11-01-2020, 05:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2020, 05:07 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
(11-01-2020, 08:40 AM)Shannon Wrote:(10-31-2020, 06:15 PM)Rusty Wrote: Cool one. kinda odd that the price of it is 115$ where shannon said he has been working on it for only couple of days.
i think this should be much lower especially since it is not a life changing behavior subliminal..
I decided to re-write my reply here.
First let's discuss the price. The price is set by the generation of technology, and we have done that as a standard for years. 5G was $89.95 per stage, 5.5G was $114.95 per stage and 5.75.x G is... well, it's still $114.95 per stage, but only because the pandemic has killed people's income. I left the price where it was to help people be able to buy the programs still. When the pandemic is over, this will no longer be the price. It will go up, and probably a lot.
The price is what it is because these are the best, most advanced and most effective programs of their kind anywhere. I'm the only subliminals producer in the world who can say they have been developing the methods, techniques, technology and skills necessary to make subliminals constantly since at least 1992. That means I have been actively investing in not only the development of my subliminals, scripting methods, technologies, experiments, research, etc. for literally more than a decade and a half, but the results of that make my subliminals faster acting, more powerful and more effective than any other subliminals you will find. That very likely makes me the leading expert in the world on how to do what I do, and that sort of expertise and experimentation does not come cheap - for me to acquire, or for you to benefit from.
It may have taken me two days to develop the key script for OE 5.75.3G, but lets compare that to what other subliminals producers would be doing. The vast majority of them doubtless would have spent 20 minutes or less. In fact, most subliminals producers only spend an hour or two building a subliminal title, from concept to finished product, did you know that? 99.99% of all the subliminals on the market that are built by someone other than me, if they are even real subliminals, are the equivalent of my 1st, 2nd or 3rd Gen tech. I stopped building in 3rd Gen back around 2005. Think about that for a moment.
It took me 2 days of working myself to exhaustion - I work 10+ hour days - to just create the Key Script for the Orgasm Enhancer. That means that the main goal of the program took me about 20 hours to create. That does not include the skeleton script. That's just the script that points your subconscious to the main goal.
It "only" took me 20+ hours to make because I have predictive models to use to speed up the process. To get the same level of script refinement without my predictive models, you would on average have to build the script, optimize it to the best of your ability, have it tested for months, analyze it for how and what to improve, refine it again, rebuild it and repeat the whole process again and again several times.
Who else in the industry has those models? Who else spends that kind of time writing and optimizing just a portion of the whole script? Who else has a skeleton script that makes that Key Script work several orders of magnitude better than it would have otherwise? Who else has decades of research, experimentation, analysis and development invested in learning how to make the best possible subliminals? That is why it's priced the way it is. Because it is the best of it's kind, anywhere, at any price. If you disagree, well then you should probably be using someone else's programs.
As for it not being life changing, there are several situations in which it can be and will be life changing. I will explain.
First, most people have never had an orgasm even close to their full potential for what kind of pleasure their body is capable of. That happens because of a variety of factors, including learned guilt, shame, fear, faulty beliefs, not understanding their body well enough, not getting the right kind of stimulation, or stimulated in the right way or the right place, not having a partner who is willing to put in the full effort, not having a partner who understands where, with what and/or how to stimulate them properly and other factors as well.
The difference between what most people think is a "great orgasm" and what they are actually capable of is usually night and day. Let me tell you, that alone is life changing to experience. But when you add in what happens when you give your lover an orgasm like that, you're going to potentially change not only their life, but your entire relationship with them.
You think maybe a married couple would benefit from using Orgasm Enhancer? Maybe make their sex life better, with better and more frequent and enthusiastic sex? Maybe make their relationship stronger? You think it couldn't work like that for a boyfriend/girlfriend type relationship as well? How do you think a Tinder date would go if you hit them with an orgasm that blows their head off like nobody else can? Think maybe you'll have them "coming" back for more? Maybe give you a reputation among their friends that gets you swamped in naughty bits? Think maybe you could get a reputation for being the best lover they ever had? That could go places. Trust me.
What about those people whose primary language of love is sex? Those people experience sex as a display of love, intimacy, bonding and trust. Orgasm, to them, is the ultimate in "I love you." You think maybe this wouldn't make their sex lives and relationships better? That is pretty life changing.
Good orgasms can mean the success or failure of a relationship. Given the right type of relationship, that is potentially life changing.
And did you know that having an orgasm has effects on your mind, body and emotions? They can be very beneficial, too. Stress relief is a big one. The better the orgasm, the better those effects. Now what do you suppose would happen if you were to turn up the pleasure knob (no pun intended) to 10 or 11? That can definitely be life changing.
If you want the price to be lower, then you're going to have to wait until 6G comes out, when 5.75.xG is eligible to go on sale. If I'm still selling it. And then you're going to have to hope the sale price is lower than $114.95 a copy, because the current price is being held below the real price for 5.75.xG as a courtesy to my customers while the pandemic is disrupting people's ability to make money. When the pandemic is over, 5.75.xG is not going to be $114.95 a copy anymore. It will go up significantly.
But wait, you haven't even tried to use it yet! You have no idea what it can do, or what value that gives.
I don't price things based on what people think of a program they've never tried, or how many days it took me to build. If I did, LTUv6 would be somewhere between $5,000 and $7,500 for a full copy, and several 5.75G titles would be single stage programs that cost several thousand dollars. There's a reason I set a price standard according to what technology generation we are working with, instead of things like, "How many days did I spend developing and optimizing the key script?". Pricing by generation gives us a standard, predictable price that doesn't undervalue or overvalue the whole technology generation because one program took me a day to script and another required 2 months to script.
Shannon,Im sooo glad and relieved,you'd shared and said all this...Im saving it for possible future posting,when this comes up again.... its come up several times ,Lately. Bravo on the rendering,Man. Man when you come out with it,you REALLY come out with it!!
IM soooo glad and still relieved that UMS v2 will still be 600 bucks for a while longer,thank goodness and scooping that up ASAP when its released. it reminds of of 6 1/2 yrs ago when B.A.M.M. first came out....and I got it just under the line,for 1,200 bucks and 14 hours later it jumped to 3,000 Bucks. I got it after working two jobs, a total of 7 days a week,for quite a while ,just so I could get BAMM. standing on my feet all night long,in my 50's at work.
SO hell yeah,600 bucks is a screaming deal!!
For the newbies here and for those that didn't know this about me:
Oh one more thing: I've been using subs since 1986,and at one time,had well over 300 tape cassette's and CD's,all subliminal's ,on damn near every subject. from every subliminal major and minor out there,at the time. some still are,but I can tell you str8 up for a fact,that Shannon's Sub's are not only the best but are so far ahead of the rest out there,its not even funny,Man!! FACT!!
I'm looking forward to 2021...too.... will be a year to be remembered,I'm shure!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"