Stage 4: 6/13/2013 - 7/14/2013
6/28/2013 <-- 16th day off
I begin Stage 4 tonight!
Recap of Stage 3:
Not as brutal as Stage 2 considering some small amounts of people pleasing behavior resurfaced but now at the end of stage 3 it's quite possible that all that has vanished. I am not certain. Stage 2 was more difficult than stage 3 because of alot of old beliefs deeply rooted were being challenged and beaten. Stage 3 seemed to refine those things as well as my behavior around others. Negative and notoriously impatient people that I work with make me impatient on the inside but it's remarkable that none of that shows on the outside. I'm obvsiously going through another tough transition. In Stage 3 my patience was challenged and I won.
My worst fear (phobia) is being chizzled away very slowly but on the days that it seems to not exist are very freeing and on the days that I'm fairly afraid I know that this isn't how it really is and at least I can let go some (lol @ sentance structure). I don't think I'm running but I'm having trouble confronting this phobia directly. How can I physically confront it in the real world without actually putting myself in some sort of danger? I know how but I will not do it. I'll take the other road where I must mentally deal with this challenge.
My energy levels have peaked and they have leveled out on the last week of stage 3. I've been getting good sleep and eating better since my parents came into town a month ago. I kinda let go of my healthy diet but now I'm back on it for the most part (had a pizza tonight and yesterday
My productivity is steady and that's good with me. Having alot of doubts but that's normal. They don't bother me so much anymore. I'm sleeeeepy
6/28/2013 <-- 16th day off
I begin Stage 4 tonight!
Recap of Stage 3:
Not as brutal as Stage 2 considering some small amounts of people pleasing behavior resurfaced but now at the end of stage 3 it's quite possible that all that has vanished. I am not certain. Stage 2 was more difficult than stage 3 because of alot of old beliefs deeply rooted were being challenged and beaten. Stage 3 seemed to refine those things as well as my behavior around others. Negative and notoriously impatient people that I work with make me impatient on the inside but it's remarkable that none of that shows on the outside. I'm obvsiously going through another tough transition. In Stage 3 my patience was challenged and I won.
My worst fear (phobia) is being chizzled away very slowly but on the days that it seems to not exist are very freeing and on the days that I'm fairly afraid I know that this isn't how it really is and at least I can let go some (lol @ sentance structure). I don't think I'm running but I'm having trouble confronting this phobia directly. How can I physically confront it in the real world without actually putting myself in some sort of danger? I know how but I will not do it. I'll take the other road where I must mentally deal with this challenge.
My energy levels have peaked and they have leveled out on the last week of stage 3. I've been getting good sleep and eating better since my parents came into town a month ago. I kinda let go of my healthy diet but now I'm back on it for the most part (had a pizza tonight and yesterday

My productivity is steady and that's good with me. Having alot of doubts but that's normal. They don't bother me so much anymore. I'm sleeeeepy
"To love completely and hold onto nothing-that is the only freedom." -David Deida
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.