I feel like it's time to write about stage 7.
I'm still unsure if my bad speaker is effecting the subliminal ultrasonic. Stage 7 so far has been ok. Nothing like stages 4-6 but I'm about 99% sure my speakers are fine. It's funny though because I have so much more growth to do and I'm not sure why stage 7 is more bearable than the other stages. I'm still waking up in a slight fatigue and it's clear I'm not getting the sleep I need when running a 5G subliminal but the results and the "resistance" feelings are still showing up so I do have some things to work on.
IN fact I am completely unafraid of authority at this point. I have to be very responsible for myself at this point. And it's a good thing that I'm very good about that. It's in my moral code I practice daily. I'm making very good progress with the fear thing and anxiety as well. With so much weight lifted off my head I can really let the light shine through and I feel like I am empowering others. Genuinley empowering others by being fully present is such an amazing feeling. I'm drawing people towards me but not in the most obvious ways. The real test now is pushing through my mental storms AND dealing with my environment at work (which isn't as toxic as it was
) now since I had it easy having 4 straight days off from work being by myself. Still looking for jobs but for now I'm actually comfortable in this town. I'd like to stay here a little longer.
My foundation is becoming stronger and stronger every day. Picture me as a skyscraper. There used to be no Basement floor. Floors 1-20 were falling apart constantly and floors 21-40 were I guess empty.. with no presence. The top floors were executive suits fully decked out extravagent sulptures, paintings and mahogoney desks and conference tables. The radio antenna at the top though couldn't stop beeping and searching for a signal to provide service (wifi, mobile whatever) that was never there. This building is unbalanced and with the next tropical storm it will completely topple over and within seconds it would be a pile of dust.
That was a few years ago. fast forward to the beginning of this year the company got their shit together and hired on workers since they were makin lots of money so they hired more ppl. Re did some of the walls and frame structures of the ground and middle levels and furnished the offices nice. They even added on to the building and put in shops and some food courts. Then they realized we really need to get a better internet signal. They hired out a company to re do their basment floors and set up an internet server. Everything was re wired while the bottom floors were still being remodeled with sturdier steel materials and to top it off the basement is where the company keeps all of their physical commodities through investments like silver, oil, gold and diamonds. What I'm getting at is BAMM is the shit lol. My fear is dissolving.. I'm laughing at it now. I'm laughing at fear and it feels awesome. My mind is becoming calmer and peaceful I can hear myself think.. when I want to.. and laugh and have fun when I need to
I don't know what else to update on. I'm working closely with Andrew as he is helping me streamline my to-do's to where I don't waste as much time. This can take some time for me to get used to but I'm going thank him sooner rather than later.
My mindset is seeing everything as available to me and that life is abundant. And it is for sure. I made a huge connection recently about my an undesirable behavior of mine and was probably while I was still on my work trip last week when I burned out on self reflection LOL. Anyway.. the new man I am today.. this is something I'm taking very seriously. It is the catalyst me breaking the next barrier. Instead of a chizel I've switched it with a jack hammer. This barrier used to be thick but I've made some dents.
Money wise.. nothing new. Sorry y'all.. this is going to take some time haha. But in final news I'm falling in love with the "process".
I'm still unsure if my bad speaker is effecting the subliminal ultrasonic. Stage 7 so far has been ok. Nothing like stages 4-6 but I'm about 99% sure my speakers are fine. It's funny though because I have so much more growth to do and I'm not sure why stage 7 is more bearable than the other stages. I'm still waking up in a slight fatigue and it's clear I'm not getting the sleep I need when running a 5G subliminal but the results and the "resistance" feelings are still showing up so I do have some things to work on.
IN fact I am completely unafraid of authority at this point. I have to be very responsible for myself at this point. And it's a good thing that I'm very good about that. It's in my moral code I practice daily. I'm making very good progress with the fear thing and anxiety as well. With so much weight lifted off my head I can really let the light shine through and I feel like I am empowering others. Genuinley empowering others by being fully present is such an amazing feeling. I'm drawing people towards me but not in the most obvious ways. The real test now is pushing through my mental storms AND dealing with my environment at work (which isn't as toxic as it was

My foundation is becoming stronger and stronger every day. Picture me as a skyscraper. There used to be no Basement floor. Floors 1-20 were falling apart constantly and floors 21-40 were I guess empty.. with no presence. The top floors were executive suits fully decked out extravagent sulptures, paintings and mahogoney desks and conference tables. The radio antenna at the top though couldn't stop beeping and searching for a signal to provide service (wifi, mobile whatever) that was never there. This building is unbalanced and with the next tropical storm it will completely topple over and within seconds it would be a pile of dust.
That was a few years ago. fast forward to the beginning of this year the company got their shit together and hired on workers since they were makin lots of money so they hired more ppl. Re did some of the walls and frame structures of the ground and middle levels and furnished the offices nice. They even added on to the building and put in shops and some food courts. Then they realized we really need to get a better internet signal. They hired out a company to re do their basment floors and set up an internet server. Everything was re wired while the bottom floors were still being remodeled with sturdier steel materials and to top it off the basement is where the company keeps all of their physical commodities through investments like silver, oil, gold and diamonds. What I'm getting at is BAMM is the shit lol. My fear is dissolving.. I'm laughing at it now. I'm laughing at fear and it feels awesome. My mind is becoming calmer and peaceful I can hear myself think.. when I want to.. and laugh and have fun when I need to

I don't know what else to update on. I'm working closely with Andrew as he is helping me streamline my to-do's to where I don't waste as much time. This can take some time for me to get used to but I'm going thank him sooner rather than later.
My mindset is seeing everything as available to me and that life is abundant. And it is for sure. I made a huge connection recently about my an undesirable behavior of mine and was probably while I was still on my work trip last week when I burned out on self reflection LOL. Anyway.. the new man I am today.. this is something I'm taking very seriously. It is the catalyst me breaking the next barrier. Instead of a chizel I've switched it with a jack hammer. This barrier used to be thick but I've made some dents.
Money wise.. nothing new. Sorry y'all.. this is going to take some time haha. But in final news I'm falling in love with the "process".

"To love completely and hold onto nothing-that is the only freedom." -David Deida
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.