09-30-2016, 03:37 PM
Post: #6949RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion
Why not include maximum sleep quality in all subs going forward? I am tired after waking up from BASE every morning even with the maximum sleep quality module in it. I have read about people waking up tired to DMSI and pretty much to most subs. Shouldn't all the subs include something about sleep quality to help us out?
Would it be a really difficult thing to include the whole script of maximum sleep quality or just parts of it (or just whatever you can) to help us out a little in terms of getting better sleep in all your subs going forward? It would make a big difference in the quality of our lives specially in the future with 5.5g and 6g which seem to tax people's brains even more than 5g from what i'm reading.
Too late to do this in 5g but hopefully 5.5g and beyond could have this.
Keith's response:
I totally AGREE with This Man... On E2...MY sleep,sluggish as hell,over sleep a lot and My motivation had dropped to next to zero. the bene's are so great that I havent given it up,but Ive thot about it several times... to drop down to Ultra Succes 4G.... as I NEED to move in that direction. I sincerely hope some additions and changes in the future can be made to adjust all of this and tweak it as needed in the right directions for the goal(s) and to get shit done that is impairative to get done.
Post: #6949RE: Shannon's Journal Discussion
Why not include maximum sleep quality in all subs going forward? I am tired after waking up from BASE every morning even with the maximum sleep quality module in it. I have read about people waking up tired to DMSI and pretty much to most subs. Shouldn't all the subs include something about sleep quality to help us out?
Would it be a really difficult thing to include the whole script of maximum sleep quality or just parts of it (or just whatever you can) to help us out a little in terms of getting better sleep in all your subs going forward? It would make a big difference in the quality of our lives specially in the future with 5.5g and 6g which seem to tax people's brains even more than 5g from what i'm reading.
Too late to do this in 5g but hopefully 5.5g and beyond could have this.
Keith's response:
I totally AGREE with This Man... On E2...MY sleep,sluggish as hell,over sleep a lot and My motivation had dropped to next to zero. the bene's are so great that I havent given it up,but Ive thot about it several times... to drop down to Ultra Succes 4G.... as I NEED to move in that direction. I sincerely hope some additions and changes in the future can be made to adjust all of this and tweak it as needed in the right directions for the goal(s) and to get shit done that is impairative to get done.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"