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Full Version: LionMonkey is an ALPHA MALE 5.0
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Hey FluffyBunny, glad you liked it.

STAGE 3 - DAY 22 - Some reflection

Yo bruv.
Some days are just shit.
Like you take a shit and it's just shit.

No but seriously.
I felt like I could just die last Sunday.

Then Monday came and I was walking around the world with an extreme unease, and bumped into people because I felt I wanted to challenge the world.
Like I could die any moment.
What do you got world?!
So I was living extremely much in the moment.

And things got good again. Pushed some comfort-zones and met 2 group of girls and the last one I randomly met on my way home, in the metro at 1:30AM.
Funny how she just appeared in front of me...

So.. I'm in College and I'm financially supported by my parents. I love my life and I get to do what I want to do most of the time.

Besides watching Casino Royale (awesome movie) (haven't seen a movie in months!), I used all my Sunday night contemplating about my life situation.

I don't like the fact that I'm not doing anything for my financial area of my life.
Besides that, the number one thing my mother wants is for me to get through college and get a good stable job.

So I've decided to study more, since I'm behind.
I've also decided to begin writing a book/e-book.

It will probably be about Self-education for wisdom in life and ways to get to ones goal(s).

That's it.
I'm out.
Peace Beast.

- James
STAGE 3 - DAY 23 - What effects have Alpha Male 5.0 have had on me so far?

I'm a bit over half-ways through AM 5.0 and I have to say that it has been hell of a ride.

Especially because I've been taking so much action.
And gone through some shit.

Today I woke up extremely joyful..
Main cause was because I slept with my head upwards instead of downwards.
And I went through my day with a real joyful smile, which I haven't had for quite a while.
It's pretty incredible how motion creates emotion...

It's been over 24 days since I decided to meet at least 3 girls every day.

Whether it has been on my campus's library where it is filled with people and silent as a rock or 1AM at a weekday because I didn't have time in the day.

Changes from that:

- My presence has become stronger where nearly all girls I meet can't ignore it.

- I've become much more un-apologetic when approaching girls and I now I mostly get these kinds of responses:
1. Smiles, attentive.

2. Attentive, testy.

3. Chatty, attentive.

- The bad responses girls gives me effects me little to not at all.

And some other cool stuff...

What effects have AM had on me with my actions?

What I've noticed:

- Emotional roller-coaster. From excited, to scared, to challenging expressions of energies.

I've been thinking about death a lot and I've been quite disturbed for some days. Listening to death music and stuff like that, so I could immerse myself into the emotions and thoughts.

- When making a decision, I do it without thinking much about it.
Which has also led to very tiring times and I start to procrastinate a bit and get behind my schedule. I do get the things done though. Just less sleep for me.

Which has led me to, my default state of mind is mostly doing instead of thinking.
This is also the effect from,
- Buying groceries 2-3 times a week.
- Making food for myself & washing the dishes almost every day.
- Making green-juice every day.
- Going to the gym 5-6 times a week
- Meeting women every day.
- Meditating every night before sleep.

I feel like I'm 'working' all the time and the only time I really have for myself and really enjoy the 'break' is when being with a girl and just having a good time, eating my well-prepared meal, taking a shit or when in my bed, sleeping.

I do enjoy the breaks MUCH MORE than I've ever had.

Doing the things I do is freaking hard if you think about it but I've learnt to just do it. It becomes much easier that way.

The results are that I feel on top of my shit. I know more what I like and what I don't like, and I live a life for myself. My conscious effort has to be put in learning new stuff and pushing my comfort-zones, even though I'm a tired but shining beast.

Been contemplating a lot on starting a blog for getting on a great road of success where I'll give bits of tools and experiences from my repertoire so you can start getting on the road too!

Great stuff is definitely coming up sooner or later.
I'm out.
- JL
working out more than 3-4 times a weak can damage your body!
muscle creation happens when you are "not" training.
sleep and eating good are as important as training.

STAGE 3 - DAY 32 - Getting off your path

When you are seeing a girl often and doubting it...

I've been thinking that I may be going off my path and maybe even using this girl that I've been seeing quite much lately.

I used to go out to meet girls all the time but since I've been seeing this girl I met one week ago, I've done it less.

Instead we go often on adventures together.. Movies, sushi, bars and things like sex on the top of a scaffolding, which we climbed, in the middle of Town Hall Square.

She's a great, cute, adventurous & beautiful girl.

She don't fit the ideal kind of girl that I see myself with though.

But when we are together, I forget about everything in the world and my focus on my path is gone. I have a hard time to concentrate the day after.

I'm thinking that I may want her too much which makes me go off my path?

But it's also because I really like and enjoy her company and giving her pleasure & orgasms.

Been pondering a bit about this..

LionMonkey Wrote:My path is to keep challenging myself and the illusion of comfort towards the ideal person and girls I see myself as/with.

I.e. not settling for less. Not going off the path.

An example from what I mean:
After sushi and adventure sex and a beer in a bar me and the girl was on our way to my place.

We pass this student-house where there is some kind of Halloween party, people dressed up and having a fun time.

My gut really told me to go there, have fun and meet girls. Take her with me and let her do whatever.

But I didn't.

The answer has appeared in me.
I'll share what's been on my mind with the whole thing:

I think this girl is great, different, fun, silly & gives good fellatio


I really like and enjoy spending time with her. Though it must NOT make me lose my path, my mission.

The two _things_ that made me not trust my gut was, the subtle fear of losing her and the comfort she brings.

(of course be empathic with her but I am who I am and I shouldn't change that because of her)

This is a bad direction towards scarcity.

Abundance is what I strive for.

If it wasn't because I was following my path, I would never had met this great girl either.

- JL
Sounds like you need a day or two on your own or with your bro's.
I'm beginning Stage 4 tonight.

I'm curious if it's fine if I mix OGFS in for the rest of the 90 days with AM 5.0?

A playlist for sleep could look like:

1. AM
3. AM
(3 hours, 40 mins)
5. AM
7. AM
(7 hours, 20 mins)
9. AM
10. OGSF

6 hours, 40 mins with AM
2 hours, 30 mins with OGSF

9 hours, 10 mins total

Feedback are appreciated! I'm not sure about how to go about it really but I want to incorporate Overcome Guilt, Shame and Fear.
STAGE 4 - DAY 4 - Sick & motivated

After I came home from the mini-cruise with my girl I became sick. Haven't been able to eat anything for 1 and a half weeks, so I decided to start from day 4 again of the stage and include OGSF.

The days before I became sick I've used much of my time with this girl and spent quite a lot of money.

It has been fun. Though I realize again and again that I'm the one who creates the fun, no matter with the money or not. The money definitely gives access to different possibilities of fun you could say.

... and she definitely liked me more for being able to create the fun.

I literally had a Titanic experience with my girl. We would run around the ship, fool around, dance with ourselves, dance amongst people, look out to the sea on the deck while holding each other on the edge. Screaming, "I'm the kiiing of the world". Painting her naked body.. just like in the movie! Only thing was.. we didn't sink. We couldn't find a way to sink the ship Rolleyes

Funny enough, few months before I was day-dreaming about how cool that would be and feel.


In my sick period, I was in pain all the time. I hated everything and everyone and I just wanted to be let alone.

It was crazy how negative and aggressive I was. I became another person and I knew that, "this isn't me.. that was mean of me" was my thinking but my pain was my sole focus.

After the pain went over, today, I realize again how positive and good-feeling my natural state is.

This time though, I've been thinking about all the things I did with the girl and how much money I spent for fun, without even earning anything myself.
Not only that but I'm planning to re-take my courses since I'm a lot behind.

I know this is all my responsibility and I've been thinking a lot about this area of my life but never really took the decision to "just do it".

Mainly because I want to experience different stuff before I use my time and energy on stuff that is "using my youth" up. That's what my mind is thinking.

And partly because I've never had a "real" job.

So that's it for now.

You will probably not hear from me much the following days since I gotta

- build up my good habits again
- add some more successful habits
- revisit my BIG goals & set BIGGER goals
- live a life of taking FULL responsibility of it.

JL --> Contemlating on solid foundation

You gotta post more videos; your presence is becoming stronger each video; I'm watching "Hooking up by being yourself"; your aura is over 9,000!
(11-20-2013, 05:51 PM)DanAmerson Wrote: [ -> ]You gotta post more videos; your presence is becoming stronger each video; I'm watching "Hooking up by being yourself"; your aura is over 9,000!

I'll post more videos sooner or later. Saw some of yours too. Good practice!

STAGE 4 - DAY 11 - Back on track with new perspectives

A lot of things has been going on lately and I'm starting to build the good habits up again. I've just recovered from Glandular Fever after 2 weeks, where I was like a bear with tears because of the pain.

On another note.. I realize that I've always been more "Alpha" than I thought and because I didn't knew that, I would sometimes "try" being it without understanding why I did it.

I think the reason why I've had so many unnecessary doubts about being Alpha, cool or a good person is because of the fact that I want to improve myself and make a conscious effort to be the best person I can be.

The thing is that it isn't easy.. especially when you don't have a clear understanding of it. Also you need to have a good strategy-plan to embody it.


So I've just moved into my new apartment after using 2 days of cleaning it and filled it up with

- Badass, good-smeeling, awesomeness of a beast
- Lots of HEALTHY groceries. My fridge is filled!
yes.. gotta get my meal-plan in order before hitting the gym again
- Most of my well-fit clothes
- A pair of stylish black dress shoes (filled with compliments)
- A pair of dark-brown, leather boots (got a history of compliments)

Planning to start up at the gym again tomorrow.

And planning to start build an online business starting next month.

Lots of good stuff coming up after the idle time of sickness.

And by the way.. the girl I'm seeing, which has been a month, asked me yesterday night on our "date night" about us being exclusive.

I'm thinking of it since I've used a lot of time and focus on going out and meeting women all the time..
And this girl is fun, silly, cute, beautiful and wants to improve herself partly because of me.

JL --> Meditate --> Bed

Whats up? Hope you are doing great with your life.
Even if things seem like not what you really want.

But remember all the things that you DO have.
Because many human-beings in this world doesn't have what you have and doesn't have the luxury of having the time to read this.


Key to moving forward and getting achievements with as less stress as possible.

Because life is filled with obstacles, turning points and surprises.
And since you are reading this, I know you want to be smart about going through the hassle and pain.

So you can become the most badass person you can be.

So the people you meet can see the charming man that you are.

So the world will look at you in awe.


That was a good start on this entry.

On to the next one.

Let me know there's something you are curious about!

STAGE 4 - DAY 16 - New kind of ease and confidence

One of the most "painful" and hard periods with a habit is, when you have just started.

I've started hitting the gym again.

Not only are you in the weakest form & strength but also your mind has to inhabit what you are "changing" from the previous habits - which is not going, and that takes a lot of mental energy.

Yesterday night I was out with my buddy and met up with the girl I'm seeing..

My friend told me I look like someone that has eaten too much Christmas lunch and is about to shit in his pants when I walked.

The girl I'm seeing told me I walked like someone that has fvcked too much.

Leg day is a bitch.

So besides that, I've noticed that I care less and less about what people think of me.
It's funny how every time I sense that there's almost no more non-neediness I have, I always hit a new level.

I feel at more ease with guys than I used to and I have more respect from guys than I realize.

For example, when I'm in the gym, guys usually rarely come and talk to me or ask me stuff but yesterday many guys did that.

I'm much less emotionally disturbed but I still have tingling sensations and moments where I will imagine hostility towards me and how I would respond.

Don't know where it comes from.. fear?
But I prevail by doing a conscious practice of "love" which conquers all.
That's where my new confidence comes from.

Besides this, I've decided to start out on the online business in the New Year 2014 of glory instead.

Got too many new things on my plate right now and new habits takes a lot of energy to embody.

Then keep going and improving!

Like all of you badasses that are reading this right now.

I'm out.
- JL

PS. Probably gonna make a video soon but not sure about what yet. Let me know if you have anything that you would like me to talk about!
Happy New Year!

Today I begin Stage 5.

I've been sick again for going at it too hard in the gym after Glandular Fever and also because I drank some old water from my girls place. I was even hospitalized which scarred me a bit. Never been fond of hospitals.
So I'm not able to workout till February. I've procrastinated a bit partly because of my sickness.

Though today, I sat down after breakfast and really reflected on what I had achieved in 2013.
I've written down some goals for this year with a tool that gives me clarity to go faster than the light for it.

It's gonna be a great year, filled with ups and downs and I look forward to get healthy and build my good habits up again.

Changes I've noticed:
I've become more grounded when my father is around. Also I feel more clarity in when I don't want to do something and when I want to do something.

I saw AM 6.0 came out and it looks pretty incredible. It may be my next choice of subliminal but I also have other subliminals that are more directed towards my goals in mind.
I've started using paraliminals. I wonder if it is compatible with subliminals. Anyone has experience with it?
They sound similar to powerliminals but without having to do any visualization work.

The only way I see it conflicting with the subliminals is if the general idea that is coming across in these paraliminals are in conflict with the ideas presented in IML's subliminals. We all know that multi stage program scripts will not be released however most if not all 4G scripts are availalbe to look at. With that said there is risk involved since you don't know what the exact phrasing is used in the multi stage sets. If my memory serves correctly you are still using AM 5.0?

If you try it you are taking that risk of script conflict. Just keep that in mind if you decide to continue.
Hey LionMonkey,

That's too bad about your health as it is (or was). I used to listen to Paraliminals several years ago, I don't think that I realized how important it is to continually feed the information into your brain. I think once a day (20 or so minutes) for 28-32 days on one particular paraliminal probably could only carry positive effects.

It's not exactly a subliminal, but talking to each side of your brain consciously.

Hope that you'll post more often. I follow you and Geodude the most, except Geodude posts every other day or so. You wait a month and a half between posts.
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