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11 months and 6 days ago, I had a drunk driver hit me and total my car. Today, I had another driver hit me, and total my car. I am still discovering injuries from the first accident. We don't have any obvious broken bones, concussions or anything like that but it's likely we both have some sort of injuries. I just hope this time I don't have 2 months of brain fog that prevents me from working, like happened last time.

Fortunately, I was finished building this before the accident today and I am now uploading Allergy Relief Aid v2.1 to the back end. When that is finished I will be re-enabling it for sale and subscription.

I don't know when I'll be working on MEv3 because now I have to make sure I don't have brain fog and that I can think straight. It's always something.
Allergy Relief Aid V2.1 is now available in the store. You can get it here:
After giving up on being able to make any significant changes to the Male Enhancement v3 program, I was very surprised last night to discover something that will make big changes to the Key Script, and that gives me a significant amount of hope in the possibility that v3 will perform where v2 did not. As a result, I am not going to just throw the most possible impact at it. I have made those changes, and optimized some aspects of the Key Script, and then I ran the models on the best impact level. The answer comes back exactly where I was hoping/expecting that it would if the models were functioning and the changes did what I thought they would.

The result is that I think this version will make a much better showing for achieving its goals, but it is going to take me longer to build because I cannot just assign a value for maximum impact. Now I have to calculate that impact, which is going to take a day or two, and maybe longer depending on how busy I am dealing with the aftermath of the accident as well as the insurance company and such.

But this was a very welcomed surprise and I thought that those of you interested in MEv3 would like to know this.
In case it interests anyone, I have the following pieces of information to share.

1. X4A-2000's Key Script is finally finished being developed after something like 7 months. I don't have a lot of time to work on it right now, so it may not get built this month, but after it gets built it will go into testing for a while. I'm hoping to test it personally AND have at least one of my T2/T3 testers also test it. I expect testing to last between 1 and 4 months, possibly as long as 6. If it passes testing, it will be released as a Premium program. Whereas the 1xxx branch of X4A is as wide and general as possible, X4A-2000 is more focused in the type of woman I expect it to be useful for.

2. When 6G rolls around, I will be re-building X4A-1511 in 6G as X4A-1600. The 1xxx branch is so good that it is well worth doing that. Also, the 2xxx and later branches will have very different goals and approaches, ad be Premium programs. X4A-1600 is not planned to be a Premium program.

3. I am in the process of slowly but surely writing a book about how men can use simplified natal astrology to be able to easily and quickly understand the women they encounter, and be able to quickly, easily and accurately determine a lot of things about her just by knowing her date of birth, including compatibility in general, intellectually, communication, romance and sex, as well as how to best approach her for whatever type of relationship you're interested in, how to communicate with her most effectively, Red Flags and Green Flags for what you're interested in, and how to know when she's a good or bad choice and why. The method I teach in this book is one I use all the time, and if you can read a book and have a smart phone (or you can get your hands on a specific book or website otherwise), then you can use this method pretty much any time and anywhere you go to size her up in minutes.
I have been absolutely slammed lately between work and this car accident and doctors appointments and insurance appointments and trying to keep GF from feeling hopeless over the car accident and trying to work and test new experimental subs and and and...

So right now I am in the process of making the adjustments necessary to bring us to 5.11.4G before I actually build MEv3. I'm not sure how long this will take, but I'm working on it very aggressively, as aggressively as my energy levels allow given everything I am trying to handle at once. But this will make building all future 5.11G subs significantly faster, probably 1 to 6 days less time and likely averaging 3-4 days faster. It is worth the effort to give me more time to work on 6G and get that out.

I'm on it, and once this is finished, MEv3 is going straight to build.
The changes I am making to achieve 5.11.4G are going to make the remaining 5.11G programs I make several days faster to build, and they will make all of the future 5.11G subliminals significantly more powerful and effective.

I am about half way done with figuring out how this has to be set up, but the next few days are very packed. So I don't know how much time I will have to work on all this, but boy do I feel motivated for this. The amount of work this will save me on each build is enormous.
Right now is a time of extreme change and disruption in my life. I'm going as fast as I can and still falling behind.

I'm ready to build MEv3, but I have to deal with legal paperwork from my car accident and getting insurance for my new car and taking delivery of my new car when it comes in, so I don't know how much work I can get done. But it's ready to build. I will try to get enough done tonight that I can build the audio tomorrow and then Tuesday be able to do everything else.

Anyone who bought ME v2 who didn't get the results, please tell Ben on the back end.
[shannon@LW520PCL Compressed]$ sha256sum *

e16f1596201850fd4a63680b27f603cb64e67176159be3d8ed78a4403fdb1700 Male_Enhancement_Length_v3_SHA256Sum_Hashes.txt

99857e8cb752b7ae5b83326f07d207781a450ca076d90ce9124ffcf387253277 Male_Enhancement_V3_Length_5p11G_HDA_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf_Silent).flac

4d33c6f14cc138368fbbcb4615a90abbaebde6638b55e13e83610e67ed3dee63 Male_Enhancement_V3_Length_5p11G_HDA_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream).flac

6f9cfba208e45c41377844cd67d381bd313fba85a8387bb5a3e62b3453f60974 Male_Enhancement_V3_Length_5p11G_HDA_Masked_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf).flac

7c39704f9cebda5d247fba23f448652ca82e20bb896ad186c36b88e108d458ae Male_Enhancement_V3_Length_5p11G_HDA_Masked_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream).flac

e7fcd0c5f67bbced3219b6ef4b7212320229497f5d76dec68e106b72e1a884db Male_Enhancement_V3_Length_5p11G_HDA_Ultrasonic_Subliminal_(Silent).flac

[shannon@LW520PCL Compressed]$ sha256sum *.txt

4dff85d8dc4f7934bf5e3b94ef1aaacc894b6faaffd1a12e08c01a3ac8af8ff3 Male_Enhancement_Length_v3_SHA256Sum_Hashes.txt

[shannon@LW520PCL Compressed]$
Today I am driving down to West Palm Beach to take delivery of my new car, and that is going to seriously eat into my time to work, given the time it takes to make that drive both directions. I'm working on the description and instructions for MEv3 (Length).

Will publish that ASAP, but probably happening tomorrow.

Then I'm taking a couple days off and going to start after that working on 6G for a bit, and a new title that I think will be very well received by the vast majority of you, since everyone can benefit from this title. Have not decided if it will be available for children, but that aside... literally everyone can benefit in some way from this title. I'm keeping it a secret for now.
As it turned out, what I thought would take me 2 hours to do (drive to west palm and back, and get my car) required 2.5 hours just to get to West Palm (rental car needs gas, then we get stuck in a school zone letting out kids who are disrupting traffic, then we get stuck in rush hour traffic, and then, when we finally get on I-95, get stuck in a massive traffic jam about 10 miles long because of a multi-car pileup!)

So I left for a 4 PM appointment at 3 PM (thinking I would be 15 minutes early) and got there at 5:32 PM. Very nearly got in an accident trying to understand what the hell the rental car's navigation system was asking me to do while we were detouring. Thankfully, GF saw it and warned me in time.

Then I ended up with delays getting the delivery approved, but that went quickly, and then I couldn't figure out how to get the navigation to work. Got that solved, and immediately get lost because the navigation told me to turn as I am driving past the turn, and so I thought it was trying to route me to a different turn. Finally get to where I am going, only to discover it was the wrong Whole Foods (was trying to meet GF at a known location for parking close to the dinner spot) and I'm 8.8 miles too far South. Drive to the right one, and finally meet up with GF and we have not the pre-dinner snack we thought we were going to have, but a late dinner. Then I drive home and have to deal with various sizes of big trucks not paying attention, swerving in and out of their lanes, etc. etc.

I got home at ~9 PM. Then I had to deal with other stuff. It's a good thing I wasn't expecting to get anything done today, I guess now yesterday, because that's exactly what I accomplished. That was the most fucked up traffic I have ever seen in my 50 years of life!


I got the car home, and managed to put many miles on it in the process. I have 3 days or up to 100 miles on the odometer to report any defects, and it has 78 miles on it now. I think it had like 9 or 15 when I first sat in it. So I can't go anywhere until I inspect the car tomorrow, because I was too low blood sugar to do it at the showroom. Because it took 2.5 hours to get there.

What a cluster fuck of a day! Very glad it's over. Unfortunately, I have been sick with some sort of low grade infection for about 5 days now, and it's had me slightly nauseous 24/7 the whole time, and I can't sleep when I feel like this. Whatever's going on, I'm ready for it to end. Yesterday.

Just venting. Hopefully I can get ME v3 published tomorrow.
After resting and reviewing the quality control checks for Male Enhancement v3 Length, I am satisfied that ther are no errors in it. I am continuing on to develp usage patterns and description.
Alright, so I am currently waiting to be able to calculate the usage patterns on MEv3 and then we can publish it.  GF has three different infections right now, and I am apparently fighting off her lung infection, which has us both exhausted and I can't get a stable answer from the models.  So it's coming... thank you for your patience.  Whatever;'s going on right now, I'm really tired of all the infections from this last few months.
Alright.... I *think* things have stopped falling out of the sky and I am now in a position to start getting caught up again.  So working on the final step for publishing MEv3.
Alright, looks like one day on for ME v3 is 65 minutes... so to save you guys a lot of annoyance, I am going to rebuild the files as 65 minutes instead of 60. This will require that I re-tag, re-archive, re-check and re-upload. So give me a little bit to do that. My goal is to be able to publish this today, but given this, I'm not sure if it will be today or tomorrow.