Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Shannon's Journal, Volume 3
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My persistence has paid off! It appears that it took me a lot longer, but I have managed to find the last variable I was looking for on Maximum Healing Speed usage, and I am in the final stages of editing the product description now. We will be releasing it most likely today!

I have also come up with what I believe (hope) is going to be a way to stay productive during January. It may not work for that, but it's worth a try. I came up with this idea in a dream, so apparently my subconscious is trying to offer me some options.

MHS v2 will be released at the old 5.5G price ($114.95 a copy) and I will worry about raising it later when I have more stable models to work with.

As to what I have experienced with MHS V2 in 5.75G - there is a dramatic difference in my cough now when compared to before I used it. It's not gone, and I still react to irritants like aromachemistry, spice dust (we go to the Spice & Tea Exchange for tea sometimes), and apparently something in the interior of my car - but the reduction is significant and most welcome. I don't cough myself silly when I lay down to go to bed now, with the exception of if I go a day too far in the "off" cycle and the first night back on. The detox effect seems to really cause my lungs to clear out on that first day back on. But aside from that I'm only coughing occasionally, and it's not for very long. Definite improvement, and I look forward to seeing how this goes over time.

I'm approaching the problem of unstable models by going back and trying to find the reason they go unstable. If the instability is something I can correct for by adding a variable I haven't yet accounted for, this should be solvable before the end of the BS. So that's my next goal. Got to go slog through source code for a while. What fun.
Maximum Healing Speed v2 in 5.75G is now available.  Go get you some!
I notice that some of you may have purchased the old 5.5G version of MHS. I apparently forgot to disable that version. Please check your order: if you purchased the 5.5G version by mistake, please contact Ben on the back end via e-mail and he can correct it for you.

EDIT: Now that isn't showing up in the reports. How strange. Well regardless, please double check your order and make sure you purchased MHS v2 5.75G, and if there is an issue, Ben can help.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy New years!
I'm almost done with the current "on" cycle for MHS v2 and I feel its effects shifting. In the beginning, I was getting a backache for most days on, after that first time I used it, suggestive of some part of me being afraid of the healing process for some reason. It made me start wondering if maybe some part of me was creating the damage to my lungs to keep me "safe" or some sort of horse hockey like that. But this morning I woke up to a beautiful super-cozy sensation in which my muscles felt super relaxed and warm and glowy, almost like a cross between intense sexual afterglow and the effects of having just had a full body massage. I didn't want to wake up, it felt so good. Been awake a few hours now and I still feel it.

Also feel progress being made on my lungs. Very pleased with this program so far. The only downside is that it makes me feel so relaxed when it has this effect that it's hard to move at normal speed. It also definitely needs those "off" days, because at the end of each "on" cycle I feel very tired.

Love this feeling. I think whatever fear was causing the backache previously has been dealt with and that is interesting, because why would I have a fear associated with healing, and also, this program does not have FRM turned on.
Last night, girlfriend came home from thrifting (shopping at a thrift store, where she buys hidden gems to then resell for a huge profit) with a sore throat. I tried to ignore it, but by that evening I was sneezing too, and I know better than to ignore that. So I turned on MIR and we will be ending the MHS v2 run until this stupid crap is dealt with.

This upsets me HUGELY, although it;s right in line with what I would think this cycle would bring, because this cycle seems to bring disruption, inability to focus and unexpected circumstances that force me off my path for reasons I can't control. And we are in the thick of it right now - it's almost at maximum impact, and peaks on the 11th. I am fully planning to just stay in bed on the 11th and minimize what can go wrong.

But being sick as a dog would also not be very effective for testing MHS, and in only one case do I have any hope of remaining productive, since we have this (apparently flu). So here I am running MIR and hoping my gains from MHS don't all go away, since it quite clearly was far from finished doing it's thing. At the same time, this interrupts my ability to observe the change from where I was to fully healed in a smooth line, which is about like interrupting a clinical trial to run something else because reasons. Pisses me off big time. It's been since 2012 I have been trying to find or make something to deal with this cough, and MHS V2 finally seems to be that thing, but nope. Sorry. You have the flu!

Screw you, flu.
The day before yesterday, I made a simple, understandable mistake. My girlfriend and I live together, but we are not always in the same vicinity, so we often must have MIR playing on our own phones at the same time. In order to prevent issues while we are together, we will have one of those two devices turned off. Yesterday, I forgot to turn mine back on when she left the room, for between 45 minutes and an hour. Big mistake.

I went from having no symptoms at all and thinking I didn't even have the infection anymore to knowing I was losing the battle at the end of that hour, and waking up the next day so deep in it that I spent almost the whole day unable to even get to a sitting position without help. Even with MIR playing.

So what happened?

Well, as it states in the instructions, MIR bolsters your immune system and helps it maintain dominance while the infection is in process. If you start using the program early enough, and you do not interrupt that usage, it will frequently dominate all through the process of the infection and you may experience no symptoms at all. But that doesn't mean you don't have the infection. It means that you have too few active infectious agents in your system to produce symptoms, and the weakest die first, followed by the second weakest, and so forth. What happened was that I forgot to turn it back on at the end, when only the worst and strongest were still alive. And in just one hour, they turned the tide of battle, and dropped me like a rock.

I am back up and about, but definitely symptomatic still. I got through the worst of it yesterday because of a combination of MIR, nebulizing colloidal silver, drinking Airborne, taking a multi-vitamin, taking l-Lysine, eating homemade turkey soup and sleeping. All day.

Don't make this mistake. Use MIR properly. It will likely take me several more days to return to the state I was in before I made that mistake, as nasty as this flu is...
Well that wasn't fun.

I was curious how this cycle would repeat the experiences I had the first time it happened, since I was relatively confident I would not have any more family members die. And I was right, nobody died, so far. (It's not over yet, but I'm confident that won't happen again.)

So I looked at what happened aside from the death last time. There was a lot of extreme stress, upset, frustration, and forcibly dealing with things outside of my control that forced me to stop working and basically spend my time doing things that really didn't matter.

This time, I did in fact have all that happen again, but thankfully for very different reasons. This time, when the peak of the cycle began, I got sick, and it was one of those "once a decade" mega-ass-kickers that very nearly landed me in the hospital. For a few days, I was too weak to even sit up, and was having a lot of trouble breathing.

This is with the simultaneous, correct and consistent use of MIR, Airborne, multi-vitamins, L-Lysine, and properly made true colloidal silver, ingested orally and nebulized, mind you. I am very confident that had I not used all of those things, I may very well have died from it, even if I had gone to the hospital.

I'm not fully well, but I am getting better fast now. Hopefully I will be able to work soon.

To no real surprise, I discovered when I looked closely enough, that the peak of this cycle tip-tops on the 11th, but for all practical intents and purposes, it will last about 9 days. Which is how long I have been dealing with this illness and having things fail and fall apart on me. My house needs about $1,000 worth of new repairs, too, from that time period.

But... I'm almost done being sick. Hopefully I can start using MHS v2 again soon. And working. So tired of being bored and useless.
Not very surprisingly, I am still sick, with the infection lingering in my lungs and trying to come back. Not finding myself in a good place to work, and the models are still unstable regardless. I wonder how long this will take.
For the first time all month, I feel well enough to try to work today. So let's start working on Allergy Relief Aid, which I left about 1/3rd finished. I'm trying to make it a focus fire, hopefully this will be possible to finish in a small number of days.
I am, apparently, finally coming to the end of this infection - I think. I have thought so a few times before, only to have it flare up again for days and days. But I think I am finally almost over it.

But I find myself perpetually exhausted and unable to focus for more than a few minutes at a time. So maybe my immune system finally has the upper hand, but it is still very much a war being waged.

This makes for a lot of frustration for me, because every day I sit here unable to work is money and opportunities for development, research, experimentation and building new things that are being lost.

I suppose I have no choice but to wait.

I was really wondering how this would play out, because the predicted result of the effects of the cycle in January was... completely unable to work, all month. How the heck would that happen? I didn't expect anyone else to die... I didn't see how it was possible. But here we are... almost an entire month now of being unbelievably sick and exhausted, unable to work. I have never been this sick, or sick for this long, with an infection, ever before in my life.

Not too happy to have been accurate in predicting this about the cycle.

But if this was accurate then next month should see an improvement, but not a complete end to this issue, and March should see the end of it. By April, things should be good again. I can only guess that this means a lingering exhaustion and/or lack of ability to focus from this infection that gets progressively better over time.

I'm still trying to work, each day I try, but we are not exactly making much progress just yet. I think right now I can manage about 10 minutes a day of what should be useful work. I'm not even sure I trust it enough, so I don't even use it yet.

To say this is frustrating is an understatement. If only I had the energy to be frustrated.
I think we are finally getting to the end of this ridiculous infection. Trying to get back to productivity and verifying the accuracy of the answers I'm getting.
Finally making some headway on Allergy Relief Aid. Been struggling to get started on that again. I thought it was going to be a focus fire, but it looks like the cause of allergies that can be affected by subliminals is a bit too complex for that if I want to make it comprehensive, which I do. So... making progress again.
Right now I am working on developing the ALRA script based on some research I had to stop to do in response to what the models were suggesting was the cause of the majority of allergies, which surprised me, and it turns out that others have found the same thing for decades. Of course the medical establishment would laugh, because the answer isn't a pill or a knife. I've done research leading me back to the 1950's and 1960's that corroborates what the models were suggesting, and interestingly, one of the books from that era was talking about how medical doctors were open to hypnosis to help solve issues like this, and that allergists of the time had concluded this very same root cause for allergies. Now, I note that the vast majority of doctors laugh at, scoff at and blow off hypnosis and discount this explanation in favor of raw chemistry. Sure, we have made huge advances in science since then, but why isn't it possible that the mind triggers the chemical responses? It is very obvious, looking back that far, how much Big Pharma has taken over the direction of the medical training in the years since.

Anyway, had to take a few days to do that research and it has really helped in terms of focusing my efforts and I'm back to developing ALRA. There are a couple other things that may be triggered by or caused by the same thing that apparently underlies the major expression of most allergies that I might also be able to influence.

In other news, I have in the last week come up with three significant leads on how to advance FRM 4.9. Will also be working on that shortly.

Not much being said, but I am definitely busy in the background working on some important stuff.