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Yes woceyes. Take things at your own discretion. I personally like things to happen faster but I naturally step out of my comfort zone slowly and I don't take the biggest leaps. I take small leaps once at a time. I think back to the bartenderess I gave my number to and next time I know to not have the fear of being judged and make a better first impression. When you make a good first impression it actually is easier to follow through with better results. In your case you just have to take the next step because it's already set up for you!
Spiral i have been stepping out of my old comfort zone a lot and moving forward on somethings its a nice big step on others its a baby step. I do sometimes feel lost when it comes to certain things but if i don't make mistakes then how will i learn. Smile

I did get my friends sisters number (actually she gave it to me i didn't ask) and texted her a bit but not a lot i don't really like texting conversations i would rather talk in person. I will start to take bigger steps as it wont kill me and Alpha Male really has helped me be confident enough to move. Besides you have better stories if you actually try Wink

Just like Garth brooks song standing outside the fire "Life is not tried it is merely survived If you're standing outside the fire"
Well went out drinking with my Friends again this time sporting my new watch Smile

Well last night i felt great and did step out some more out of my comfort zone but i also got drunk and mumbling with my words. It was fun we did our own thing and were laughing so loud the entire bar was looking at us like WTF and just enjoyed the joking around we did. we were supposed to go see a movie but ended up drinking to much and went (because of my friend wanting to go there for his birthday) to the strip club.

well as you all may remember the owner there didn't seem to like me my first encounter there this year and my game was way off into left field last time. I was definitely stronger this time as the owner looking at me gos hey and dose a gay guy impersonation when seeing me and of course i just laugh it off I really don't care. My one friend the DD sat at the bar all tired and he would keep screwing with him and doing more gay stuff towards him. He kept staring at me but didn't do anything else since.

I was in zone with my indifference, and i did tip the girls but not a whole lot and the one that was friends with one of my friends called me and the one being teased by the owner cheap asses i laughed and told her if she wants more money she needs to dance better. Wink Well she kept talking to my friend and he would of course dis me like friends do in a joking sense. Every once in a while to try to bring me down and i wouldn't let him. I asked her what she likes in a man since she didn't like scrawny guys like me. (total lie) she said big guys like your friend and rubs his stomach i said keep rubbing it and he may be your Buddha. He got mad and threw out i didn't have my license to drive to bring me down i was like yeah i don't have it I was a major procrastinator and really didn't give a shit if i had it. She laughed and it backfired when she said it took her a while as well because she is a professional as well.

Well the money i was laying down wasn't mine anyways but i told her all i had left was a dollar and to make the dance worth it.. She of course gave me that look like your f***er and continued to dance but accepted it anyways then my friend hands me some more ones and she sees and starts dancing better which landed her some more ones lol

We had gone and sat in a booth seat and she had finished dancing cleaned up and got some cake and sat next to me then my friend sat next to her and told her to put the frosting on my face as i would get angry. She did all over my lips and part of my cheek. I just laughed and said how dose my makeup look? which made her laugh and completely ruin his plan for trying to get the stripper granted she knows he has cash and was paying heavy so his game was gone a long time ago...

eventually i was teasing her when she was on stage by saying or doing random stuff like go to add a dollar then pull away and making a serious face when she expected me to be smiling or smirking. Honestly i didn't give a sh** we were there for his birthday and i don't want anything from any of them. My whole attitude and body language (a lot of leaning back, arms on the back of my head, stretching out) Gave this is my space and stay away don't even try to play me ladies vibe. Even tho all the dancers wanted me to talk to them or give up the cash. like the first time i told you guys.

That girl that put the cake on my face we ended up staying for on more of her dances and i used the last of the cash my friend gave me to her. Well she told me they have a love hate relation ship (her and my friend then came over to me asked me to stand up and she lifted my shirt and bit my nipple pretty hard theirs teeth marks lol. Then we left and she gave us both a hug good by and then off to Dennys for food.

Theres not a lot of high quality women in this town i think they can feel i am above them or i still come off as in a bad mood, stay away type of thing. Whatever reason i know it will be ok Smile
After talking to my mom and dad about my "Friends" I really am getting tired of there antics and always wanting to go to the strip club and getting drunk every weekend. I Can't justify doing it anymore. I think the reason i kept doing it was because they were my first friends outside of high school and have helped me do a lot of stuff to over come my many problems i had as an antisocial person i used to be. I am afraid to let them go but I have come to the realization that as i grow they are not. As i better my self for me they are not doing the same for themselves. This perverted hi jinks of drinking and paying money to see naked chicks is not the life style i want. I feel so low when i do that as a person.

Time is coming for a new start and a change of other things that don't live up to my standard. I thought it was just the type of women i wanted that changed. Now i see its everything in your life that needs to change to match how you perceive the world.

I will leave the post before this one up for a reminder of a life i don't want, the friends who are not up to scale and motivation to break free of this old perception.
Hmm, this is inspiring motivation woyceyes
but what do u want? Dropping everything just to get rid of it
without knowing where ur going is a recipe for the
Greyzone. It sounds like u could use a change of friends, and possibly
a hiatus from paying to see naked chicks, but nothing wrong with spending
a night or to on the town in my opinion especially if ur pushing ur boundries, making connections
and being real with urself, others, and ur desires.
the hiatus yes, i didn't want to go any of the times i went to the strip club. Going out on the town and having fun meeting new people is something i would like to do. Whenever we go tho its always get drunk stay in our group and then go to the strip club. You can't really do that in a strip club especially when you don't want to be there. We were supposed to go to a dance club but at the last minuet my friend changed his mind and wanted to go there...

Its not really dropping them with out knowing where to go. I would like to have to have friends who want to do more then just drink to get drunk and go to the strip joint. There is so much stuff out there to do that the group i have now just dose not want to try any of it.

I would go check out local bands, art shows, go camping and rock climbing, sky diving, shooting some paintballs, hiking, Fishing, buy a dirt bike and ride it out in the woods. Just about anything else that would be better then sitting at a bar getting drunk and calling each other names. They don't even want to talk to people or socialize.

O for the record i didn't use any of my money at the strip club, Its like you said porn and strippers and anything else that isn't real it only hurts you. I personally find women in high heels and lingerie more appealing then straight up naked..
Amen to that last statement
and all ur activities sound awesome, I wanna go skydiving
but am def. Scared, even though I luv heights.
Ur right that would be really fulfilling to do all that stuff instead of just getting wasting.
But I might get wasted and THEN go dirt biking lol
lol id get wasted and dirt bike, hell id drink when falling out of the airplane Big Grin

sounds like if we Alphas in training met up we would have one heck of an awesome time that would be remembered forever. We would have great stories to tell.

Im not scared of heights i would be more afraid my chute wasn't packed right but if it was my time to go at least it was doing something awesome Smile
Haha good attitude
Well not sure if its because of stage 4 settling or stage 5 starting but my friends sister caved to him about liking me and went into all the reasons why with him... Then she writes me on facebook

"Hey sorry haven't texted don't have my phone... Which I'm sure you already know so what's new? And for the record I lied I do in fact like you which you probably also already know hmmm well yea learning to be more open and honest lol sorry if it's too weird and too honest.."

Well theirs a few bad things to this 1) shes 17 and 2) shes my best friends sister but interesting none the less.

On a side note the girl who cut her fingers off wished me a happy valentines day all seductively at work today and my friend was teasing her by saying how he will take her to the store so she can get me valentines day stuff and she was all blushing and nervous.
did this girl get her fingers sewn back on?
Ask your best friend if his sister was of age would it be weird for you and her to get together, if he says no then
tell your friends sister you'll bone her for her 18th birthday,
problem solvedSmile
@ spiral she didn't cut all the way through her fingers but came close and they have healed pretty nicely kind of gruesome looking but at least she still has them.

@Rainbow He has stated more then once that i should not go out with her and told her he forbids her from seeing me. But your idea of boning her when shes 18 is not half bad. Wink

In the alpha male book John says not to mention sex as it will trigger the logic side of a woman's mind but The Alpha Male gos for what he wants is it better to be direct like rainbow said or to push things that way?
(02-15-2011, 07:50 PM)woceyes Wrote: [ -> ]In the alpha male book John says not to mention sex as it will trigger the logic side of a woman's mind but The Alpha Male gos for what he wants is it better to be direct like rainbow said or to push things that way?

That depends on a lot of variables... not the least of which is how the woman herself thinks and responds.
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