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thank you rainbow, I concur finishing this set is only the beginning.

Im not sure if its because im finishing the set after 6 great months or of something else is making me feel like im missing something still. I had a huge high that seemed to dwindle down again. Ego control maybe?
I have not been walking with as much swagger in my step lately but that might just be because of my back hurting more (stupid pallet building). I need to get it checked and maybe buy a bean bag or something to replace my computer chair.
(04-04-2011, 08:08 PM)woceyes Wrote: [ -> ][snip]

I thank you once again Shannon for the Alpha male set. Your program has helped me grown in more ways then one. I still have 10 days left on stage 6 and sometime after that ill have my full review of the Alpha male set 2010. I also would like to thank everyone who has commented or helped me on my journey it was much appreciated

If you guys read this far I feel more like The natural Leo that i was born to be.

I can't tell you how good it makes me feel to know that my efforts to make my own life better has made such a positivedifference for others. Especially considering the response I got when I first came up with the idea.
(04-07-2011, 03:26 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I can't tell you how good it makes me feel to know that my efforts to make my own life better has made such a positive difference for others. Especially considering the response I got when I first came up with the idea.

I love the program and will definitely use the latest one again after i buy sex magnet and complete that set.

Im almost done with stage 6. Im not really noticing much except everything has mellowed out a lot, All the stages together but in a steady even flow. I like that it is doing that but hate not having that high i had in other stages.

On a even better note. Before i did the set i would feel the energy inside build up when talking to a girl i was attracted to and i contributed it to nervous energy. Now i think of it as excited energy that feels awesome. It makes me feel alive.

I did have some moments of insecurity with myself over the weekend and some more doubt. I am told by everyone i give off great presence and confidence but sometimes it feels like i don't.
Sounds like me, Woceyes! And I got the same effects with stage 6 as you got: everything chilled out and it really felt like an anticlimax more than anything, lol! With Alpha male 2010 behind me (it's been over a month since completing AM 2010), I'm still more or less in that chilled state that Stage 6 left me. I'm running Sex Magnet now so that's going to be interesting for me. I haven't got jumped yet but then again it's only been 24 hours.
(04-11-2011, 08:40 PM)ronatello Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like me, Woceyes! And I got the same effects with stage 6 as you got: everything chilled out and it really felt like an anticlimax more than anything, lol! With Alpha male 2010 behind me (it's been over a month since completing AM 2010), I'm still more or less in that chilled state that Stage 6 left me. I'm running Sex Magnet now so that's going to be interesting for me. I haven't got jumped yet but then again it's only been 24 hours.

lol well that is good to know about alpha male and im hoping to start sex magnet sometime in the next month or so depending on how much i can save.

Can't wait to hear some of your future exploits Wink
almost finished with the set. (2 more days, i didn't get very much time in sat so i am adding another day)

Today i feel very confident and dominant. Big Grin and did my own thing even at work lol.

I will do improve your flirting skills sub again until i have enough money for Sex Magnet. I am curious to see how the flirt sub will be different this time around.
I want a full report on how the alpha set impacted you on my desk pronto. Wink
aye aye Captain Shannon.

I just need to think of what all impacted me and try to articulate it.
that was a delightful exchange lol
woceyes I think ull love stage 6 2011, it isn't always on, but when its on, the high is otherworldly.
Alpha subliminal productive dope if you will. You have about a year from now and you'll be there again!
Final Report For Alpha Male 2010

Alpha Male 2010 was a rough set to go through. There was a lot of resistance, mood swings and bad days, but that was usually in the begging of each stage. This of course for me led to days where i was extremely confident,relaxed, non-needy,a better me, and very social.

The Alpha Male program dose exactly like the product description says it will do. I have become a healthier man because of it. Although i don't think one run of the program will do it, there will definitely be more runs under my belt with the latest versions of Alpha Male.

The only thing that Alpha Male never really got me doing was Exercising. I never felt the need to exercise. That could be because i am constantly moving at work and using my muscles or my lack of motivation and procrastination when it comes to exercising. I have decided in about the last few weeks or so to push my self to getting into better shape.

I Have pushed my self out of my old comfort zone a lot during this set. There is still a lot i have to push my self on but with my new roommate in my head that is a positive reinforcement Ego vs and negative one I had. There were a lot of frustrating moments for me (mostly towards the women I took an interest in). My inexperience with women caused most of these frustrating moments. I realize every man has to start some where and some how. This program has helped me to do that. My heart has started to thaw towards women and I am starting to let them into my life easier.

All and all I would say Alpha Program is an Awesome program. If i had this program back in high school things would be different in my life. Better to have done something now then to never have done anything. Big Grin

Thank you again Shannon for an awesome product.
That sounds like me, Woceyes! And congrats on making it through! It is definitely not a free ride and I have had my share of rough days, especially with stage 4. And like you, I feel the need for subsequent runs through Alpha Male. As I'm doing SM 2011 now, I will continue with that and return to Alpha Male 2011 this November.
Thank you Ron it was a fun ride and i am kind of sad its over lol till next time.

That is what im thinking of doing after i buy sex magnet of course. My line up is the flirt sub, sex magnet 2011, and then alpha male 2011.
This will be exciting.
(03-23-2011, 04:54 PM)woceyes Wrote: [ -> ]today was funny. I had seen my "Fiancee" but didn't get a chance to say morning and tease her a bit. So my friend who works in the same area as her had come down to get something from my line. I asked him if he could say "Your ex says hi, and that he hopes the pool boy was worth it because you ruined it for us." Tongue

Well he did he also added and the milkman. Well when i had caught up with her at lunch she said to me "lol the milkman err i mean the pool boy." "i go wait! you did the milkman too, not just the pool boy?"
she of course laughed. Then i go "who else the gardner, the mailman, and the paperboy?" This of course made her laugh even more. She replies I haven't given anyone one pleasure and no one has given me pleasure. In fact i give my self pleasure."

I of course was thrown off on that last statement. My friend said i should have replied well ill give you pleasure but I didn't. So my question to you guys is what would you have said or done?

O yes i borrowed that from Ryan thanks man lol

Hey man,

I know I'm a bit late with this but here's my take on it... BTW I have no clue what you borrowed from me lol.

Honestly, do not use your friends line lol, that's cheesy and sounds like something a typical guy would say. Is this at school? If so, are you comfortable actually making out with this girl at school? If you want to successfully make out with this girl, you need to really feel that you can do so... What I mean by that is there will be a natural instinct that it is ok to take things further. I would have escalated it if you felt ok doing so. Take baby steps for now, you don't need to go for ALL of it at once. Grab her hand, walk with her a little. Let go of it, grab it again (push/pull makes them extremely attracted). Push her away at times and pull her back in at times. Grab it, push her off/let go and saying "Grr who said you could hold my hand?!" then smile and grab her hand again. This girl sounds very, very playful which is great for you. When the time is right for kissing, you'll know. Just place your hand on the side of her head and pull her in. Usually the kino of holding hands, touching will make appearance before hand and let you know, it's ok to proceed further. Feel things out all the way towards sex. Be aggressive or be romantic, whichever mood you feel is right. Though I really enjoy pushing a girl up against me on a wall.

You could try other things then holding hands if you feel uncomfortable with that too. Touching her back, shoulders, arm around shoulder, tickling (ask her if she's ticklish and explore her ticklish spots lol upper arms, belly, knees, thighs, back, neck), arms around waist from behind, if you're near a lake/river/fountain/pool scare her like you're going to push her in and then pull her back to you. Oh and if you are not feeling this at school, that's ok, get her out of the school zone quickly. Ask her out for a drink, coffee, or something, it's usually more comfortable.

This is how it works for me:

Together -> Flirting/talking -> Touching -> Kissing -> Intimate touching/feeling -> Oral -> Sex
thank you Ryan i used the pool boy bit from your online dating writeup you did on your post. (honestly i didn't mean to say pool boy but it worked non the less) the rest was pretty much as i went. My friend only added and the milkman and because of this she got what i said mixed up.

I wont, nor will i ever use any lines or stuff my friend(s) tell me. I find using my humor and sometimes random ways works better for me. I was thinking about your post when inspiration took a hold of me for the joking. Only i used it as a means to why her and i called off our "engagement" and it helped me escalate. It was all my joke not his.

By line i meant area of where we work, he works on the recycle department (my friend and where she works) i work on pallets. I see my horrible writing skills did misconstrue that. :/ its not in a school setting that's for sure but it is work and i will only do so much i wont cross that line into sexual harassment.

That is great advice Ryan thank you. I think my overall problem was lack of sexual confidence and a little outcome dependent. i like what you wrote it on how you do it, it will help me a lot.
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