(08-30-2020, 01:16 PM)Hanpan Wrote: [ -> ]If facing the same issues with tiredness as you and most other people on LTU 6. Would playing the "awakener" for 5-10 periods throughout the day help? I've never tried the sub.
That's not advised. That's going to introduce a situation where you're injecting a different subliminal into your mind, and to get it to work, you're going to have to use it a lot. It may not work at all, because the tiredness comes from one part of yourself struggling against another. It's using up your energy, and the awakener isn't effective when you don't have energy. It works to shift your state of awareness, but if you've used up the chemical energy in your brain, it will not help.
The issue of tiredness goes away as the cooperative parts executing the subliminal start to dominate and execution happens regardless of what part of you tries to stop it. Today I feel much less tired, and there's no headache or nausea. Still don't know why I had a headache and nausea, but if the cause was subconscious, it's been overcome.
(08-30-2020, 12:51 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (08-29-2020, 02:12 PM)KingDavid93 Wrote: [ -> ] (08-29-2020, 12:27 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Day 1 of Cycle 2.
Last couple of days have been hard for me. Yesterday I was overcome with nausea and a headache most of the day. I'm not sure if I'm coming down with something, or it's the barometric pressure swings, or I'm resisting LTUv6 but I haven't had headaches like these in a LONG time. These feel like clods of achey goodness in my head. Not super painful, maybe a 3-4 out of 10, but enough to make me have a hard time focusing. And nausea all the time is not my usual. Yesterday I took an ibuprofen because I didn't want GPR to have any chance to interfere with LTU6 and potentially make me even MORE tired. It never completely removed the headache, but made it bearable. Last night, GF noticed I was radiating a lot of heat. That could be me coming down with something, or me projecting the DRS, since last night was night 1 back on for cycle 2.
So yesterday was basically a wash and today hasn't been much better, because of that and because I have to drive all over the place all day to take care of day to day stuff.
Not having fun, but I can tell you, if this is resistance, we gonna double down. Because if this is resistance, it means that this program is so powerful that it's breached my subconscious ability to resist as it has in the past, and we are basically facing fears that are root/core level fears. And the last time I did that was in 2006 when I went in for chemo and they came at me with needles all day every day for months on end. I had a deathly fear of hypodermic needles penetrating my flesh, and it was so bad that I would feel nauseous and eventually pass out if I was sitting or standing when I had the needle inserted. I had to lay down to have a shot or have a needle inserted to prevent me from passing out.
But that nausea felt similar. Hmmm.
I don't know what's going on, but I do know that based on my dreams lately, this program is definitely pushing me into "unknown territory". It is powerful enough to overcome my resistance to fear of the unknown, and for the first time in I don't know how long, the "I feel lost, I don't know how to handle this" is coming up. It's not always fun to go through, but it's very impressive and it means that finally, FINALLY, I have a way to make subs that will make progress that I couldn't make before. I'm sure this will be the case for a lot of people who were stuck previously as well.
The headache and nausea is a lot less today than yesterday. And given how smooth this program feels otherwise, if this is resistance I have to say it's pretty amazing how powerful the program is to make it this bearable.
Hi @Shannon
Out of curiosity are you still playing the program the same way you always have been playing it (ultrasonic at 13/15 on Android)?
Quote:And I’ve been on it about 4 days now and I also feel the "I feel lost, I don't know how to handle this" feeling- I feel with direction kind of like I’m in limbo
What exactly does that mean?
It means the program is affecting you at the deepest levels, making changes to your most core self. This was previously not possible because these parts for some reason seem to equate any change with literal death. I think basically it comes down to they only know X, and everything else is "the unlimited unknown", which they apparently see as "nothing", which they conclude is "becoming nothing" or dying.
In reality, what's happening is that when they are made to go outside what they know, they have no more point of reference, and must re-create that point of reference. This is what causes the feeling of being lost. It's the exact same thing that would happen if you joined the military as a high school kid and felt completely lost in basic training, because everything was new to you. Or pretty much anything to which you are new. Your first semester away from home at college, etc.
You just need to have enough time to create a new point of reference that is positive, instead of tne negative one that you had before. Wen that happens, and it will, that feeling will go away.
Part of Shannon's response quote on the 'feeling lost' thing with LTU6:
You just need to have enough time to create a new point of reference that is positive, instead of thhe negative one that you had before. Wen that happens, and it will, that feeling will go away."
I hope the same holds true with UMS2,and I dont see why it wouldnt in some big capacity....changing a negative reference point to a positive reference point. it just makes sense,of course not just for UMS2 but for any of the big guns...coming!!
Captain Obvious is on vacation and Sherlock is on a case!!
(08-30-2020, 03:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (08-30-2020, 01:16 PM)Hanpan Wrote: [ -> ]If facing the same issues with tiredness as you and most other people on LTU 6. Would playing the "awakener" for 5-10 periods throughout the day help? I've never tried the sub.
That's not advised. That's going to introduce a situation where you're injecting a different subliminal into your mind, and to get it to work, you're going to have to use it a lot. It may not work at all, because the tiredness comes from one part of yourself struggling against another. It's using up your energy, and the awakener isn't effective when you don't have energy. It works to shift your state of awareness, but if you've used up the chemical energy in your brain, it will not help.
The issue of tiredness goes away as the cooperative parts executing the subliminal start to dominate and execution happens regardless of what part of you tries to stop it. Today I feel much less tired, and there's no headache or nausea. Still don't know why I had a headache and nausea, but if the cause was subconscious, it's been overcome.
Ok - makes sense.
I've had an insane headache the last three days as well. I usually never get a headache, so i hope it goes away soon.
Have not had any headache or nausea since the day before yesterday. Much less tired as well. I still don't know for sure of they were caused by the program pushing deep parts of me to overcome fears but I feel fine now. Having some very interesting dreams lately, but since I'm running behind schedule with work, I'll keep this short and go work instead.
(08-27-2020, 08:36 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I can't wait until the software I am designing right now is finished. It will be able to do this 32 hours worth of work in about 1 second. The only issue I have is... I haven't written code in about 10 years, and the language I use has changed a lot in that time. I have to re-learn it. And who has time? By the time I'm done with my day's minimum work, I'm shot. If I can even make it to that point.
Hey Shannon, since you seem to be gearing up to eventually making another program to help you build acc to the quoted post, I'd like to renew my old offer to program for you. I understand if you decline due to your usual measures to protect your scripting techniques and such, but if there's any part that you would feel comfortable allowing someone else to code please feel free to contact me so we may discuss rates, spec, etc.
(08-31-2020, 05:06 PM)apollolux Wrote: [ -> ] (08-27-2020, 08:36 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I can't wait until the software I am designing right now is finished. It will be able to do this 32 hours worth of work in about 1 second. The only issue I have is... I haven't written code in about 10 years, and the language I use has changed a lot in that time. I have to re-learn it. And who has time? By the time I'm done with my day's minimum work, I'm shot. If I can even make it to that point.
Hey Shannon, since you seem to be gearing up to eventually making another program to help you build acc to the quoted post, I'd like to renew my old offer to program for you. I understand if you decline due to your usual measures to protect your scripting techniques and such, but if there's any part that you would feel comfortable allowing someone else to code please feel free to contact me so we may discuss rates, spec, etc.
Hey, Alex, I appreciate your offer. Right now I don't know how I would take you up on it as a result of certain considerations, but I do have a need to have some relatively complex software written eventually and I am either going to have to do it myself, or have someone else do it. I'd love to hire someone, but again, not sure how to accomplish that yet for a few different reasons.
You can send your rates and which languages you can code in to Ben for forwarding to me if you like, so I have an idea. Thanks again.
Yesterday was very productive. Today has been more challenging. I am close to finished with Stage 2, though.
GF has been facing a lot of fears lately. I'm impressed. Yesterday was a hard day for her, and she was in a very foul mood because of it. It almost entirely boiled down to her inner child not being happy to be going along with LTU6, which it had no choice but to do apparently. She was in such a bad mood yesterday that I basically just disengaged for the day. Good thing I had DRS going on, because before without it, that would have flooded me with her negativity, and we would have had a major fight over it. Instead, there were times I had to stop what I was doing and wait for her to stop yelling because something was making her angry or frustrated in some other part of the house, but that was only a minor annoyance.
For about three weeks now she's been asking me to show her how to drive my car. She has a small compact car that has reached EOL and it's not worth the cost to fix anymore. So before OF/LTU6, she was just wanting me to drive her around because she was afraid of driving my car (an SUV) because it's taller and has newer, better brakes and it's longer and unfamiliar, but really what scares her is... her dear father put the fear of fears in her concerning crashing an expensive car that isn't hers. She can drive just fine; I taught her myself, and she has had no trouble driving since she got her license. It's just that her father scared the hell out of her about this one point.
Her father put so much fear in this girl it's just crazy, and he has absolutely no clue that he did it. Not just doesn't know it, refuses to believe it, and appears to be incapable of understanding that. I have been working ever since we met to help her un-do the damage he did.
She was also afraid that her insurance would skyrocket if she was driving my car instead of having me drive her around. But today I called my insurer. As it turns out, partly because she's older now, partly because she's female, partly because she has no tickets, infractions or accidents and partly because I have the best possible Safe Driver rating and the lowest possible rates they can give as a result, for her to ditch her previous policy and be added onto my policy dropped her monthly insurance premiums by 70%. Now she can easily afford them, and she can use the money she saves to help her save up for a new used car that will last her a while. Win.
Then I took her out to where we went for me to teach her to drive the first time, and I taught her to drive all over again. She really doesn't need to know how to drive, she needs to familiarize herself with a different car. She even commented on how similar it was to driving her car. But her inner child is still terrified of crashing an "expensive" car (from her point of view; it's only $34k) that isn't hers. I had to push her out of her comfort zone several times while I was directing her, and each time she performed well. She's not really familiar with parking a longer car just yet, but I showed her how to know she did it right and position herself properly in the parking spot, and she took right to it. All we need to do is get her to relax about crashing my car. But now she is making serious progress, where before she would have wanted to hide and try to pretend the scary thing was just going to go away if she did.
Yesterday I got almost all the way done with Stage 2, but the models went wonky. They kept stabilizing for a short time, then going unstable before I could verify stability. I am calculating ASRB, and until the models are stable, I can't know for sure it's right. So for the moment it's been a waiting game, because they're still not stable. Once they give me a stable answer, it's a matter of 4 to 6 hours tops before I have it uploaded.
Yesterday, I may have made a third breakthrough. I need stable models to verify, but if it is what I think it is - and realistically, there's no reason to think it's not - then we have a third breakthrough in almost as many weeks. I have decided that in order to track these improvements, I am going to label OF 5.75G as OF 5.75.1G (it has the first breakthrough in it, Platinum Lake); LTU6 is 5.75.2G (it has the first and second breakthroughs in it) and the next program I build will be the first to include the third breakthrough, and if it is included and it is a breakthrough, it will be 5.75.3G. Or maybe I'll call them 5.76, 5.77 and 5.78G. They'll still be priced as and categorized as 5.75G but it will help people see that they're better than "stock" 5.75G.
What I got on this while the models were stable for that few minutes looked good. I hope it is what it looked like.
So today I'm just waiting for the models to stabilize and remain stable for long enough to know they're workable. Feeling pretty good in general. Today is the first day off of Cycle 2. Tomorrow marks the end of Cycle 2 and then we go back to makin' bacon.
Oh, speaking of bacon, GF decided she wants to lose weight, so instead of her previous complain and it's hopeless and give up (which would have been what she did when I met her), she started complaining, and then instead started finding and implementing solutions. She's been changing how she eats and eating less per meal, eating only during the day and no snacks, and no longer eating after dinner (which we have a 6 PM). With absolutely no input from me. I am impressed.
I find that I am doing the same, and the nice thing is, it's small steps that are easy to implement, and it's shaved about 20% off the bill whenever we go eat. Effectively, every 5th time we go eat now, it's free. One of the things I have changed is, I have stopped ordering bacon. I am also drinking water more often now, which feels good because it feels like the detox module wants more water to help flush me out and keep my insides "clean".
Even better, I have been managing my money much better, too. I'm focused back on killing my debts, saving and investing. Mostly killing debts and investing since saving won't make much difference if we have inflation on the dollar. May have to look into buying some other currency.
Anyway, we are making progress and I'm pleased with it. Not always obvious and not always as fast as I want, but progress and in directions we were not making progress before in some cases.
Part of Shannon's latest posts"
1)Yesterday I got almost all the way done with Stage 2, but the models went wonky. They kept stabilizing for a short time, then going unstable before I could verify stability. I am calculating ASRB, and until the models are stable, I can't know for sure it's right. So for the moment it's been a waiting game, because they're still not stable. Once they give me a stable answer, it's a matter of 4 to 6 hours tops before I have it uploaded.
Me: Awesome....stage 2 and one greater step for Mankind....message from da moon on a Full Moon !!
( Bouncing off of Neil Armstrong's quote while on the Moon,yes ON the Moon,"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.")
More of Shannon's renderings on his most recent post:
2)Yesterday, I may have made a third breakthrough. I need stable models to verify, but if it is what I think it is - and realistically, there's no reason to think it's not - then we have a third breakthrough in almost as many weeks. I have decided that in order to track these improvements, I am going to label OF 5.75G as OF 5.75.1G (it has the first breakthrough in it, Platinum Lake); LTU6 is 5.75.2G (it has the first and second breakthroughs in it) and the next program I build will be the first to include the third breakthrough, and if it is included and it is a breakthrough, it will be 5.75.3G. Or maybe I'll call them 5.76, 5.77 and 5.78G. They'll still be priced as and categorized as 5.75G but it will help people see that they're better than "stock" 5.75G."
Response: Wow. dang this is historic and remarkable.....amazingly valuable......understatement..... A Rocky Marcinao knock out!! Ding Ding!!!
The Kicks just keep on coming !! The positive hits.....so the "Guidance was RIGHT, the models were right"? da switch from OF to LTU6 was spot on......
so for those of you who feel groovy and shagadelic...this is for you and for those that dont... well you;ll Find the groove thats right for you,right? here growzzzz:
PS: " Or maybe I'll call them 5.76, 5.77 and 5.78G. " - seems more right on, for the newness of all this....than 5.75 G1 etc.
Amazing how bad the visuals were back then, eh? Blurry and monochrome too.
"A Rocky Marciano knockout" ouch.

(09-02-2020, 07:36 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Amazing how bad the visuals were back then, eh? Blurry and monochrome too.
I started to put in a better version but this was more 'lively', theres more good film footage out there from that time than bad. your're welcoemd.