08-17-2024, 11:55 AM
@Topaz Just to clarify AM6 has EPHRA 5G in it, not EPHRA 5.75G.
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
(08-16-2024, 04:04 PM)Shannon Wrote:(08-15-2024, 10:06 AM)Vehe Wrote: Written definitions, affirmations, instructions, and so on, do work very well. I've used them for years to test scripts before committing to turn them into subliminals. First, the subconscious has to be programed to react to them, otherwise it's pointless. I do love to discuss all mind related issues and am honestly interested in hearing all points of view, regardless of how much one might disagree. My knowledge of the ‘subconscious’ doesn’t com from books but from direct connection to it since I remember being alive. Before I even knew that subliminals existed I was already teaching all about it. Before I knew what subliminals were I was already giving public speeches and in-field seduction bootcamps. All based on my knowledge of the ‘subconscious’. I was in fact teaching other Seduction gurus. I was hanging with ‘Ars Amorata’ (the company of Zan Perrion), and all the top gurus back then. I put ‘subconscious’ in-between quotes because it’s not the real name, let alone ‘subconscious mind’. those are man made concepts trying to explain something they cannot truly understand. What people name ‘subconscious mind’ is part of something much bigger, which, in turn, is connected to a field of pure knowledge that can be also be accessed ‘consciously’, thereby making the ‘conscious mind’ infinitely smarter (in understanding) than the ‘subconscious’ one. The ‘conscious’ part is a singletasker, the ‘subconscious’ part is a multitasker. The ‘subconscious’ is akin to an autist person, capable of doing insane feats, such as instantly deciphering highly encoded/encrypted subliminals, something that we would need a million years to decipher. Yet, it cannot reason at all, else one wouldn’t need to make giant scripts so achieve a single objective such as confidence. Saying, ‘make me confident’ would be enough. The ’subconscious’ doesn’t even understand what ‘conscious’, ‘subconscious’ and ‘unconscious’ means. It tends to mix the meaning of ‘conscience’ into ‘consciousness’ and ‘conscious’. It understands ‘conscious mind’ as a mind that is aware of consequences. It understands ‘unconscious mind’ as a mind that isn’t aware of consequences, when we, in fact, understand ‘subconscious/unconscious mind’ as the part of the mind that exists or deals with the data below the threshold of conscious awareness. If I didn’t know what I’m talking about, my (edited due to rules) subliminals wouldn’t have been used by gamers to become world champions; by journalists; by influencers; by politicians right up the several heads of state that you know; by entire cast of TV shows from my country… If I didn’t know what I’m talking about, I wouldn’t have aroused the interest of the biggest Intel agencies and military. If I didn’t know what I’m talking about, the Israeli M0ssad wouldn’t have tried to get into two of my houses to bug them. *caught by the military If I didn’t know what I’m talking about, they wouldn’t then have rented 2 apartments in the building in front of mine, right in front of my windows, to use long range mics and cameras to spy on everything I do and say inside my house. *caught by the military In this industry, if you are really that good, or have potential to be so, you are offered a deal you can’t refuse. If you don’t play ball, you are usually framed and killed with the intent to steal all your work during the investigation. This is what they tried to do to me. One of their agents seduced a female two floors below mine and once they got access to that apartment, they used their most effective military M.K tech on me. My smartphone became the weapon. I close my eyes. A few seconds later, I was in a sort of hybrid between extremely deep hypnosis and a near death experience. This is basically alien tech for all intents and purposes. There is nothing in this world that resembles the experience. Every second gone by I was going to depths of my mind that I didn’t even know existed, nothing else existed except the instruction… no body… no future… no past… no nothing… visuals were kicking in which should be impossible because I lost my visual imagination when I was a child… They make you go through your mission in your head and your mind cannot differentiate between it and the real thing. The mission being: the killing of your loved one (they are this evil) followed by killing yourself or act as a madman with no recollection of the experience, which will then serve as an excuse for an investigation where they seize all evidence (your research). If I wasn’t exposed to my own subliminals which interfered with their tech and if I didn’t have this ability to snap out of dreams, altered states of mind, and so on, I would have been long gone by now. As you can see, the most advanced tech in the world is 100% directed at the ‘conscious’ part of us. They never once mention the word ‘subconscious’ in their scripts. They do mention the much bigger thing that the subconscious is part of, repeatedly. In fact, they used it as a trigger. I also don’t mention the word ‘subconscious’ a single time when doing mind control. As for the ‘mind control’ definition: We both have completely distinct definitions. You see it exactly as A.I does, something evil, usually used on people without their knowledge. Minus the mind control, isn’t that the very definition of your “extreme social proof aphrodisiac?” I see ‘Mind control’ as what every single one of us wants to achieve with the use of subliminals: Control our mind, getting us to do what we want to do but can’t. Getting us to study or approach women or not give a f… about what other people think of us. Whatever each case might be. The reason why I can’t control it is because while developing stronger meta scripting, I realized that former scripts were still in my head interacting with the newest script I was developing. During that period, I couldn’t develop anything. I simply didn’t know which scripts were actually active. The solution (trial and error) was to ‘reset’ everything, especially by deleting those things preventing the newer script from working. Tried a script: didn’t work! rewrote it: didn’t work: rewrote it again: didn’t work. By the second day I noticed that I was finishing all my sentences with the word “man” like I used to when I was a teenager. Upon further inspection I started to realize that I couldn’t access any memories, associations and feelings related to experiences I had during most of my adult life. Soon I started to realize that even my personality and all my self development were gone… I somehow deleted everything about me and my life until the only thing left was my dumb inner child. And I never saw it happen nor did I feel any resistance or processing. The worst part about it is that I don’t even know which script or interactions of scripts managed to do it because I kept overwriting them, disappointed that none of them were working. I lost all of it, my intellect, my confidence, everything that made me the man I was. Basically, I semi-lobotomized myself and since then I haven’t been able to work on subliminals. Suddenly, the scripts that used to work wonders for me no longer worked. Not mine, not yours, not anyone’s. Overcoming fear used to be my holy grail. All of a sudden, removing fears didn’t fix anything anymore. Even without fear I still had all the other problems of my inner child. And this is where that list I wrote comes from. It’s the topics that I’ve trialed and errored to understand what was needed to become once again the man that I was. Off course, it was written in simplistic terms. It’s more about concepts that I’ve tried to put into words. I don’t even use the word victorious or winner. I prefer the concept of ambition. The sexual things for example must be seen through the lenses of beauty, connection and intimacy with our partner and so on. One must grasp the more profound meaning of those traits I suggested. Anyway, I’ll finish off with an example of what ‘simple’ tricks which aren’t even mind control can do: After all these years, doing not only your subliminals but your main competitor subliminals, both foundational and seduction titles. 3 years later I was still in the same place. I got pissed off from all the wasted time (I’m 45 now). Enraged I picked up one of my older subliminals, gathered all my strength to come up with a clear mind that would allow me to think about subliminals, added pieces of my 'mind control' subliminals to the old script, change the topic to seduction and guess what, after two days. Kaboom!! Was at the gym, cute female comes to machine next to mine, starts doing pull-downs. This triggers my script! Script ‘mind controls’ me to, with a deep resonant voice, ask: Need a hand? She replies –“No need, thank you”. One minute later, “script again, ‘mind controls’ me to help her anyway and I obey… long story short. Next thing I know we’re friends and she’s into me. Next days the same thing. Approaching the hottest female, help her with pull down without even asking. With a deep resonant voice right in her ear I say when she's about to lose strength -"let's go, one more". Result: all into me after that. Every single day I would approach a new one or interact with the ones I already knew. Then, they started to approach me also, with the excuse to train in the same machine together. Not long after, I go to the gym in pajamas (something that never in my life I would do! Ever!) Females absolutely loved it. Men were looking puzzled, like –“Is this guy really wearing pajamas? WTF” What a time: Went from 3 years of torture and being invisible at that gym, using every subliminal out there, not talking to anyone at all, to, in less than 3 days, seeing it all change, making lots of female and male friends, having most if not all the hottest females in the gym into me. The script had all those topics I mentioned included, even if not mentioned directly in the script. The script was not even ‘mind control’, it was an emulation of it, very mild but still very effective, yet it still crushed me when I had to abandon it all to move to another part of the country and leave my new, beaming with light life, behind. Now when I try using it, I start to feel that last part all over again and I just run from it. My head is not where it should be to find and correct the problem. Nor do I have the time or energy since my life right now, with the exception of this week of holydays, is work, work, work, work! This is the problem of working alone. When you screw yourself there is no one there to help you solve the problem. Anyway, at least, it’s still good to carry on a conversation about the subject. Besides, no one is wrong in this area. There are so many ways to do subliminals and mind ctrl. PS. May these words also serve as a lesson to those who recently created a fashion out of "free will' and "you must act" nonsense. The most legendary guys I've seen in the seduction world, sales and otherwise, were basically unstoppable freight trains, especially at the beginning. In seduction, we would go out, they would approach females, even if they showed disinterest they would continue unfazed, carefree, having a good time, certain they would conquer them. And guess what, they would eventually go right through all their defenses and shit tests and go home with them. And "make you act" is the entire purpose of a subliminal. Especially as one sees the best years go by as I did. One gets to a point where feelings and safety are the least of one's concerns. You get to a point where you're like Jesse Ventura on the predator movie -"I ain't got time to bleed" replace bleed with fear, waste, etc. ![]()
08-18-2024, 01:04 AM
I am wondering about your latest 6g trial sub. Does it have auric shields? Also how far back your customers may start experiencing the effects of it before actually running it?
08-18-2024, 03:55 PM
(08-16-2024, 09:46 PM)Topaz Wrote:(08-16-2024, 07:11 PM)Shannon Wrote: https://subliminal-shop.com/products/emo...pe-a-b-c-d You cannot use anything else with any subliminal of mine 5G or higher, so #1 is out. The question that answers 2 vs 3 is... are you completely shutting down SM3 or are you fighting it, but only advancing slowly?
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
08-18-2024, 06:54 PM
(08-18-2024, 03:55 PM)Shannon Wrote:(08-16-2024, 09:46 PM)Topaz Wrote: Oh wow, I hadn't seen that before! completely shutting down ![]()
AM6 (03.2024)
@Shannon, I need your help. Lately, I’ve been waking up from the most horrible dreams, drenched with my heart pounding out of my chest. Afterward, I can’t sleep for the rest of the night. Been sleep deprived for a while and I feel more closed off emotionally after these dreams. On most days I feel very tired without being able to relax into it, I’m too tense and blocked off
Could this be a sign that I’m pacing too fast, do I need to change something? I’m using E6 exactly as instructed with ultrasonic on an iPhone
What is the difference between EHPRA 5.75 vs 5.11 when it comes to results?
I mean can I use 5.75 with amazing results and not worry about it? Or what will I lose not using 5.11 let's say I execute 5.75 ... Also I guess I need to take time off before I start with E How long do I need to wait? Of course only if you say it's the right move. I'm not going to do anything that is not recommended Also let's say I start with E5.75 can I jump on E5.11 if I'd like after 1/2 months? I want some flexibility with my runs.. Ps I'm still thinking maybe if I finish this run and use Stage7 after something might happen
AM6 (03.2024)
(08-18-2024, 09:49 PM)Topaz Wrote: What is the difference between EHPRA 5.75 vs 5.11 when it comes to results? If all you care about is getting women then you may be better off with something like DMSI or X4A. You don’t necessarily need to worry about healing unless you care about your long term inner and outer stability and quality of results. I haven’t used EPHRA 5.75G, but I have used 5.75G. 5.75G works great, but the difference between 5.75G and 5.11G is night and day. To me I’d rather spend the 450 dollars and get way better results in less time. I remember you expressing your impatience about your age and the results you want, so I would say spend the money if you can afford it. Money is replaceable, time is not. EHPRA 5.11G is a product I can recommend wholeheartedly. It can be an unforgiving sub though so keep that in mind. It’s not for someone who isn’t committed to real transformation that can be painful at times. You’ll likely doubt if it’s worth continuing while running it because you’re paying the price up front for the reward on the backend. Most great things in life are like that, I’ve noticed. Quote:If all you care about is getting women then you may be better off with something like DMSI or X4A.If I'd wanted just women I could have stopped everything and do some law of attraction stuff In few weeks I'll be having lots of women in my life and sex. I know for a fact what I can attract consciously. And I didn't like women just wanting me for sex (but that's what I used to affirm) so careful what you ask for I'm not doing it for women alone. E6 could I guess also help me with my health problems I think some of my health conditions have to do with trauma or emotional baggage. Also I don't want to unconsciously have things in my mind that sabotage my own success. As I understand the not so cool AM6 run I had it exactly because of not enough emotional healing... Anyway Also being happier will attract women anyway But yeah I guess X4a can be cool But think about it I have aura of sexiness and become irritably attractive to beautiful women Also Sex Magnet Non of these worked for me I think it's better to deal with the core reason If E6 can make a difference that can be good. If not I see it as I better off doing affirmations consciously
AM6 (03.2024)
08-19-2024, 08:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-19-2024, 08:18 AM by AbundanceCH.)
When having sex with my gf the other week she said "your c__ feels bigger. Are you doing exercises?"
This shocked me and surprised me that she would say this. I didn't reply I just ignored the comment obviously I didn't tell her what i'm doing (listening to this sub). I have been running ME for a while. I also have noticed it is "hanging" more when flaccid so this seems to tell me that flaccid has also grown. Just for transparency reasons I am also taking a natural herb which helps fight the issues many men have (libido, erection quality, low testosterone etc) but it's not one of those penis growth pills which the product description said to avoid. I am only listening to 1 hour a day as instructions say. I can honestly feel that it is working but it has taken a while. It took many months of the old version which didn't seem to do anything plus the current version to finally see results. Even though it seems to be working now (slowly) I do hope Shannon makes it in 6g for a lower listening time and hopefully faster results. I'm hoping he will rebuild the length + girth version. I'm thankful to Shannon for providing the discount for those that bought the old version to buy this new version. I have 2 more months to do the full run through and i'll report back.
08-19-2024, 09:54 AM
Hey Shannon,
I was wondering since EHPRA and OGSF are part of AM6. Would SD become a part of AM7 as well?
08-19-2024, 10:50 AM
(08-17-2024, 01:06 PM)Vehe Wrote:(08-16-2024, 04:04 PM)Shannon Wrote: I find a number of serious errors in your post here that tell me that your understanding of the subconscious and how to make safe and effective subliminals is not what you seem to think it is. I'll give you one example, because it is not possible for me to respond to everything given the restraints on my time. Every person on earth has a direct connection to their own subconscious from before birth. That doesn't mean you know anything about it or are suited to teaching about it. And telling me you were teaching PUA gurus and name dropping has nothing to do with evidence that you understand the subconscious, or what it is or entails, or that you are fit to be teaching anything. Quote:I put ‘subconscious’ in-between quotes because it’s not the real name, let alone ‘subconscious mind’. those are man made concepts trying to explain something they cannot truly understand. What people name ‘subconscious mind’ is part of something much bigger, which, in turn, is connected to a field of pure knowledge that can be also be accessed ‘consciously’, thereby making the ‘conscious mind’ infinitely smarter (in understanding) than the ‘subconscious’ one. The ‘conscious’ part is a singletasker, the ‘subconscious’ part is a multitasker. The ‘subconscious’ is akin to an autist person, capable of doing insane feats, such as instantly deciphering highly encoded/encrypted subliminals, something that we would need a million years to decipher. Yet, it cannot reason at all, else one wouldn’t need to make giant scripts so achieve a single objective such as confidence. Saying, ‘make me confident’ would be enough. You get bits and pieces right, but this (unsurprisingly) tells me again that you really don't understand what you're talking about with endless confidence. Quote:The ’subconscious’ doesn’t even understand what ‘conscious’, ‘subconscious’ and ‘unconscious’ means. It tends to mix the meaning of ‘conscience’ into ‘consciousness’ and ‘conscious’. It understands ‘conscious mind’ as a mind that is aware of consequences. It understands ‘unconscious mind’ as a mind that isn’t aware of consequences, when we, in fact, understand ‘subconscious/unconscious mind’ as the part of the mind that exists or deals with the data below the threshold of conscious awareness. You are very incorrect here. This may be true for your unique subconscious mind, but it is not even slightly true for the rest of the population. Quote:If I didn’t know what I’m talking about, my [removed] subliminals wouldn’t have been used by gamers to become world champions; by journalists; by influencers; by politicians right up the several heads of state that you know; by entire cast of TV shows from my country… If you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't be on my forum bragging about this with claims you offer no evidence for, and making ridiculous claims at that. And by the way, the word I removed, I removed breaks our rules by acting as advertising for your subliminals, which we do not allow on this forum. Please remove that wordfrom your post above that I am replying to. Quote:In this industry, if you are really that good, or have potential to be so, you are offered a deal you can’t refuse. If you don’t play ball, you are usually framed and killed with the intent to steal all your work during the investigation. This is what they tried to do to me. One of their agents seduced a female two floors below mine and once they got access to that apartment, they used their most effective military M.K tech on me. My smartphone became the weapon. I close my eyes. A few seconds later, I was in a sort of hybrid between extremely deep hypnosis and a near death experience. This is basically alien tech for all intents and purposes. There is nothing in this world that resembles the experience. Every second gone by I was going to depths of my mind that I didn’t even know existed, nothing else existed except the instruction… no body… no future… no past… no nothing… visuals were kicking in which should be impossible because I lost my visual imagination when I was a child… They make you go through your mission in your head and your mind cannot differentiate between it and the real thing. The mission being: the killing of your loved one (they are this evil) followed by killing yourself or act as a madman with no recollection of the experience, which will then serve as an excuse for an investigation where they seize all evidence (your research). I hate to tell you this, but this genuinely sounds like a paranoid delusional fantasy. I have a hard time coming to terms with what you say, especially given how simple it would be for "them" to simply knock on your door, put a gun to your head when you open it, step inside and do whatever they want to you and your research. It's really that simple for whatever "they" want to do to your loved ones, as well. Fancy "alien tech" is a lot of time, money and effort that doesn't do it any better. This is not even slightly believable. Quote:As you can see, the most advanced tech in the world is 100% directed at the ‘conscious’ part of us. They never once mention the word ‘subconscious’ in their scripts. They do mention the much bigger thing that the subconscious is part of, repeatedly. In fact, they used it as a trigger. I also don’t mention the word ‘subconscious’ a single time when doing mind control.[/quote] Again... not believable, so not applicable. Additionally this raises the question of how you know what's in "their" scripts. Quote:As for the ‘mind control’ definition: We both have completely distinct definitions. You see it exactly as A.I does, something evil, usually used on people without their knowledge. Minus the mind control, isn’t that the very definition of your “extreme social proof aphrodisiac?” Re-defining a term that is commonly understood to mean something other than what you define it as, without first alerting those you are communicating with to your differing definition, is a method for manipulation. If you were being genuine, you would have either used the term in the standard definition (which is accepted by society as a whole) or you would have provided your unusual definition at the outset. Instead, you waited until I acted from the standard definition to claim a new definition, and thus appear to be attempting to show yourself as being enlightened in comparison. This is mind games, or perhaps in the standard definition of the term, an attempt at a form of mind control. Extreme Social Proof is neither form of mind control, because it presents a hypothetical. It does not take away anyone's free will or make ant choices for anyone. Quote:The reason why I can’t control it is because while developing stronger meta scripting, I realized that former scripts were still in my head interacting with the newest script I was developing. During that period, I couldn’t develop anything. I simply didn’t know which scripts were actually active. The solution (trial and error) was to ‘reset’ everything, especially by deleting those things preventing the newer script from working. So this is why I strongly advise against using subliminals from multiple producers, especially at the same time. This is also why I don't test my subliminals that way. You can severely damage yourself mentally, emotionally and in other ways as well by experimenting on yourself without knowing what you're doing, which you clearly don't given what you've said here. Quote:Overcoming fear used to be my holy grail. All of a sudden, removing fears didn’t fix anything anymore. Even without fear I still had all the other problems of my inner child. And this is where that list I wrote comes from. It’s the topics that I’ve trialed and errored to understand what was needed to become once again the man that I was. Off course, it was written in simplistic terms. It’s more about concepts that I’ve tried to put into words. I don’t even use the word victorious or winner. I prefer the concept of ambition. The sexual things for example must be seen through the lenses of beauty, connection and intimacy with our partner and so on. One must grasp the more profound meaning of those traits I suggested. Your damage to yourself by using subliminals from multiple providers, plus those you created yourself without really understanding what you were doing or testing them in a safe manner, is likely why subliminals don't work for you anymore. In your shoes, I would stop using subliminals altogether, stop producing them, and absolutely stop letting anyone else use the ones you have created either. Quote:Anyway, I’ll finish off with an example of what ‘simple’ tricks which aren’t even mind control can do: I have seen before - it is very rare, but I have seen it - where people who have certain specific psychological traits and factors in play will reject subliminals unless they create the script themselves. That is an easy way to explain your results. That says absolutely nothing as to how much you understand about the subconscious or how to safely script or build a subliminal. Quote:Anyway, at least, it’s still good to carry on a conversation about the subject. Besides, no one is wrong in this area. There are so many ways to do subliminals and mind ctrl. The concept of "my truth" vs "objective truth" throws the value of any "truth" out the window. There may be many ways to do subliminals, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do them for sure. The right way is to be sure of what you're doing before you do it, make sure it's safe, make sure you understand the psychology behind it and how it works and to never allow anyone else to use a subliminal you're not sure is safe. I'm not here to teach anyone how to do this, or take lessons. I do my research, experiments and development privately because I know that anything I come up with will be gleefully stolen by everyone who gets half a chance,and most of it would not be understood, so that its use would create issues of safety and potential harm when it was used incorrectly. I also know that plenty would be happy to use the things I know to attempt mind control (in the standard definition) and use it maliciously to get what they want. My goal isn't to contribute to the negatives of humanity. There are plenty who are doing that already. I also have limited time to do "forum work" each day, because I am very busy doing research, development, experiments, gathering feedback from testers and building new subliminals. That means that every time someone shows up and writes a novel that I have to respond to, it spends time I don't have to do so, and my work gets delayed. Your purpose here in writing this latest very long post - after I told you I don't have a lot of time for very long pots in the last one - seems to be to show off, prove yourself, brag and have a conversation about the topic. Maybe you're trying to teach me, maybe you're tying to learn how I do what I do, maybe you're trying to show off, I don't know for sure. I do know that this length of post, for no real good reason, is not something that I appreciate. In the future, please keep your posts to a reasonable length, and be considerate of my time and the time you are taking away from others who have questions or need help and the work I could be doing otherwise. Quote:PS. May these words also serve as a lesson to those who recently created a fashion out of "free will' and "you must act" nonsense. The most legendary guys I've seen in the seduction world, sales and otherwise, were basically unstoppable freight trains, especially at the beginning. In seduction, we would go out, they would approach females, even if they showed disinterest they would continue unfazed, carefree, having a good time, certain they would conquer them. And guess what, they would eventually go right through all their defenses and shit tests and go home with them. And "make you act" is the entire purpose of a subliminal. Especially as one sees the best years go by as I did. One gets to a point where feelings and safety are the least of one's concerns. You get to a point where you're like Jesse Ventura on the predator movie -"I ain't got time to bleed" replace bleed with fear, waste, etc. There is a debate as to whether we have free will or not, I know, but it is not fashion. The fact is, we do have free will, and those who would claim otherwise are those who are understanding part of the whole picture, or none of it. Free will is one of the most important things a human has. Just because different layers work in different times and ways does not change this fact. Forcing someone to act is not the point of a subliminal. Forcing someone to act is mind control in the worst negative standard definition of the term. It violates the person, it violates their free will and it is no different than forcing someone to act physically. At this point I can see that you are entirely unfit to be making subliminals, using subliminals, or allowing anyone else to use any subliminal you have created, and I feel bad for anyone who has or does use any of your subliminals. You've become impatient to the degree that you're willing to damage yourself, and apparently others as well, in order to achieve your goals, while damaging yourself (and apparently others as well). There are always consequences. You don't seem to have considered that. There is no reason for you to be posting all of this here. Especially if you can do all of what you claim. Especially if you so deeply disagree with my design philosophy for the scripts and purpose of subliminals. So you've come here, spent the time of everyone you've gotten to ready your posts here and made wild claims that sound like you are paranoid, delusional and narcissistic, backed them up with essentially "because I said so", and admitted to causing yourself great harm because you don't understand the subconscious or the point of subliminals. Now I'm going to invite you to stop posting here, because this does nothing but spend time accomplishing nothing, while making you look bad and helping nobody. It also confuses others who have little to no education in the field, and leads them to do and believe things that can potentially harm them also. If you keep posting this sort of nonsense here, I'm going to ban you from the forum. And I'm going to ban you from the store so you cannot further harm yourself by misusing my subliminals. Ben, please make this ban from the store happen. I urge you to seek professional psychological assessment of your current state. I believe you have damaged yourself considerably and you would benefit from psychological healing. But subliminals and self help are not how you should go about trying to do it. Best wishes.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
08-19-2024, 10:51 AM
(08-18-2024, 01:04 AM)samba99 Wrote: Shannon, We are not releasing any information about the 6G-Alpha test subliminal at this time.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
08-19-2024, 11:05 AM
(08-18-2024, 06:54 PM)Topaz Wrote:(08-18-2024, 03:55 PM)Shannon Wrote: You cannot use anything else with any subliminal of mine 5G or higher, so #1 is out. In that case, you're stonewalling, which is definitely a fear based resistance response. I can't know exactly what the cause is, but I do know that stonewalling is what prompted me to start working on developing 6th Gen from 5th Gen. Originally, I thought 4th Gen would be as far as I could push things. Then the models made me aware of certain artificial limitations I had placed on my thinking, which, when removed, led to 5th Gen. I thought 5th gen was such an advancement over 4th gen that surely this was the end of what was possible. But it was not. Not even close. And so we went almost 13 years further to develop 6th Gen. The goal of 6G is to do all of everything that is required to achieve the goal for everyone. If you're stonewalling, then you have a major fear blockage somewhere. The options for that are: Overcoming Fear Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear Emotional Healing & Pain Relief Aid. OF is not recommended because it is usually tied closely to guilt and shame, which must be tackled as a trio simultaneously to make good progress. So unless you're absolutely sure there's no guilt and or shame involved, choose one of the other two. OGSF v2 is a great program, but it's not easy to run. The same is true of EHPRA v6, and to a somewhat greater degree, v5. It is hard to say which of these title is the better choice for you because I don't have enough information. OGSF is focused heavily on overcoming guilt, shame and fear, and on trauma healing. EHPRA is focused more broadly than that, so it deals with more, but no one thing gets as much focus. As a rule of thumb, always get the latest technology you can lay your hands on from my titles, because each generation makes significant improvements over the last. I don't spend the time to build a title in a new version otherwise. As you can see from the unsolicited advice you have received, E6 is superior to E5. It works faster, does the job better and makes the process easier and more pleasant. But the choice between E6 and OGSF v2 depends on the specifics of your root issues, which I do not understand well enough to give you a definititive answer as to which you should run. In your shoes, if you're going to stop using SM3, what I would do is this. Run EHPRA v6 for one full run-through according to the instructions. Then assess what happened, what you got from it, what you think you need, what you want to accomplish at that point, and what subliminals are available.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness! |
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