STAGE 1 - DAY 1 OF AM 5.0
I want to give a short summary of my story on the subliminal train. It looks like this;
1. Absolute Self Confidence 3G/4G ~ 1 month
2. Aura of Sexiness 3G/4Ga ~ 1 month
3. Alpha Male 2011 ~ 6 months
4. Sex Magnet 2011 ~ 6 months
5. Alpha Male Refresher (Stage 6) ~ 1 month
6. Woman Magnet 2.0 ~ 6 month
7. Alpha Male 5.0 ~ NOW
On another point. I'm resuming my 30 days in China in this thread...
DAY 8 & 9 & 10
I used my time on other things during these past days and which I really am not pleased with in regards of the women area. I have zero momentum at the moment.
So what happened? I'm living in the same hotel room as my mom and brother. I also am going out and eating dinner with them because I kinda "have to". They have no idea how my kind of lifestyle looks like and + they do not understand what it is like. I have to lead them all the time.. unless they finally can think of something to do themselves...
It's just an excuse though. I guess I've become more comfortable and am focusing on being more "good" to myself than I did the previous year. The previous year I would go out very often, both in the day and in the night, by myself. Though I wasn't comfortable doing it at all, I still did because I had faith in something. The results weren't very great either and I wasted some money sometimes but learned my lessons from them.
This year I feel much more mature and grounded.
So since I've had a laser correction last month, I've taken things slower. My eyes are very sensitive to bright lights.
I'm using my time every day to increase the "passive" skills of a ladies man like,
- Body-language correction and eye-contact
- Going up close past to girls, (like I'm going to talk to them) and then just walk past to get comfortable of walking over to them
- Reading out loud and practicing my voice
- Doing my studies
- Meditate
I've been focused on these things only lately and it has made me feeling more "okay" with what I'm using my time on. (instead of being annoyed that I'm hanging with my mother and brother, and wasting my time instead of bettering myself)
Usually I'm very unconscious of what's going on in interactions with women. The body language part I have a good awareness over but what we were saying to each other and how it was being said, I wasn't really aware of.
I've always just felt how the vibe was and I disliked a bad vibe and would remove myself seconds after.
So.. the rest of the 30 days, I'll be focusing on conversation, push-pull and rapport with whomever I encounter!
(07-14-2013, 04:37 AM)LionMonkey Wrote: [ -> ]Usually I'm very unconscious of what's going on in interactions with women. The body language part I have a good awareness over but what we were saying to each other and how it was being said, I wasn't really aware of.
I've always just felt how the vibe was and I disliked a bad vibe and would remove myself seconds after.
I think this is a big one. Vibing is important, it doesn't really matter what is said, just make sure you're not following her lead. And then, GET THE NUMBER! You can do all the conversations in the world but unless you start to follow things up, nothing's gonna happen.
Look forward to your results, I imagine they will be powerful with the subs you've got under your hood. Good luck.
DAY 11 – DAYTIME - 3 interesting encounters with 3 different girls
I was very troubled by my mother and brother today. So I have decided that I will spend less time with them because their influence in my life is not good for me (lots of negativity and useless talk about things that doesn’t matter).
Today I spent a lot of time in a bookstore café (love these places!) and did my studies and read a lot. After I was finished with "The Talent Code" (I recommend a lot for self-improvement) I've begun reading "Casanova - The Story of My Life".
Girl 1 – Cute French Blonde
A bit after beginning my studies, there were 2 girls I noticed that I could talk to. They weren’t the hottest girls and I’ve changed my mindset to, once again, “just looking to see who she is as a person and socializing”.
Mostly because you know the mood you are in.. when you haven't socialized for quite some time.. you become rusty, and it becomes hard to just do it?
That’s exactly how I felt. The longer it took me to do it, the harder it got. In the end, I was like.. "this is ridicules! I'm going to do it anyway now, just for the sake of giving myself a lesson that I should not hesitate or I will with higher percentage get a bad rejection – I kind of hoped that it would go as ridicules as I felt".
After 2 hours I had finished my studies. I were considering for 10 minutes before I finally decided.
So eventually I went over to the blonde girl. Feeling very uneasy. She was the one who seemed more nervous than me, which fortunately with my former experience and my grounding, did not made me more nervous. I was able to repress the unease and act chill.
I just told her what I was thinking as I took the free seat opposite her, “Hi.. this is ridicules. I was bored and I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while... so hi”
She was a bit nervous and friendly. We talked for while, she was French, leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.
Then after 3 minutes I told her that I’m actually leaving soon and then she said, “Me too” and she just stood up, which surprised me because I didn’t mean “now”.
So she said goodbye to her friends and looked at me a bit lingering and said goodbye to me after…
First after the incident, I understood that she wanted to leave with me in a manner of, we both had to leave, casual. A perfect opportunity to create an instant-date but my brain got stuck in the moment.
Another hard lesson learned.
Girl 2 – Chinese, lobby-waiting girl
When I came back to my hotel-room my brother and mother was sleeping. Nice. So I took my apple and went down to read and study more about social dynamics and female psychology.
Down at the lobby all the tables were occupied. I walked straight to a table in front of me, where an ok looking Chinese girl were seated and asked,
me: hi can I sit here?
her: yes
I sit down and open my laptop.
me: so.. what are you doing here?
(she was a bit nervous)
her: I’m waiting for my friend
me: ohh really.. have you been waiting long?
her: about 20 minutes or so
me: interesting (looking at my laptop) I would be so angry if my friend were letting me wait for 20 minutes or more!
her: yeah I know.. (smiling)
her: are you going to do something on your laptop? Am I interrupting you?
me: nono, it’s okay
I did some teasing (which I usually overdo but I’ve become much more conscious of it and now it’s much more controlled) and let her guess some stuff about me.
It was interesting to see the cultural difference from this girl compared to western girls.
Got to practice my conversational skills and got into rapport. Exactly what I wanted to practice. She asked me a lot of questions and I caught myself not to talk too much about myself so I turned it around and asked about her.
her: I can teach you Chinese maybe?
me: sure.. that would be fun.. but how would you do that?
her: do you got ‘we chat’?
me: yeah, sure
she added me since my phone was recharging upstairs.
Eventually her friend came and we bid farewell.
Girl 3 – The former German Blonde I screwed it with
After the Chinese girl left I resumed reading about making rapport and stuff like what I’ve just been doing with the girl lol.
5 minutes after the Blonde German comes into the hotel and walk towards me to her apartment. I notice her and I sensed she tried to avoid me, then I looked up and we hit eye-contact, “hi” she stopped and came over to me.
her: you are still here
me: yeah, I’m staying longer than I thought.. probably one week more.
her: ohh okay
me: so how’s it going? what have you been up to?
her: I just finished work.
me: ahh, I see (she had a blazer and white shirt on) so what are up to?
her: I'm going up to my room to my friend. Going to see if she is still sleeping. Then we are probably going out to and eat, with some more friends. You can join if you want.
(looking back on it now, she's the kind of girl, who want to seem like
having many friends)
me: thank you for the invite, that's sweet of you.
her: so do you want to come?
me: (looking troubled and thoughtful. after 5 seconds) sure. That would be fun. Just to see what's going to happen. Are you going, now?
her: I don't know.. probably in half an hour or so.. I will write you.
me: yeah text me where you are going or when you leave.
her: okay (looking blasé) see you.
It has been over 1 hour now and she haven't texted me. Going out with my brother to get something to eat now in lovely Beijing. I'm starving!
DAY 12 - DAYTIME - Reflection & social intuition and awareness
I notice some interesting things when I'm out. My mother wanted to accompany me with my studies and is kind of clingy to me, which sucks because I'm not meeting any girls when she's with me but.. I do love her.
At the bookstore there were a group of 3 people, 2 girls, 1 guy sitting across us. The sub-communication the blonde and I exchanged was interesting. She wasn't very confident but she definitely spoke the language and was not afraid to speak it when opportunities arose.
When me and my mother was waiting for my brother outside Starbucks, I noticed a western guy approach 3 Chinese women almost right in front of me.
He lacked social skills and his body-language became weak after the initial approach. He leaned in with his ear for example, which signals "I'm not enough".
Kudos for him having balls to do it though.
One of the girls whispered something to the other one, who was not talking to the guy and looked at me while I observed this scenario.
It was very interesting to see because I've been that guy! and how much it has changed, where now the girls often become nervous or very attentive when I approach rather than, "ohh.. just a harmless boy".
It's pretty much the same kind of thing as back when I was practicing kung-fu. I remember when I had been training for 2-3 years and I had moments where I thought "it's all the same… what's next?"
Then not many sessions after, we had a mixed session with the beginners and sparred with them and I noticed the HUGE difference. I could play with them and I was very much in control of the outcome.
It's difficult to notice your own change because you play the game by the level you are at (if you improve every day) to see a beginner is like a nostalgic, fun flashback of yourself...
DAY 13 - DAYTIME - Improv & mass passive attraction
(I've been fine-tuning my body-language lately and it has showed great effect)
After some kickass workout this morning, I felt extremely chill. Later I went to the bookstore and interesting enough, I was extremely focused in whatever I was doing. I remembered much more of what I read and listened to. Almost no distractions could enter my attention.
My senses were heightened.. what a great state to be in!
Got reminded by Giacomo Casanova of being aware of all my senses all the time. "Life is about living, to experience with all of your senses to the utmost".
In the middle of my studies the Chinese girl, who was supposed to come with me to improv tonight, declined with,
her: Hey James, I can not go with u today
(2 hours later)
me: xyz! No problem. I'm so tired today! Not sure why.. but I gonna go anyway. I can sleep when I'm dead. How's your job treating you?
(1 hour later)
her: I have to over work today (joyful smiley)
Anyways, after I finished at the bookstore I went to the improv class for my second time.
When people were waiting for it to begin, this tall Chinese dude comes over to me and ask me something in Chinese.
me: yeah, this is the improv
He was a friendly tall (2 meters) guy. His first time at improv.
(I have no freaking idea why, except that they usually are very friendly.. but I always make friends with tall guys and I'm only 1.70m)
This times improv there were a lot of imagination exercises and fast thinking.
- Say a word and the person next to you say another word, associated with it. I.e. apple.. pear… green.. trees… birds.. sky… blue etc..
- Giving an invisible gift to the person next to you (in whatever way you can imagine) and the person would say, "ohh thank you this is a [insert thing]..."
- Fun competitive fast reaction game: you stand against another person and there's a judge asking a question i.e. "what's your favorite color?" or "where in the world do you want to go the most?" or "who do you want to kiss in the morning?"
The answer has to be logical but it doesn't matter if you answer red or black, China or Holland, me or my girlfriend. After the answer you say bam bam! and then the person who's slowest dies.
A very interesting exercise related to game… Thinking fast but doesn't matter what you say as long as you say something related to it and you cannot be affected by the opponents initiative because you'll get shoved in your head…
After the improv there were a standup comedy show
I went up to the bar to get a ginger ale, with the tall guy and we began to talk to 3 interesting americans, who also joined the improv class, late. 1 were black, big and fun, 1 were hot, small and asian, 1 were old, experienced and friendly.
So we had our little exchanges of conversation with them and then I told the tall dude that we should take these two seats and watch the show.
After 5 mins, the 3 americans came and were standing behind us to see the show. The little, hot, asian told the tall guy to give her his seat because he's so tall and blablabla and the black guy also said some weak stuff…
She wanted to sit beside me.. aww… but it was quite rude to try to push the tall friendly guy away. He even looked at me for support.
I didn't do anything but was completely aware of what was happening. It is my experience that tells me to let the weaker learn to manage themselves, to let them not to look for others to help them in their own small decision-makings. So they can be strong themselves and not rely on others.
The tall guy was about to move in the beginning but as nothing decisive happened the girl eventually said, "I was just kidding…"
Anyways, the show started and the cute, brunette hostess in hotpants gave me intense eye-contact every time she was on stage.
The show had a few fun comedians and continued for over an hour. I had some great laughs. The time was around midnight.
I got hungry and tired in the end, so I stood up, surrounded by people, and walked towards the exit. In my pathway this blonde stared at me with wide eyes while I walked towards her direction.
I got something to eat back at the hotel restaurant. I saw 3 gorgeous, stylish girls sitting with a 1588¥ big champagne. They were sitting outside, probably celebrating something. "Interesting" I thought.
Eventually a 30's-40's guy sat with them and I figured that he must have been their sugar-daddy. I had weak thoughts about approaching them.
When I went up to pay I look back, over my shoulders and hit eye-contact with one of the gorgeous girls who just walked in. It was like sex when we looked at each other that moment.
I was walking behind them as we were walking out of the restaurant. They were tall.. probably models. She was quite drunk though and I let a possible opportunity slip, once again.
It's time for more spontaneous adventures……………..
Stage 1 - Day 6 - Some reflections of the previous year(s)
I haven't really noticed this before now! but it is pretty incredible how a subliminal can affect you (and I'm almost 100% that it is because of the subliminal).
While still on WM 2.0 here in Beijing, I went out at night to meet women even though I did not feel like it at all but.. I did it anyway.
Now that I'm on Alpha Male 5.0 I've just become a guy, who does what he needs to do to improve. Women has become a thing to enjoy rather than an activity in which I proactively meet them.
I've begun to,
- Study every day (before I would study very little)
- Read out loud to improve my voice
- Do my workouts more regularly
- Meditate every night before sleep
- Hold myself very strong and authentic
It's Friday night and I'm "supposed" to go out and have fun meeting women but I've decided not to. It was pretty easy to make that decision and I think it is very much because of AM 5.0.
Last year (where I was running AoS 3G) and the year before that, I would go out every day but without direction. Just wandering around without any purpose. It felt uncomfortable in the days and I would eventually get my nerves up to talk to big or small groups with an intensity and unease which stem from my uneasiness.
I guess I was still initiating myself into the world by myself. Having had a lot of experiences from very ill approaches to voluntarily go into the ring against another boxer in muaythai to wasted nights of, "as long as it was fun" (and I did not reflect on what I could learn from the experiences because of stupidity and alcohol). My self-esteem were always in limbo when I took upon a new adventure, uncomfortable how it may be.
All these experiences echoes in me now that I'm much cooler than I think. Even though I was thinking I was pretty cool there wasn't enough solid ground to hold the belief.
Basically it was my core of "self-talk" that wasn't developed very well...
With that said, I've grown SO much since last year and I'm not 100% sure what has supported me in this big growth but what I think might have been are:
- Going to Bucharest and taking a week-long workshop on "celebration of life & women" (just before going to China)
- Stopped practicing kung-fu after 7 years because I needed change. Began going to fitness-center instead and got bigger (after one year of no kungfu, I've become less focused and spirited. planning to start again and combine it with the fitness center when this vacation is finished)
- Getting a local mentor for meeting women and went out with him 6-8 times where one of my critical barriers got broken down by his "very few words" guidance. Most of the time as we entered a bar, he would just begin talk to a girl and I would stand there and look stupid, so it forced me to understand that, if you want to be strong, you do not have anyone as a comfort blanket. So I tried my best to just talk to some girl. Something most people are unfamiliar with.
It resulted in hanging with him and his friends a few times who were all great with women (having had women as their focus before...) and who are all entrepreneurs, focusing their minds on one thing.. 'success'
- Moved out and lived with a friend in central Copenhagen for 3 months
- Reconnect with few of those people in London for a get-together (where some of the same people told me I've changed)
- Got a few new, crazy friends that were also into meeting women and grew from my old ones
- Went out a lot of nights by myself or with a friend to get more reference experiences and to use what I've learned throughout the months...
I've decided to end the 30 day challenge of meeting women every day because I'm too weak to go through the obstacles that my situation creates.
I'll probably start one again when my vacation is over with more private space for myself...
Stage 1 - Day 14 - Traveling & Increased annoyance
I've been to an Island for 5 days called Qingdao (Tsingtao) and there were no wifi on the hotels.
I shared a double bedded room with my grandmother. She is maybe one of the most annoying person ever, in a way that makes you lose your sense of self by asking unnecessary questions and saying things that doesn't matter at all. (I thought my brothers negativity was the worst I could encounter but alas...)
I've noticed that I talk very little now, since I had to ignore most of her bullshit and it has become a bit of a habit.
I'm amazed at my patience and sometimes it goes in a direction of procrastinating because of the habit which can quickly lead to laziness when you are traveling with a family group and most of the time, you cannot go and do your own thing.
My temperament has been on edge many times lately but I've directed the outer noise more in the ignoring way.
I was on the beach and swimming a bit and I noticed this;
When you feel comfortable, just go into cold water and you'll feel ALIVE! Simplest way but not always easy.
Just like meeting women, you gotta just jump into the water!
Stage 1 - Day 18 - Motivated
We are living in this 5 star hotel with a gym and a swimming-pool. How nice it is to start working out again. Been following a work-out program, then hit the pool for some swimming while almost drowning in the beginning

, for the past 3 days and my body is sore all over. It feels amazing.
I'm much less stressed and annoyed by my environment. Which in turn also makes my ego go away to a little noise.
Had a little fight with my brother for not going to a place, because he really had no better things to do but he only thought about the negative side of going and since he doesn't believe in himself.. it doesn't make it a bit better. I made him sad and angry but he forgets fast..
Gotta learn to deal with such kind of situations better. Which is just to be able to manipulate better, by having a wider awareness of him and the situation mixed with more creativity. It is for his own best.
My family tells me I've become more mature this year and I know what they mean.
It is being able to stay grounded in your own reality. I used to smile or laugh more in reacting ways. Now I do it more proactively.
Also I react very little to what I used to and I do it consciously. It is a focus that I gotta keep and remind myself of not reacting because it will make me feel good in THAT moment but then fade into me feeling ungrounded...
Stage 1 - Day 24 - Back to my hometown, now back in Beijing
These past days we went to our old home at our little town where I was partly raised. Nothing to do. No internet. I used my time to play with my 8 year old nephew and have dinner and breakfast with family members.
Something I've noticed is that lots of people are unaware of how to maintain a good vibe because of their personal issues.
Or maybe it's just me...
I'm not sure and here's why;
My uncle is a friendly, great guy but sometimes when we are sitting in his car and his son, my nephew, make bad manners, he gets extremely loud and scorns him while me and my brother is sitting in the car.
I feel it's not respectful of our presence and I feel annoyed by it.
The same is for many people that are not empathic to people around them. Being ignorant of others presence while creating a bad vibe because of the persons issue with another person.
I think it's the most anti-seductive trait.
With that said, I've created situations like that myself before and all the times I've done that I've been controlled by my emotions.
EDIT: In the airport I saw two blondes and I became extremely curious as what they've been doing in this city because I have never seen western people in this city.
(I was very self-conscious today but the voice was very low pitched)
On the way to boarding the plane from the bus, I finally asked them. They were from Norway and had been to a wedding. I was so rusty in socializing that I just said, ohh.. interesting.. and walked away, where instead I could have taken it in a fun direction.
I'm in Beijing again and a Swedish friend of mine is here too, who is also into game. Sweet.
Let's see if AM Stage 1 helps or blocks my intention of going out and meeting women proactively...
PS. anyone have experience with Special Meditations 10 Volume Set? It seems interesting
Stage 1 - Day 25 - Back to clubbing
Yesterday, after some struggle through empty bars and finding the right street, I went to clubbing which I haven't been for several months. Since my friend was leaving tonight, yesterday was our last night.
My friend was able to approach a lot despite the fact that he hasn't been doing any sort of night-game for two weeks. Me on the other hand had a hard time.. mostly in the beginning.
I have identified two contradicting beliefs (that I have created by my former and recent experiences with people) which makes it hard to do what's necessary in the night. I'm talking about solid intent here.
- I treat others as I want to be treated myself
- I have to go in strong to get a girl out of her autopilot
The club was a high-end club with lots of Chinese girls and one big group of western MODELS of guys and girls!
I approached several of them in different locations and venues.
They were either as tall as me or taller and almost all of them were rude.
I called it out on them and left. Approaching hot girls, who doesn't seem like having fun, and with bitch-shields on like that is hard when they are the first ones you cold-approach.. and my contradicting beliefs did not help either.
My approaches were solid with good body-language. I stood my ground but my mistake was that I cared about her ignorant reaction (and a bit too far proximity between us). I shall instead think 'how can I make this fun for me?'
What they mostly did was looking at me, then looked away under 5 seconds of me starting to talk.
I noticed two of them looking back after I had left.
The thing is.. I get their world. I was just too weak in the moment to communicate that. And also just too weak to communicate the dominance that was needed for these kind of girls in these kinds of situations.
My friend was too one-sided with the girls he approached and almost all of them tried to escape him. He was really aggressive and pretty persisting but he don't have a solid foundation in what he did. His weakness was that he had no empathy in his approach but his strength was that his personality was more on display while for me on the other hand was too little on display.
(when I begin to judge girls from their looks, it just gets me out of the moment and I actively let my thinking pass by creating my own party 'motion creates emotion' BUT without including anyone because I'm caring about not to be reaction seeking, so I'm just having fun by myself) what a mindfuck! hmm it's not 100% freedom and my guess is that people feel that so they are not as willing to freely join...
The chinese girls on the other hand was much more open though they weren't very hot. We had much fun with few of them.
There was this group of 6 short Chinese girls that I had exchanged eye-contact with before and they seemed open.
In the end of the night around 4AM, my friend began to dance retarded with one of them and it went ok. At that moment I was thinking that because of my value-judgment of physical beauty, my interactions didn't went very well, so I decided to just have fun with the less attractive ones. They also seemed much more fun.
Three of the girls went somewhere, so it was my friend dancing with the one from the beginning and two others sitting at the table.
I went to sit beside of one with short pink hair and commented on it but she didn't speak english, so I had to use my dictionary to find the right word to use with my OK Chinese.
After I commented her, she responded positively but immediately turned to speak to her friend and talked about something. Then within 30-60 seconds after they left. I kept sitting there by myself and after 3-5 minutes the two girls came back with the three others.
I stood up and walked away but the pink haired girl came to me and said that it's okay I sit there but for some reason, I felt something was wrong with the situation. Probably because I don't like it if I can't speak with a girl because of language barriers.
Especially in nightclubs.
That's just me telling myself that I have to change my view on that and be more creative.
Well.. my friend took the seat instead and one of the very sexually open girls made out with him after 10 seconds. A bit later the three girls left again.
Later I saw that the girls were with a group of guys on the other end of the bar...
Girls always have an agenda in what they do!
Today I felt very carefree after the uncomfortable situations I put myself through from yesterday.
I noticed that I gave a less of a f*** if I smiled to people or not. Also I felt I was more real and vulnerable than what I've been feeling lately, which was "I'm good.. actually too good for you"
A good reminder to expose myself to (uncomfortable) social situations in order to get more badass...
What's your thoughts on movies that just talks to your heart? Like very inspiring?
I re-watched Van Wilder yesterday (after a year) before going to bed. In the middle of the movie it began to blink a lot outside, so I went to the window. The weather was massively thundering all the time! and the deep rumbling sounds kept replaying.
I HAD to get outside so I could see the thunders more clearly from the tall buildings.
Just love the deep rumbling sound of thunder striking. It speaks to my masculinity...
Anyways after the thundering was over, I resumed the movie and I do not know why but I had tears watching it and I haven't had tears from any movies in years.
It spoke to my heart and inspired me to remind myself that I got SUCH A GREAT POTENTIAL. Also, nothing have spoken to my heart for months!
It was like a wakeup call for living more fully.
It reminded me to keep personal things to myself so others can't screw with my faith in what my heart feel life is really about. That I should only speak about such matters when invited to by curiosity.
Because it is a scary/exciting feeling in the heart that needs to be nurtured all the time and it is easily gone if one loses focus...
God it's a good reminder.. all the negativity and useless BS are only small noises in this faithful state.
Sidenote: I wonder if being so inspired by an idealization is good. I can think of infatuation which ones heart also tells one strongly to have faith in something that usually is just an illusion and turns out bad most of the time...
I definitely know what you mean. I get teary with several movies that speak to my soul. While you don't have to go out of your way to tell people what speaks to you, suppressing it isn't the answer either. Truly confident men can (and do) talk about what they are passionate about and what breaks their heart. Muhammad Ali was such a man, as are many other famous people.
The trick (for me) is living in that place and not being affected by other people's negativity or ignorance. I know it's hard but eventually, you put more stock in your own opinions and beliefs than other people's.
Maximus.. I'm not sure what you mean by suppressing since it's not a feeling like that.. more like nurturing an energy inside my body...
Many of those famous people got shit-loads of haters and people that tried to bring them down, even family and friends. They've learned to keep their spark to themselves and do what's necessary to get their beliefs to a core-belief.
Change happens when you are inspired. The fire that inspiration creates is killed if you are telling people about your faith. Rather hold it to yourself and speak only to those who are sincerely curious and listens.
Most people don't want to open up their mind to be able to see something new and many of those aren't even aware of the fact that reality is subjective and that everyone has their own view on the world and are experiencing the world differently in each of their own ways.
It's just easier to stay that way. To be comfortable. To live the way it has always been. That's why I often speaks about doing what's uncomfortable.
It's both scary and exciting to live this way but I often ask myself, "Isn't life not about this? About experiencing the world, that we are so fortunate to have, with all of our senses? About LIVING LIFE to the fullest?!"
Anyways.. as an example, I could speak from my inspiration to a great guy who teaches others to be a teacher.
A curious man and a great listener. I met him after improv and a standup show yesterday.
But what I spoke to him about, I've spoken to my mom and brother few times before but every time (whether they in the midst interrupts and talk about something totally different or afterwards) it always felt like I've lost some kind of spark in me. Eventually I slowly adapted a bit of their energy...
In this blind faith, you have a "glow".. like you are taken over by a greater force. Your authentic being.
Everything else are distractions the world have cut through to your mind. Distractions. Unnecessary BS.
(08-08-2013, 04:22 AM)LionMonkey Wrote: [ -> ]Maximus.. I'm not sure what you mean by suppressing since it's not a feeling like that.. more like nurturing an energy inside my body...
Many of those famous people got shit-loads of haters and people that tried to bring them down, even family and friends. They've learned to keep their spark to themselves and do what's necessary to get their beliefs to a core-belief.
Change happens when you are inspired. The fire that inspiration creates is killed if you are telling people about your faith. Rather hold it to yourself and speak only to those who are sincerely curious and listens.
Most people don't want to open up their mind to be able to see something new and many of those aren't even aware of the fact that reality is subjective and that everyone has their own view on the world and are experiencing the world differently in each of their own ways.
It's just easier to stay that way. To be comfortable. To live the way it has always been. That's why I often speaks about doing what's uncomfortable.
I understand what you mean, believe me. I've had a hard battle all my life because my interests and tastes have never matched with anyone or they have pissed people off.
Eventually, I learned to stay inside myself, stay comfortable, and not be the shining light of "different" I could be.
I saw it as the world's loss and secretly hated other people because of it, but never took my own values as more inmportant than other people's.
Whenever we silence ourselves because it's "more comfortable" to do so, we lose the opportunity to show the world who we are.
My coach has told me that the facts when it comes to people are these:
30% will love you, 30% will hate you, and 30% won't care either way. (I didn't bother to tell him that's only 90%, but you get the idea).
So again, I understand the pain that can be had when you encounter people who don't agree, and I certainly don't push my beliefs. I do, however, have less and less reservations about showing who I really am, and not caring what others think of it.
(08-08-2013, 04:22 AM)LionMonkey Wrote: [ -> ]It's both scary and exciting to live this way but I often ask myself, "Isn't life not about this? About experiencing the world, that we are so fortunate to have, with all of our senses? About LIVING LIFE to the fullest?!"
Living life to the fullest can't happen if you have instances where you put a cap on yourself, imo.
(08-08-2013, 04:22 AM)LionMonkey Wrote: [ -> ]In this blind faith, you have a "glow".. like you are taken over by a greater force. Your authentic being.
Everything else are distractions the world have cut through to your mind. Distractions. Unnecessary BS.
Exactly. So wouldn't it be better to just leave the BS alone instead of leaving your core self alone when BS rears it's ugly head?