12-19-2014, 06:22 AM
12-19-2014, 05:22 PM
![]() Just super curious
12-19-2014, 09:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-19-2014, 09:44 PM by JackOfHearts.)
I'll do yours too shub. But I'm going to take a break today, unless I get bored I won't do them for now.
(12-19-2014, 05:22 PM)LeoistheSun Wrote: Bump I can say that for now, you are a very spiritual person and you lack self confidence contrary to what your Sun sign should do in Leo, you have a lot of self doubts. But right now you are focusing on the intellect.
![]() I know I am a Leo sun and Scorpio moon. If those arent correct then I need to narrow down time and area more perhaps?
12-20-2014, 09:44 AM
i'll check that, I didn't go far into it. But I might be wrong, I'm not a professional astrologer. I'll give more proof later. I'll describe it more in depth so Im sure you understand what I mean.
12-21-2014, 02:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-21-2014, 02:53 AM by JackOfHearts.)
Asc/Lagna 23:23 Sagittarius Sun 06:35 Leo Moon 11:12 Scorpion Mars 11:23 Taurus Mercury 00:46 Virgo Jupiter 25:47 Cancer Venus 11:52 Cancer Saturn 20:54 Capricorn Sagittarius is mutable fire. Social, freedom loving, curious, broadminded, blunt, tactless, playful, adventurous,traveling, philosophical, arrogant, thoughtless, selfish. http://www.astrolada.com/sagittarius I see a lot of connection with Sagittarius on your chart that’s why I told you I think you are a spiritual person but I missed something important. The lord of your Asc/lagna is jupiter and he is combust with the Sun. That’s where I made a mistake when I told you where a spiritual person. While I think it’s still hold a strong focus in your life it is confused because your lagna lord Jupiter is combust. Description of jupiter combustion: When Jupiter is combust the native feels that they are unable to meet a set of ideals which their ego considers necessary for spiritual blessings. The self is attached to the need for perfect and noble behavior in order to be worthy of God's grace. They are unable to accept themselves with their own imperfections and feel that God will not either. There is little room for self-forgiveness and a resulting lack of faith in God's interest in their personal welfare. They may easily believe that others can receive Gods blessings, but that they are unable to believe that they themselves can. This creates a feeling of purposelessness in their activities, including their spiritual activities, because they feel that no matter what the effort they are still imperfect and therefore worthless in God's eyes. In essence when Jupiter is combust the native is angry at religion or God for making it impossible for them. Generally the issues revolving around a combust Jupiter are developed as a result of experiencing some belief system that was presented in a dogmatic fashion. This belief system or the manners in which it was presented, would not have allowed for the normal feelings and desires which all humans have. Being of perfect behavior, word and thought would have been stressed with no practical methods being taught to control the mind and transcend desires. The individual would then be left in despair, without hope for any possible salvation. Another consideration of Jupiter's combustion is that the native will feel insecure about their knowledge or wisdom. This will cause them frustration and anger when confronted by something they do not understand. Rather than admit that they do not understand they are more likely to act as if it is unimportant at the moment and try to sneak out of dealing with their lack of understanding. Sun Leo is fixed fire. Bigger than life, egotistical, arrogant, thoughtless, loving, protective, selfish, self aware, loyal, passionate, childlike*, warm, generous, competent, social, romantic. For your sun sign though I’m sure of what I said, there are a lot of doubt, lack of confidence in yourself. Because you have a strong conjunction ketu sun (1°) though it’s not that hard because your sun is in his own sign Leo. Your ketu being there with influence from saturn too, I think your past life focus was around spiritual and occults matters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzPIEKo2...nvXKRQ5FNg KETU/SUN conjunction : The influence of Ketu on the Sun is to free the native from ego identification. Ketu creates strong self-doubts that cause the native to feel a lack in everything they do. There is a strong need to establish perfection in their actions. This perfection is never realized, as Ketu is presided by the Absolute aspect of God, and thus a level of accomplishment that would satisfy him is not to be found in the material. All other levels of accomplishment leave a nagging feeling of doubt; what the native is aware of is what he did not do, the perfection they did not accomplish. Until the native is able to free themselves from the attachment of seeing themselves as the doer these painful self-doubts persist. Once the native understands that a perfect accomplishment consists of the results of one's karmas, plus or minus any merits or demerits, plus any grace, then he becomes free of these doubts that are really just the result of being attached to one's role and seeing themselves as the doer. Ketu influencing the Sun is also indicative of the native having a degree of importance or influence in their recent past lives, as well as having felt accomplished in manifesting their destiny. Again the doubts given by Ketu cause the native to be hidden and feel insecure in order that they free themselves from the limited security given by importance, power and influence. Moon Scorpio is fixed water. Secretive, power seeking, controlling, intense, focused, powerful, driven, absolutist, clingy, resilient, deceptive, violent, protective, loyal, expert. What I have said with AlphaMind about occult stuff is also true for you. Not only because your moon is scorpio. I would say it’s even more deep for you. Because you have 4 factor that relates to the 8th house (read above the 8th description). First you have your lagna lord in the 8th house, then you have your moon that is lord of the 8th house. You have your Sun and Jupiter conjunct with the 8house cusp. Your Atmakaaraka (representative of self) is Jupiter in the 8th house. I could also add that you have ketu there which means you worked in these things in past life. Your moon is a bit hurt overall, it has a strong influence from mars, and is placed in the 12 house. I guess your mind is full of emotion from here and there, and it’s hard to deal with all that. Judging from all this 8house thing and your moon there I think it’s battle in your mind, restless thinking. The moon is the mind, the moon in scorpio is not the best placement. There is a need for emotional security. From the outside all this is hidden, scorpio being a master of manipulation. http://www.astrolada.com/scorpio From 3 years old to 19 you were in your Jupiter period (dasa) so everything in your life in this period was relating to transformation, occults things, sex, manipulation,etc. Everything that relates to this house that I describe for the 8house in my post above for AlphaMind. You are know in your saturn period so I think you are now more focus on the material life but also with relationship since august 2012 because it’s your mercury sub period. And your mercury rules the 7th house relationship and also the 10th house that I would describe as the BASE house. Mercury is exalted, the rational mind is precise, practical, efficient and inventive. The native is very capable in the management of their affairs and capable of prioritizing their duties in an efficient manner that reduces stress and worry. There is a high discriminative capacity. Communication is clear and intelligent, providing the capacity to establish proper boundaries and maintain fairness in all associations. Your mercury is not perfect though because there is some influence from Mars and Saturn which can add some stress and pessimism here. http://www.astrolada.com/mercury-in-virg...and-skills Mars in taurus: http://www.astrolada.com/mars-in-taurus-...-sex-style Venus in the 8th house (expect some turbulence there too) http://www.astrolada.com/venus-in-cancer-love-style Venus Jupiter Weak conjunction so less influence (14°): http://www.astrolada.com/moon-with-jupit...ct-jupiter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la8-FIHG...nvXKRQ5FNg Tell me what how you feel about this description, it’s hard to guess what it is really because your Jupiter is exalted so it’s supposed to be strong but it’s also combust so he loses all his strength. Computer generated description: LAGNA IS SAGITTARIUS The native with Sagittarius lagna guides their life through some belief, philosophy, religion or law. They are very apt to do what they believe and their entire identities are wrapped around their ideals. They aspire to have purpose and meaning in life. The evolutionary goal is to develop the opposing sign of Gemini. The Sagittarius native must learn to test their ideals, beliefs, etc, and be flexible where necessary. In other words they need to investigate what they believe in to test and see if it really measures up and works. The native also needs to learn to have fun and play; that not everything has to have some grand purpose. Partnerships tend to be with more curious, experimental, and playful types, or with those who bring out these qualities in the native. RAHU AND KETU KETU IN THE 9TH HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 3RD HOUSE: Ketu in the 9th indicates that the native in recent past lives created security through faith in their belief system. There has also generally been a focus on teaching what one believes. Rahu in the 3rd indicates that they must now test their beliefs through trial and error, to find out what really works for them, as well as displaying their skills, knowledge and talents through active participation rather than through teaching. Rahu here usually indicates a skilled personality and one who is quite focused and directed with the use of their skills, strength and energy. Ketu in the 9th also indicates that the native has been quite broad in his approach to life and his understanding. Rahu in the 3rd indicates a need to focus on what is of greatest concern, to narrow their approach so that they can effectively complete what is of greatest importance to them. KETU IN LEO, RAHU IN AQUARIUS: Ketu in Leo indicates a native who in recent past lives has attempted to create security through expressing a noble and dignified personality. Often times they may have even had a station in life that required them to express a noble personality. The result of this is that they did not completely express themselves along their most natural lines, rather they exhibited only what was best or most virtuous and noble. In this life, Ketu in Leo, gives great self-doubts that are the result of the native being unsure of what aspects of their personality to express, and what to hide. They are insecure, though they may appear very magnetic. The purpose for creating these doubts are to help the native overcome any attachment to their role, this allows for the individual to become completely individualized, this need being indicated by Rahu's placement in Aquarius. Rahu in Aquarius indicates that the native is rapidly becoming individualized. Being individualized is to obtain an honest security that has no need to try to be more than it is out of any weakness, or to be held back or hidden due to any weakness; to see oneself with all one's pluses and minuses, accepting them evenly. This placement of Rahu gives the opportunity for one to become psychologically healthy, at ease with themselves and their personality. The doubts given by Ketu in Leo become less as the native identifies with groups and peers of like mindedness. The group involvement, indicated by Rahu in Aquarius, allows the native to see where they are similar to others, and also where they are unique and different, this allows the native to become more secure with their individuality. KETU/SATURN: The influence of Ketu on Saturn (with rasi aspect) indicates a nativity that has experienced security as a result of being an authority in some manner or field. In this life, Ketu's goal is to free the native from the need of being an authority figure in order to feel secure. Ketu does this through confrontations with those that cause the native to doubt their capacity as an authority figure. These doubts result in the native having the only choice of learning to be happy and secure without being an authority figure. RAHU/JUPITER: The influence of Rahu on Jupiter (with rasi aspect) indicates a native in the need of defining their belief system and purpose. There is usually some discontent, unhappiness, or lack revolving around their religious upbringing and this may make one irreligious or disinterested in spiritual values. If there are strong spiritual factors in the horoscope, the influence of Rahu on Jupiter may create an aspiring spiritual personality, but one that is usually more inclined towards preaching and teaching to others, which they do to compensate for their own lack of understanding. They are essentially preaching and teaching to themselves. The influence of Rahu on Jupiter also indicates a strong need to find meaning and purpose in life. Until this happens, the native usually suffers some discontent and a lack of clear direction. There may be a tendency to become overly enthusiastic about a venture, but only for a short while, after which discontent and purposelessness set in. The native needs to find an inner purpose that gives meaning to life in order to overcome this discontent. The conjunction of Rahu to Jupiter seems to be much more severe and when under the influence of Mars or Saturn, creates Guruchandala yoga, making one irreligious, a hypocrite and suffering on account of children. In a woman's nativity, this additionally indicates suffering due to having difficulty finding a worthwhile marriage partner. The aspect is not nearly as severe in its negativity. The strong aspect of Jupiter onto Rahu, in fact, eventually alleviates a lot of the trouble indicated by Rahu. The strong aspect of Jupiter indicates that the native will eventually be able to understand the areas Rahu is influencing and learn to do what is needed to maintain happiness. RAHU/VENUS: The influence of Rahu on Venus (with rasi aspect) indicates a native with a very powerful desire nature that causes disruption with what they want, particularly with regards to relationships. There is generally a tendency to experience powerful hypnotic attractions to individuals of the opposite sex. These attractions are the result of one aspect of the person to whom the native is attracted to seem like the all, when in fact it is only one small aspect that the native is attracted to. This small aspect is something that the native is attempting to develop within himself at the time of the attraction. The result is a tendency to "fall in love" before seeing the person completely for what they are, which results in eventual disappointment or discontentment. Maintaining balance and harmony in relationships are found to be difficult for the native and they need to develop some discrimination with regards to whom they fall in love with, as those people they fall in love with rarely validate their love or fulfill their desire. Venus represents conscious desires. Rahu represents subconscious desires, primal desires, hopes, wishes, fantasies, strange longings, etc. Putting these together may result in a very compulsive desire nature, which has little chance of fulfillment. The resulting discontent may eventually serve to motivate the native towards some spiritual fulfillment, provided there are strong spiritualizing factors in the horoscope. Chart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Cla4O...sp=sharing
12-21-2014, 09:26 AM
Wow got all the stuff I wrote deleted....
I wanted to say alot seems to be accurate. The fact I feel god could not accept me is true. Also that the moon which is the mind (what about the base of Leo- does that not have the most influence?) is Scorpio which is why I am more adventurous and just do things for pleasure in the moment- leading to things that make me feel even more rejected by god. It is a bit hard to understand all of this. Ketu, house etc. Not something I know. I wish I could get more of a description overall- like in a paragraph or 4-5 sentences. ----------------------------- I do have bad beliefs no doubt. As posted by the computer generated part. I have been beginning to understand to test these or to not believe until i figure it for myself... As far as partners go... being playful is a major plus and I cant stand serious women. Not attractive at all. What sign of women works best for me?? "Rahu here usually indicates a skilled personality and one who is quite focused and directed with the use of their skills, strength and energy." --- Now I just need a direction and motivation to see this skill put to good use. I almost get the fact that I am presenting part of myself that is un-sure, un-genuine because I am unsure what to express. -- I must work on this, though its meaning to me is elusive. Can you explain KETU/SATURN more? Im a little confused as to the authoritative figure. What does this mean??: "Ketu does this through confrontations with those that cause the native to doubt their capacity as an authority figure. " -I have confrontations with my step-father about authority. His presence in a way makes me feel powerless. ------------------- "There may be a tendency to become overly enthusiastic about a venture, but only for a short while, after which discontent and purposelessness set in. The native needs to find an inner purpose that gives meaning to life in order to overcome this discontent." - I do this. I need to find my purpose. RAHU/VENUS An idea what house this is? Thanks Maniac360 Im going to do AM6 soon. This should help alot- right?
Hi guys,
A request.. can we keep astrology talk just to this thread and not in peoples journals? Astrology along with religion isn't something we want to talk about in the main forums. I will rename this thread to "The Astrology Thread" so then you can also use it for talking about it and not just the readings. I have also made an amendment to Rule 4 to mention this. Thanks ![]() -Ben
I posted here Benjamin to know more where to focus my mind when doing AM6. Are you saying that I cannot post this in my journal? Once I start??
???? While I do not wish to take on a mod, you must understand by my name alone I am interested in Astrology. I am not completely focused on it- however much mentioned here feels true. If I do not know who I am now- how can I make a plan to change for the future? How can I learn to be the most of my potential by understanding my weaknesses and strengths?
Hey man,
The rule isn't a dig at you or anything, it was something established a while ago.. but we didn't really have anyone specifically enforcing the rules so there's been a bit of it going on but now i'm going to be regularly looking through the forum to keep things clean. You can talk about astrology in this thread, we decided to have a seperate thread for astrology and one for religion so it can still be talked about.. but not on the main forum or threads. As like religion there is alot of polarizing reactions to this subject and that is the reason for the rule. I can't see how this would prevent you still studying this for yourself and making these plans for the future or learning your potential. And you've managed to write a few pages in your journal without astrology stuff. I also haven't deleted any posts of yours past a few edits in the journal e.g [Post in violation of rule 4] and that was after you wrote "Wow got all the stuff I wrote deleted...." so in that case it wasn't me deleting it, may just have been something happen when you tried to post it. -Ben
12-21-2014, 09:56 PM
Sorry for my part about this Benjamin.
12-21-2014, 11:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-21-2014, 11:16 PM by JackOfHearts.)
First I don’t think God is rejecting you. You are just resolving your problem, meaning you are taking your responsibility for your past karma (action in the world). It’s all about you, the way you see the world, not God.
For the Saturn influence on Ketu the authoritative figure can be anyone and place that is testing you and putting you in a situation that is making you doubt your capacity. I was an authority figure in IT and even if I’m very good at it, I was put in a place where it was impossible to be productive. So I doubted my capacity which made me even better because I kept learning more and more. From what I see in your horoscope you where an authority in a field too. It’s hard to guess which field though. I think it’s also why your Sun is conjunct ketu. “Ketu influencing the Sun is also indicative of the native having a degree of importance or influence in their recent past lives” In order to get better you forget or doubt who you where so you focus in another part of your life that need to be improved indicated by rahu. (12-21-2014, 09:26 AM)LeoistheSun Wrote: “ is Scorpio which is why I am more adventurous and just do things for pleasure in the moment- leading to things that make me feel even more rejected by god. “ It looks like a Leo thing to me. Leo like to be playful, fun to be around, to be the center of attention. god is not rejecting you, you are rejecting yourself by thinking the wrong way. I wish I could make a 5 sentences paragraph, but usually we are more complicated than that. I could give a brief description of your Leo sun Sign but it won’t be accurate If I don’t tell you why you are doubting yourself. I think you must be attracting in your life more Gemini type personality. Because usually we attract the opposite from our ketu. You are sagittarius ascendant and your ketu is in the sagittarius house (the 9th), the opposite sign is gemini. You could also attract a taurus personality because you have a strong Scorpio influence in your chart. (when I say a taurus type personality it means she would have a strong taurus influence from her chart like yours in scorpio or Sagittarius). Most of the time the woman we attract in our life is there to improve our personality by showing us the opposite sign personality that we are more used to. (12-21-2014, 09:26 AM)LeoistheSun Wrote: As far as partners go... being playful is a major plus and I cant stand serious women. Not attractive at all. What sign of women works best for me?? Choose what you think suit you best. You don’t have to worry about this. But like I said I think the best sign for you would be Taurus or Gemini, it doesn’t mean the girl would have her Sun or Moon or Asc sign in taurus. It would be more like her ketu would be in the 3rd house like mine is. In other word if I would be a girl you would be attracted ![]() I notice the girl I was very close to has a strong scorpio or/and Sagittarius influence in their horoscope. (12-21-2014, 09:26 AM)LeoistheSun Wrote: RAHU/VENUS Rahu is in the 3rd house and Venus in the 8th house The 3rd House has an affinity with Gemini and Mercury. Key Word: Mental qualities. Governs mentality, curiosity and research. The 3rd House describes mental abilities and experiences associated with learning and communication. Vedic astrology also associates this house with our desires, and with such qualities as courage and bravery; also the fine arts, music, dance and drama. It shows our motivation and indicates our main interests and talents, whether physical or mental— what we really like to do. (12-21-2014, 09:26 AM)LeoistheSun Wrote: Im going to do AM6 soon. This should help alot- right? Yeah it would help you for sure. That's what I would choose if I were you. But what you are doing currently is very good too. |
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