09-04-2014, 02:43 PM
Hi I'd appreciate it if you are still doing these to do mine too.
12th of November 1995 Manchester, England UK 6:45pm
12th of November 1995 Manchester, England UK 6:45pm
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
09-04-2014, 02:43 PM
Hi I'd appreciate it if you are still doing these to do mine too.
12th of November 1995 Manchester, England UK 6:45pm
09-05-2014, 01:28 AM
09-05-2014, 01:34 AM
gelimang :
Asc Taurus Sun Aries Moon Pisces Mars Cancer Mercury Aries Jupiter Leo Venus Taurus Saturn Aquarius I’m Ascendant Taurus too but I don’t really fully understand the ascendant description that is given by my software maybe you’ll do better: LAGNA IS TAURUS (asc) The native with Taurus lagna is in a process of considering the value of that which their life consists of. They look at themselves, what they have acquired, and their lives to see if it is worth it, and if not what needs to be fulfilled in order to make it worthwhile. There is an emphasis on developing that which they consider of value, which generally are those things that provide physical security, wellbeing and joy. Though naturally pragmatic, the hardships and struggles of the world reveals to them what is important to them, what they get out of what they do, and what they want to identify with. The evolutionary goal is to develop the opposing quality of Scorpio. What is valuable as well is that which there an emotional or inner need is for. It is recognizing that it is the inner security which things give that is valuable, not merely the material security. Generally they must suffer some loss and crisis in order to realize this, which turns them to look where their needs are not being fulfilled. This generally gives partners that create some crisis in their lives, or a partner that suffers some crisis, in order to awaken them to their need for inner security. Your Asc sign should be much stronger than me because his lord in on the same sign and house. So should give a strong physical body, beautiful too because Taurus is ruled by Venus, it’s a feminine sign. Taurus is fixed earth, he is : Passive, like inertia, slow, resistant, sensual, hedonistic, strength, patient, focused, absolute, determined. http://www.astrolada.com/taurus Sun in Aries (cardinal fire): This should completely contradict/conflict your 2 other main sign which is Taurus and Pisces. The sun is in exaltation in Aries, so your Sun should be very powerful. With my recent reading experience I now think that it’s not always a good thing (that your sun is exalted). But with your 2 other main sign in conflict this should appease the Aries “Beast/fighter”. Aries is Bold, aggressive, direct, fearless, cocky, selfish, thoughtless, protective, explosive, first, passionate, arrogant, egotistical, self-aware. And he should more than that because he is exalted. http://www.astrolada.com/aries Moon in Pisces (mutable water): Pisces he the hardest to describe because he “always” hide/change his true personality, especially in public when he feels vulnerable. Pisces he highly emotional, sensitive and in social situation he absorb all influences around him. This makes him vulnerable or very compassionate depending on who he is in front of him. Beware though that your Aries Sun sign should conflict this behavior and Taurus too because Taurus is the one who resist influence and he is highly grounded, he doesn’t change his mind because someone he trying to manipulate him. Pisces is Talkative, moody, confused, irrational, caring, loving, optimistic, dreaming, hedonistic, addictive, sensitive, delusional, dualistic, diffused, self destructive. One thing that should be more obvious is the hedonistic nature which repeats here on Pisces and Taurus. I have notice myself this hedonistic nature being Pisces and Taurus too. Aries should decrease this hedonistic nature a bit or not (I’m not sure). http://www.astrolada.com/pisces Your chart is a lot like mine because you are ascendant Taurus. Your Jupiter in leo and Saturn in Aquarius are at ~180° like me. I heard it’s a good thing because they appease each other. Jupiter being too much optimistic and Saturn too much pessimistic. So this gives someone that doesn’t dive in either extreme. I can say until now that I seem to be like that. And your Saturn is very very well placed. This can give prominent vein (which I have). It’s supposed to give a long life (I didn’t experience it yet). Mercury in Aries, it’s like mat422. Mercury is the rational mind; yours should be very much like fire, going in everything direction restlessly. http://www.astrolada.com/mercury-in-aries Mars in Cancer is dilapidated, the native lack courage, drive, motivation to do things, he lack sex drive too. The dilapidation is reduced because the sun in Aries is exalted (mars rules Aries) http://www.astrolada.com/mars-in-cancer-...-sex-style Venus is in Taurus (his own sign): This is a well-placed Venus, in the ascendant first house (one of the best house being angular and trine house). Your Venus is in **° so there is a **% influence from Taurus and **% influence from Gemini (a conflict, the ° and % are masked on purpose). This should make the native talkative while Taurus makes the native slow, grounded, and sensual (in love, relationship, his desire, etc). http://www.astrolada.com/venus-in-taurus...love-style http://www.astrolada.com/venus-in-gemini...love-style One thing that I didn’t mention until now for the other ones because it goes into too much more details but I’ll do it here because it should be more obvious for you. Like I have already said astrology is much deeper/complicated/detailed than this. In another horoscope which goes much deeper your Venus is dilapidated and Sun is dilapidated, this doesn’t contradict your main chart. But this should decrease the beneficence from your Sun and Venus. I didn’t go in much detail for the other ones because this wasn’t that obvious. I don't reveal the exact degree on the forum for people who doesn't want to reveal all their chart but I gave them all the exact information with PM.
09-06-2014, 02:20 AM
Asc 05:35 Cancer Sun 19:54 Scorpio Moon 20:09 Cancer Mars 16:40 Sagittarius Mercury 13:43 Scorpio Jupiter 18:27 Sagittarius Venus 11:37 Sagittarius Saturn 18:04 Pisces Firstly your main sign Asc, Sun and moon are all in water sign, so it gives the native a very emotional personality (water being emotion). Water is the ancient element associated with the emotional, the intuitive, and the artistic side of things. These signs are focused heavily through their emotions in how they experience the world around them, and express themselves. They tend to be very sensitive emotionally because of this, and they can be easily hurt, sometimes even if the slight they are hurt by is only imagined. Asc and moon Cancer (*2): Cancer is cardinal water, cardinal sign tend to be adventurous and love discovering new things. These are the movers and shakers, the go-getters, the ones who like to take action. and do things. Cancer main personality is Motherly, emotional, moody, caring, nurturing, needy, clingy, resilient, loving, manipulative, family oriented. The manipulative part should be straightened because your Sun and Mercury is in Scorpio (Scorpio being the absolute master of manipulation). The moon is exalted in Cancer so you should have a strong mind (subconscious). http://www.astrolada.com/cancer LAGNA IS CANCER (asc) To Cancer lagna, life and their well being is very dependent upon their mental attitude. They make inner adjustments to the varying factors of life and their ability to do so decides the quality of their life. They feel everything and are sensitive, but the degree of happiness they have depends upon their ability to feel what they feel with the understanding that feelings are just a reflection and therefore a particular feeling should not be considered more preferable than another. If they are unable to do this, then their feelings may be a source of suffering in their lives. Their actions are largely motivated by their needs; the degree that they need to have their needs fulfilled by external sources determines their happiness. The degree to which they understand that their needs are responsible for their happiness or unhappiness, and not the external fulfilling of those needs, determines their level of happiness and contentment. The evolutionary goal is to develop the opposing quality of Capricorn; they must learn that even though they have within them the ability to fulfill all their needs, that this leads to a corresponding external fulfillment of the needs as well, and that those activities are an important part of their development. Along with this they must also learn that if their needs are being threatened by external factors, that they still have some work to do with maintaining their own capacity to fulfill their needs. This generally gives partnerships with those that are more capable of fulfilling their needs through external factors, or partners that force the native to develop their ability to fulfill their needs externally. Sun in Scorpio: Scorpio is fixed water (ice), he is secretive, power seeking, controlling, intense, focused, powerful, driven, absolutist, clingy, resilient, deceptive, violent, protective, loyal, expert. Scorpio people only feel they own emotion and they project their emotion with great intensity (one reason they influence people easily). Scorpio is the most emotional sign, when he feels hurt he will massively retaliate. http://www.astrolada.com/scorpio Mars in Sagittarius: http://www.astrolada.com/mars-in-sagitta...-sex-drive Mercury in Scorpio : http://www.astrolada.com/mercury-in-scorpio Mercury is combust with the sun ( any planet near the sun is combust). In this case a combustion (6°, normal combustion, neither weak or strong). Around 33% have a mercury combustion so it’s pretty usual thing. When Mercury is combust the individual experiences feelings of vulnerability when making requests. The self is identified with the function of speech and feels hurt and rejected when his requests are slighted or denied. The ego is fearful of having its request denied and therefore feeling rejected on a personal level. Even legitimate requests such as asking for a well-deserved raise, requesting from loved ones and returning an item to a store become difficult. After some time the individual feels taken advantage of and unfulfilled at which time anger and resentment set in. The individual must recognize that they must take direct responsibility for getting their needs and desires met by communicating them clearly and strongly. They are generally only able to communicate their desires and needs more overtly through hints, or in a joking manner. Combust Mercury presents the most trouble in personal relationships where a clear communication of needs and desires is important for maintaining harmony and in business affairs where money must be asked for. In essence, when Mercury is combust the native is angry because they are unable to maintain a fair exchange with others. Generally the issues revolving around a combust Mercury develop in this lifetime when the native, as a child, felt rejected when making requests for things from the father, and the father answering something like this, "What do you want that for, its stupid, a waste of money, etc." Jupiter is in conjunction with mars (2°, strong conjunction) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmHzvad_...Ng&index=1 Venus in Sagitarius: http://www.astrolada.com/venus-in-sagitt...love-style Mars Venus conjunction (5°): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc2sNyhQ...nvXKRQ5FNg birth chart
09-07-2014, 04:35 PM
Okay...... I'm am so sorry for this I was actually born at 1:16 p.m
10-04-2014, 05:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-04-2014, 06:01 AM by JackOfHearts.)
No problem, It will serve as an example for other. Never trust your mom
![]() I'll do it when I have the time. In the meantime I have just checked, you are ascendant Scorpio with your new birth time. So my first horoscope was "true". I will check later if it doesn't change any other things. Your birth time will only change your ascendant so all the other planet will stay in the same sign. Except the moon who change sign every 2 days (but it's not your case).
10-04-2014, 05:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-07-2014, 01:48 AM by JackOfHearts.)
Asc 6°01 Sagittarius Sun 05°31 Leo Moon 06°59 Sagittarius Mars 21°01 Virgo Mercury 18°31 Cancer Jupiter 9°15 Libra Venus 25°03 Gemini ****(corrected I wrote Libra it was Gemini) Saturn 28°34 Aquarius Your 3 main sign are fire sign, Fire signs are passionate and energetic. They embody drive and energy and the desire for action and passion, and they are all somewhat childlike in their perception of the world around them. Fire signs tend to be more often prone to naivete, and tend to be eternal optimists. Asc and moon are mutable : Mutable signs have a hard time with becoming bored when there is not enough change, and they tend to be unreliable and constantly seeking out or causing things to change. They are the communicators, and they are also diffuse in their expression of their energies. Asc Sagittarius: LAGNA IS SAGITTARIUS (asc = lagna) The native with Sagittarius lagna guides their life through some belief, philosophy, religion or law. They are very apt to do what they believe and their entire identities are wrapped around their ideals. They aspire to have purpose and meaning in life. The evolutionary goal is to develop the opposing sign of Gemini. The Sagittarius native must learn to test their ideals, beliefs, etc, and be flexible where necessary. In other words they need to investigate what they believe in to test and see if it really measures up and works. The native also needs to learn to have fun and play; that not everything has to have some grand purpose. Partnerships tend to be with more curious, experimental, and playful types, or with those who bring out these qualities in the native. Sagitarius (*2, moon and asc): is Social, freedomloving, curious, broadminded, blunt, tactless, playful, adventurous,traveling, philosophical, arrogant, thoughtless, selfish. http://www.astrolada.com/sagittarius Sun Leo: The sun is well place in his own sign. Leo is Bigger than life, egotistical, arrogant, thoughtless, loving, protective, selfish, self aware, loyal, passionate, childlike*, warm, generous, competent, social, romantic. http://www.astrolada.com/leo Moon Rahu conjunction 4° (strong): The influence of Rahu on the Moon results in some weakness in the mind that is in need of strengthening. This is generally the result of the mind not being centered in the heart, instead being centered externally or remaining unfocused. When the mind is centered externally there is discontent and depression that comes from the lack of fulfillment the world has to offer. When the mind remains unfocused there is a higher degree of psychic disorders, and/or a lack of clarity and concentration. Rahu influencing the Moon may give heightened psychic sensitivity but usually this is also accompanied by a weakness that make the native more sensitive to psychic disorders. Other weakness of the mind caused by Rahu may be various types of mental derangement, but for any serious difficulties other malefic influences must also be indicated. In the horoscopes of natives with strong spiritual tendencies, Rahu influencing the Moon may give strong attunement. The discontent that Rahu casts upon the Moon is also a cause of addictions. Addictions also serve to make the mind unfocused, which results again in psychic disorders. Rahu may also give a tendency to live in the imagination, in the realm of fantasy, wishes and hopes, which ultimately lead to discontent and depression because in the end the native still lives in the real world. In female natives the conjunction of the Moon with Rahu creates a strong feminine magnetism, and a strong emotional transparency that is attractive to men. However, the woman herself feels ungrounded and insecure and is usually not emotionally healthy enough to enjoy a relationship. The need for the native, when Rahu is influencing the Moon is to learn to keep the mind anchored in the heart, the one place of true satisfaction for it. With natives having spiritual tendencies this is an eventual possibility. http://www.astrolada.com/moon-with-rahu-...-horoscope "Venus ketu conjunction weak 15°:" *** error here, the text is describing a ketu/moon influence The influence of Ketu on the Moon indicates a deeper, probing, mentality that generally suffers discontentment in the world. When Ketu influences the Moon, the mentality is not so superficial as to be able to simply enjoy the pleasures of the world. The mind is always looking deeper, beneath the surface, and thus there is always a nagging discontent and questioning. This creates an introverted mindset, which in a spiritual nativity is conducive to spiritual practices. In other nativities, this may cause introversions and frustrations that may have violent or explosive eruptions. Generally it is found that natives with Ketu influencing the Moon have an interest in psychology. Another noticeable trait of Ketu's influence to the Moon is to make the native very emotionally controlled and rigid. When they are in a negative mood, there is not a lot anyone can do to cheer them up, they pretty much have to suffer through the mood, after which they will get up feeling just fine. In fact the depths of their moods rarely correlate to what brought the mood upon them. There will usually be associated sub-conscious and past life feelings stirred up by that which triggers the mood. After the mood, the native will appear as balanced and controlled as usual, but one of the reasons the moods are so severe is that the natives do not flow with, and reveal, their feelings, until a buildup has occurred, and then the deep mood. These natives also have an ability to cheer anyone out of a mood; this is due to their ability to not let any feelings come through except those that they want to reveal. In recent past lives, those with Ketu influencing the Moon have established a level of security and safety in the world by controlling their reactions to the many painful things in life. Controlling is one thing, feeling is another, so there is usually some pent-up pain in the native that is released when a mood is triggered. The developmental goal is to purge the mind from subconscious pain, remorse, regret, etc. and to develop a spiritualized mentality that truly remains at peace amidst the varying conditions and reactions of life, rather than a mentality that controls the feelings and reactions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9r_vlVo...2C931848BF Mercury in cancer: http://www.astrolada.com/mercury-in-cancer Venus in gemini: http://www.astrolada.com/venus-in-gemini...love-style Mars in virgo: http://www.astrolada.com/mars-in-virgo-e...-sex-style Your mars capabilities (drive, will, etc) should be less stronger due to another parameter in your horoscope. Chart : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Cla4O...sp=sharing I will add some other details later.
10-07-2014, 01:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-07-2014, 01:46 AM by JackOfHearts.)
(10-04-2014, 05:59 AM)maniac360 Wrote: Mateunio:I made a mistake here the description is talking about ketu influencing your moon. Which is the case too but it’s not the conjunction the title meant. The video is talking about ketu->venus aspect/conjunction and rahu->venus aspect/conjunction (a conjunction is a stronger aspect, it’s more noticeable). In your case both are true, but the latter is an aspect and the former is a conjunction. here is what I should have done: Venus ketu conjunction weak 15°: KETU/VENUS: The influence of Ketu on Venus indicates a nativity that has developed great tact and diplomacy when dealing with all mundane affairs of life as well as having enjoyed much of the pleasures the world can afford. In this life the native experiences a general discontent with worldly delights, even though there is an initial expectation of fulfillment from these things. In a spiritual nativity this influence may be conducive to developing spiritual devotion. Venus is a planet of pride, under the influence of Ketu, humility is being developed and pride is never excessive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9r_vlVo...2C931848BF Ketu/moon aspect: The influence of Ketu on the Moon indicates a deeper, probing, mentality that generally suffers discontentment in the world. When Ketu influences the Moon, the mentality is not so superficial as to be able to simply enjoy the pleasures of the world. The mind is always looking deeper, beneath the surface, and thus there is always a nagging discontent and questioning. This creates an introverted mindset, which in a spiritual nativity is conducive to spiritual practices. In other nativities, this may cause introversions and frustrations that may have violent or explosive eruptions. Generally it is found that natives with Ketu influencing the Moon have an interest in psychology. Another noticeable trait of Ketu's influence to the Moon is to make the native very emotionally controlled and rigid. When they are in a negative mood, there is not a lot anyone can do to cheer them up, they pretty much have to suffer through the mood, after which they will get up feeling just fine. In fact the depths of their moods rarely correlate to what brought the mood upon them. There will usually be associated sub-conscious and past life feelings stirred up by that which triggers the mood. After the mood, the native will appear as balanced and controlled as usual, but one of the reasons the moods are so severe is that the natives do not flow with, and reveal, their feelings, until a buildup has occurred, and then the deep mood. These natives also have an ability to cheer anyone out of a mood; this is due to their ability to not let any feelings come through except those that they want to reveal. In recent past lives, those with Ketu influencing the Moon have established a level of security and safety in the world by controlling their reactions to the many painful things in life. Controlling is one thing, feeling is another, so there is usually some pent-up pain in the native that is released when a mood is triggered. The developmental goal is to purge the mind from subconscious pain, remorse, regret, etc. and to develop a spiritualized mentality that truly remains at peace amidst the varying conditions and reactions of life, rather than a mentality that controls the feelings and reactions. Rahu/venus aspect: RAHU/VENUS: The influence of Rahu on Venus (with rasi aspect) indicates a native with a very powerful desire nature that causes disruption with what they want, particularly with regards to relationships. There is generally a tendency to experience powerful hypnotic attractions to individuals of the opposite sex. These attractions are the result of one aspect of the person to whom the native is attracted to seem like the all, when in fact it is only one small aspect that the native is attracted to. This small aspect is something that the native is attempting to develop within himself at the time of the attraction. The result is a tendency to "fall in love" before seeing the person completely for what they are, which results in eventual disappointment or discontentment. Maintaining balance and harmony in relationships are found to be difficult for the native and they need to develop some discrimination with regards to whom they fall in love with, as those people they fall in love with rarely validate their love or fulfill their desire. Venus represents conscious desires. Rahu represents subconscious desires, primal desires, hopes, wishes, fantasies, strange longings, etc. Putting these together may result in a very compulsive desire nature, which has little chance of fulfillment. The resulting discontent may eventually serve to motivate the native towards some spiritual fulfillment, provided there are strong spiritualizing factors in the horoscope. To sum up you have rahu and ketu influencing moon and rahu and ketu influencing venus. In the former case your moon have a conjunction with rahu and an aspect with ketu. it’s the opposite with venus, she has a conjunction with ketu and an aspect with rahu. I made a close up of it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Cla4O...sp=sharing When you have two planet in the same sign same it’s conjunction, the closer the degree the stronger the influence. When you have Two planet in opposite direction (180°) it’s a strong aspect, the closer it is to 180° the stronger the influence, in your case the moon/ketu aspect is stronger than the rahu/venus one. It is more clear on this chart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Cla4O...sp=sharing I also make a mistake at the beginning with your Venus sign which was Gemini and not Libra which I corrected in the first post.
10-09-2014, 05:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2014, 06:08 AM by JackOfHearts.)
I have decided to go a little deeper in my description. I might not do that for everyone though because it take a lot of time to do it. Unless I’m payed for it.
So I’m going to do this that as an example. I was about to do it on myself so no one get jealous. But I think it would be a waste not to do it on someone who can benefit from it. Keep in mind that the deeper I go the harder it is to understand and I might be less accurate or do some mistake. So please don’t take it as something 100% true, take it more as something to check and learn. So Why so serious (the lucky one). Ascendant Scorpio 15:15 The water fixed sign, which is ice. The master of manipulation. She feels only her emotions and not the others. She able to project her emotions very easily and affect people. Scorpio is Secretive, power seeking, controlling, intense, focused, powerful, driven, absolutist, clingy, resilient, deceptive, violent, protective, loyal, expert. Mars is the ruler of Scorpio (in vedic astrology). Her mars if placed in the 7th house in taurus, the sign of friend (15/60 auspiciousness), mars is directly aspecting the ascendant scorpio ( a very good thing). And the rising degree is between 13°20 and 16°40, so the ascendant is very strong. The seventh house like libra rules relationship and partnership so your mars you have libra/taurus way of expressing itself, the 7house is an angular house, a good house (another good point). Being the ruler of the ascendant it will have a direct impact on the self, the ascendant representing the physical self. Mars rules also the six house, the 6th house relate to disease, service, health and service, it’s an inauspicious house (dusthana house), it can bring disease. In the navamsa chart, the chart with a 9 in the center, on the right next to the main chart, her mars is in it’s fall so there with be a a 30/60 inauspiciousness. So overall I can say that her mars is relatively strong. He is a brief description of ascendant Scorpio given by my software : LAGNA IS SCORPIO: The native with Scorpio lagna is strengthening any personality weaknesses that may have occurred through lack of development in the past as well as working out many limiting results of their karmas. This makes for a highly vulnerable personality that is so aware of its every weakness. The need to develop these undeveloped areas makes for a generally unstable, crisis orientated, and at times, greatly pained personality. The natives tend to be introverted or self-absorbed, looking for some strength and security in their tumultuous selves. The natives are very sensitive as long as there is any attachment left in their personalities. At best they are able to make incredible growth in their lives as they have so much strength and energy available to overcome their liabilities. The evolutionary goal is to develop the opposing sign of Taurus. Scorpio needs to develop stability, and consistency in their lives with regards to those things that they find worthwhile. The concrete things they learn to develop and maintain are a reflection of their own inner security and recognized worth. Partnerships tend to be with those that are more practical, grounded or secure, with those that somehow teach the native these things, or to those whom the native by attaching themselves to finds some worthiness in their activities and themselves. There is also the need to be validated by their partners, if they themselves recognize their value, then their partners will do so as well. If they themselves do not recognize their innate value, then their partners are likely to devalue them, but this also gives the opportunity for the native to validate himself or herself. Then I examine her moon which in her case is more important because she is a woman. Her moon is in gemini the mutable air sign. Gemini is Active, dualistic, easily bored, changeable, curious, hedonistic, thoughtless, playful, intelligent, multitasking, friendly, communicative, social. Her moon is a sign of a great friend so she got a 22/60 auspiciousness, in the navamsa chart she is in friend sign so we got 7.5/60 auspiciousness, the navamsa being less important. Her moon is placed in the 8th house rule by mercury in the 11th. The ruler of the moon mercury is well placed in mulatrikona in the 11th house. The moon rule the the 9th house cancer where there is her jupiter in exaltation. So it’ 2 good things, the 9th house , a trine house which is good and the jupiter being in exaltation. The only problem is her moon is in the 8th house, which is a dusthana house (inauspicious), the 8th house like scorpio the 8th sign rules sex, death, occult, etc. Another point is that the moon is waning so overall she is relatively weak because of that. Her Sun is in Leo in his own sign (30/60 auspicious) and he is in the 10th house one of the best house. Because the sun own his sign we don’t have any other influence from other planets in the lordship. But we have a conjunction with ketu ( a weak one 15°), we also have a weak aspect from rahu. So overall the sun is relatively strong. Here is the signification of the conjunction Sun/ketu: The influence of Ketu on the Sun is to free the native from ego identification. Ketu creates strong self-doubts that cause the native to feel a lack in everything they do. There is a strong need to establish perfection in their actions. This perfection is never realized, as Ketu is presided by the Absolute aspect of God, and thus a level of accomplishment that would satisfy him is not to be found in the material. All other levels of accomplishment leave a nagging feeling of doubt; what the native is aware of is what he did not do, the perfection they did not accomplish. Until the native is able to free themselves from the attachment of seeing themselves as the doer these painful self-doubts persist. Once the native understands that a perfect accomplishment consists of the results of one's karmas, plus or minus any merits or demerits, plus any grace, then he becomes free of these doubts that are really just the result of being attached to one's role and seeing themselves as the doer. Ketu influencing the Sun is also indicative of the native having a degree of importance or influence in their recent past lives, as well as having felt accomplished in manifesting their destiny. Again the doubts given by Ketu cause the native to be hidden and feel insecure in order that they free themselves from the limited security given by importance, power and influence. Her mercury is well place in moolatrikona (45/60 auspiciousness). And then I'm going to stop for now and get some rest ![]() I'm wondering Why so Serious do you feel the Scorpio ascendant describe your personality better or do you associate better with your old ascendant which was Sagittarius?
10-09-2014, 06:04 AM
Here is some good video about astrology for beginner:
10-22-2014, 02:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-22-2014, 02:53 AM by JackOfHearts.)
Amazing video, anyone should know about this simple things, yet most don't know:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWY9xX8w...6a9pAUV97g Even if don't know anything about astrology you can use what he says.
10-23-2014, 02:08 PM
(10-09-2014, 05:59 AM)maniac360 Wrote: I have decided to go a little deeper in my description. I might not do that for everyone though because it take a lot of time to do it. Unless I’m payed for it. So for not reponding sooner. I just read this a couple of days ago. Yes this one describes me better. ![]()
10-31-2014, 05:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-31-2014, 05:14 AM by JackOfHearts.)
I have study a bit more astrology and I think I now understand a bit better your problem, firstly as a solution I strongly recommend that you run AM6 because AM6 goal is the same that I have read from your horoscope. I have selected a rapport from my software that explain your current path in life. I will explain in more detail what it means at the end. KETU IN THE 7TH HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 1ST HOUSE: Ketu in the 7th house indicates a native who in recent past lives has gained security through relationships or public relations of some sort. There is generally a tendency to feel dependent upon others and a tendency to wrap their identity up with their spouse. Rahu in the 1st house indicates in this life the need to grow as an individual without the influence of their spouse or the public. There are generally feelings of loneliness and isolation and as long as the native is not secure in himself or herself they generally feel some insecurities around others. This will be the case until they develop a stronger sense of self. Rahu in the 1st indicates a great need to find one's true individuality. This generally occurs through unexpected or unusual occurrences; the native rarely lives what would be termed a normal life, the influence of Rahu as an outcaste. The native's actions are generally compulsive and may not necessarily appear balanced, but these actions are necessary for them to eventually find themselves. They are strongly attracted to those people and things that they identify with as they search for the missing parts of themselves. They attempt to absorb whatever it is they are attracted to completely and fully, but then a time comes when they realize that this does not fulfill them and then they generally suffer some identity crisis. The result of this crisis is either to find something else which they can compulsively pursue, or if they are of the wiser sort, to realize that they themselves must fulfill themselves. In relationships natives with Rahu in the 1st house generally find themselves feeling lonelier than they expected or desire, but this just another factor that forces them to attempt to realize themselves. Ultimately these natives must understand that everything they are chasing or longing after is just a part of themselves they see reflected in the other. Ketu in the 7th house indicates that the native must also complete significant activities with partners and relationships. These partnerships and relationships will not be capable of providing the security and happiness the native seeks beyond a certain point. At which point, if they have not developed a balanced sense of self, the relationship will come to a close. In any case there is a theme of completion in relationships when Ketu is in the 7th house, whether the completion will be beautiful or horrible, or after a long time or a short time, depends on influencing factors. So from what I see in your past life and maybe at the beginning of your current life you have been very good at relationship with people. This area of your life was very well developed and you might have been clingy about it. Staying in what you are good at doing (your relationship with others). But in your current life everything you have done in this area have somewhat failed due to ketu influencing this part of your life. Ketu create doubts about your capacity to be good at relationships, friendship partnership, etc. So while you are supposed to be good in this area and you are but you need to develop other area of your life. From what I see you have been too much dependent from others. You now need to focus on yourself, develop an healthy attitude like whats is describe in AM6. It is also shown with rahu strong conjunction with the moon. It Shows that you need to develop an healthy mind, to use your feeling/emotion in an healthy manner. An alternative to AM6 would EPHRA. LTU is a good alternative too, but AM6 seems more focus on yourself which is what you really need. What you can also do is ketu mantra because in your chart you are currently in your ketu dasa which started in january 2012 and will end in november 2018. I also advised you to start the mantra the 3th november at 16h45. You should do it 108 every day, the hour you do it after the first time is less relevant. Though the better time to do it is at the sunset, sun highest point in the sky, sunset, sun at midnight (lowest point, which is not exactly midnight depending on where you live). The mantra is something that is always safe to do so you can add the moon mantra if you want to do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdyqU-G2VKI I hope it will serve you. The fact that you don’t seems to behave like a Leo sun while you horoscope show that your Sun is very strong is something I never saw before. Maybe the fact that your ketu is placed in the relationship house is making you doubt about this on purpose and rahu moon conjunction doesn't really help too(I don’t know).
10-31-2014, 03:17 PM
Wow, thanks for that additional response, that was unexpected. I must be really interesting test subject it seems
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