RainbowAbyss Wrote: [ -> ]He dude don't let that get to u
Its seems like its her saying-he doesn't want me... he must be guy-its a self preservation mechanism

The lengths people go to rationalize...

lol yeah wouldn't it be nice if everyone tried to be the best person they can be and stop blaming others for there insecurities?

I like try to understand people and there minds maybe i should go into psychology.

All in all i feel great today, and stronger then ever.
Yes anytime you sense bs coming from anyone you gotta call them on it. of course I don't feel comfortable with doing it directly yet. I usually ask questions to get to the real answer or once I finally make the other person feel bad for bsg me is when I stop infiltrating.
12th day into stage 4 of alpha male and im feeling much better and seem to be more sociable. I feel like a better and more natural confident me, even when i act goofy with the clients.

Today tho i seemed to be getting almost everyone coming up to me asking for my opinion on stuff, asking if I liked the work they had done so far and the one girl who almost cut her fingers off flirting hardcore with me.

well i had a fun time last night. Went to the bar and the strip club (am i allowed to say strip?)

Now it was fun with and with out alcohol in my blood. I pretty much did my own thing stretched out like i owned the place and just had fun with my friends. Lots of crazy moments like drink a shot of Tequila with two warms in it...(right after i told my friends we need to get something to eat and I lead the way which helped calm the affects majorly of the alcohol) I was just slightly worse then buzzed but not bad and with in the hour i was back to normal.

This task of course got the bartender lady even more into me.(the same one from a few months ago when i was using the aurora of sexiness vid. She didn't remember me and i really don't care if she did or didn't) She said something to me about not getting drunk and falling out of my chair and I teased her about it and a whole bunch of other things and she told me that i needed to stop being mean to her Wink with a giggle of course and I would say something else but always back it up with a smile and strong eye contact.

We ended up at the strip club about 8:00pm and so far the total amount of money i had spent all night was 4 $ i took a twenty out of my checking and got some ones. (that was all i was going to spend and is all that i did spend).

NOW IN NO WAY DID I EVEN FEEL NEEDY TOWARDS ANY OF THE WOMEN- In fact i was rather bored being there and decided to play with the girls instead of drool over them and cat call them like my friends.... I ended up teasing the heck out of this 18 year old with no goal in mind just pushing my self to do stuff i wouldn't normally do. She would not leave me a lone (yes i know dancers want the cash in your pocket i didn't even spend any of the ones on the dancers nor this girl till almost midnight when i felt like it Tongue) Well like the alpha male book Shannon suggest us alpha male users to read said don't leave your world but have others enter yours i may have that a bit wrong but i felt like owned the place even if the girls thought i was stingy with my money i would tease them all and they would tease me back. I just did my own thing honestly i didn't care if they loved me, my money, or hated me being there.

I would say stuff that my friends were like dude did you just say that? I was like so? its funny because i would look them in the eyes and soon as contact was made they would always smile and lose focus on what they were doing. I grew tired of it eventually Tongue and started jamming to the music and not focusing on much of anything

yes i wrote a book but whatever i had fun with the dancers and was indifferent, spoke my mind and had presence a dangerous combo Wink
WOW this is good alpha male stuff right here!

BTW are you one of the guys that switched over to 2011?
nope still on 2010 i want to finish it then do sex magnet or woman magnet and after that is done do 2011 alpha male

also i should say that the owner of the strip club was telling the other girls to stay away from me and he kept his eye on me. I wonder if my indifference made him mad or something. Or my lack of spreading the wealth like my friends...
Sounds like jealousy, woceyes! The owner of that club knew that you had "IT" and you actually had power over the girls instead of the other way around. The club owner actually likes the ones that don't have 'IT' because they will part with their money thinking that will impress the girl(s) even though it really doesn't.
AFAIC, you have done very well! Smile
(01-21-2011, 08:46 PM)ronatello Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like jealousy, woceyes! The owner of that club knew that you had "IT" and you actually had power over the girls instead of the other way around. The club owner actually likes the ones that don't have 'IT' because they will part with their money thinking that will impress the girl(s) even though it really doesn't.
AFAIC, you have done very well! Smile

Thank you Ronatello i was in the moment when i was out and it felt great. I did have a few moments of anxiety one was before i got to the bar and the other was when i got a private dance from the 18 year old.. I just let go and said f*** it ill be ok.

If that guy didn't like me as bad as my friend said because of telling the girls to stay away he could of just made something up and threw me out but he didn't. He even tried to joke with me asking why i left the seats by the stage and went back to the booth seats along the wall he asked if i was waiting for the male dancers to come out and i laughed and said only if my friends are dancing so i can leave... while looking him in the eyes and instantly hes like it was a joke man just a joke hahaha with his hands held out like hes trying to hold an invisible wall blocking him and me. I just shrugged and turned my attention else where
You got him good. that joke was obviously meant to put your self esteem down. I hate it when People do that and I just don't even comment anymore. i'm just like whatever and do something else. That's pretty much what you did.
They don't see a lot of guys come in who aren't putty in the dancer's hands. Those who aren't, are always either gay, or too high value. The latter is rarer than the former, I'd wager... so it may have been a test to see which was what.
hmm that is true Shannon I was flirting with the girls and teasing them and i can see him testing to see which is which. They were beautiful with or with out their clothes on. It was fun all and all whether they thought ill of me or not i don't really care.

The only thing tho is she said (the 18 year old) that i could at least pretend that i liked the private dance. I liked it but i guess i still don't show positive emotions that well. I did smile at her but showing my emotions (all the way) is still something hard for me to do.

O i bought the bracelet set from Californication the ones he wears in season 1 and 2 i think i need to work out so my arms don't look so skinny :p
Personally, I don't see much point to strip clubs. A few of my models have been "exotic dancers" and they can't figure out why guys go there either. But hey, the money's good.
I agree Shannon i was hanging out with some friends who wanted to chill. It was there Idea to go there, I could care less. The last time I went to a strip club was when i turned 21 and I dont really care if i go again.

The money is good, the women are generally fake and very good at flirting which is why i thought i would have some fun.

Now today i finally went and got a hair cut (no more shaggy Beatles hairstyle) and the girl cutting it seemed like a high quality girl. She seemed comfortable talking to me about anything and kept smiling at me and of course eye contact. I flirted, teased with her, and general banter with ease. Should have asked her for her number theirs always next time Wink
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