(06-16-2020, 02:52 PM)Have at ye Wrote: @K-Train If you're hell-bent on running the DRS with something that has the NDRS in it, you're gonna have to run the DRS pretty much 24/7, and especially right after finishing the loops of the other program. Best not to do that, though, for the sake of effectiveness.
Also, if you're around very negative people in huge quantities, they may still keep trying to pummel you with their negativity regardless of the DRS - until they start knocking themselves out. People who are inherently negative have a pretty high tolerance for having their negativity reflected back at them, because it's their, you know, *normal*.
@Have at ye and @Shannon: Thank you both for the suggestion. Until recently I've had good results with the DRS (hence making a whole thread about it

@Have at ye: so you've seen this "knock out" effect right? What exactly did it look like? I'm insanely curious because some of the people I'm around are incredibly negative and even after months of usage they haven't slacked off the negativity (although my usage patterns are most likely the culprit thanks to recent revelations).
Also @Shannon I remember for AM and ASC you learned from personal experience that they needed "balancers" to prevent you from becoming too egotistical/confident. Does the new OF have the same programming?