01-18-2012, 09:06 PM
Quote:All Shannon needs is some "If I am a virgin/inexperienced lover" statements to help isolate the effects to those specific users which will keep it from interfering with those who are more experienced. And yes, I certaintly agree, #11 can be removed if need be, and should be replaced by "Haters gonna hate". Or it can be replaced by the inexperienced users assistance programming.
I don't think it has to be specifically directed at virgins. I also think it can be improving anyones skills wherever they are starting from. Like making you go and either get those skills through experience, research or maybe talking to experienced people. Because it's good for everybody to improve their skills in the bedroom.

And Shannon that sounds like some interesting research. Sometimes I notice this and find it weird since it is a subliminal program. Having your conscious mind reject it isn't good. So finding ways to stop that will help even more.