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I want to ask, I know this sub deals with physicial and emotional healing but does it have anything regarding spiritual healing and negative spiritual energy?
When I say spiritual I mean things like entities possessing or messing with you and/or black magic/curses/hexes etc if its been done on you. Idk if you believe in that kind of stuff but I do.

If it does I assume it would be kinda related to DRS? Because those things are basicially negative forces and really evil people intending to harm you.

Also does DRS sheild against this type of stuff if it hasnt yet been done on you?
(09-03-2020, 09:25 PM)London1 Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon,
I want to ask, I know this sub deals with physicial and emotional healing but does it have anything regarding spiritual healing and negative spiritual energy?
When I say spiritual I mean things like entities possessing or messing with you and/or black magic/curses/hexes etc if its been done on you. Idk if you believe in that kind of stuff but I do.

If it does I assume it would be kinda related to DRS? Because those things are basicially negative forces and really evil people intending to harm you.

Also does DRS sheild against this type of stuff if it hasnt yet been done on you?

LTU v6 deals with mental, physical, emotional and sexual healing.  The DRS will take care of protecting you from the rest.  DRS creates a shield that remains present, and fires up as needed to reflect negative incoming whenever it is detected.  The baseline presence is determined by the level of negativity you have in your ambient environment.
Very, very tired today. This was one of those days where you wake up to everything going wrong already. Hopefully it does not stay this way.
(09-04-2020, 06:57 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Very, very tired today.  This was one of those days where you wake up to everything going wrong already.  Hopefully it does not stay this way.

Yep, I have had a few of those days, the last one at the end of cycle 4, for the first time I was looking forward to ASRB2.
LTUv6 has been pretty smooth sailing, for the most part,m since a couple cycles in. Those first few cycles were rocky, but now it feels like smooth sailing. Sometimes I wonder if anything is happening, but then I look around and realize, yes, there is still definitely growth happening.
Tomorrow is my last day off on my last cycle of Stage 1. I am looking forward to starting Stage 2.

Not really been much to report lately, which is actually very good news, as upon reflection it means that it's "just working".

GF started off getting upset with what the program was trying to do, but now she's made record progress in overcoming a fear she's held for years without me knowing it. Apparently, her father wouldn't teach her to drive "because she'd just crash his truck". This created a fear in her of not only learning to drive, but of driving anything that wasn't hers, and driving anything worth more than a couple thousand dollars.

I taught her to drive, after her father refused and everyone else either failed or tried to screw her financially in the process. (She paid a driving instructor $300 for a single day of instruction, but was so frightened by it that she got nowhere and effectively wasted her money.) It took me a couple of weeks of gently ramping her up and proving that she could, in fact do it. (This was in 2017.) Then she got her license on her first try.

But I didn't know she had this other fear until her car - a 1996 Honda Civic - became too expensive to repair a month ago. Then she had to junk it, and the only option left was use my car, or have me drive her everywhere.

Well we know how that inevitably went.

So in the last 2 weeks she has gone from terrified of doing this to a relatively easy transition to "I'm going to the post office, be right back." and "I need to go get inventory for my business tomorrow." followed by her casually... just doing it.

If I didn't understand how to teach her, and I didn't have OF and LTUv6, we would not be where we are today. She would still be terrified of it, and trying to hide from it. Instead, those two - we started with OF and switched to LTUv6 - have managed to get HER to make the moves to ask for the driving instruction to get familiar with my SUV, and then drive HER to "just do it" after I gave her the help she asked for.

It's been so easy! And on top of that, we have had only one episode of depression from her since we started her on OF in what, the beginning of August? Before, until I created LTUv5, it was several days a week crippling depression. After starting LTUv5, if she wasn't using LTU5 all the time, we had that happen 1-2 times a week. With LTU5 it would happen about once every 2-3 weeks. Now, between the OF and LTUv6, it is happening almost never, and last time it happened was when we switched to LTUv6s1. I wonder - but do not expect it to - if it will happen again when we switch to Stage 2. I don't expect it to because of how focused both are on healing and clearing and fear removal.

This from someone who the medical system couldn't help (because pills don't solve emotional damage) and the psychological field failed (because they cluelessly enabled her emotional abusers to punish and abuse her more in response to her asking for help, which only made things worse, while again trying to throw pills at the problem instead of solving it).

These programs are making a real difference in her and her life. I just hope they're making deep enough changes.

My life is vastly improved because of OF 5.75G and LTUv6 so far too. I can't wait to see where we are in 6 months after completing stage 7.
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