Yes. Thats me.
Also, to any readers out there. Im curious as to wether or not anyone has changed from antisocial to social.
I was nice, and a pushover before, but still talked a lot. Going into the program, I went mute... Now Im just not really interested in people. At least not in person. Im not sure if its the programming, and I haven't defined something properly or what.
I want to be interested in others, and stuff, but when it comes to me meeting people in person, i feel socially awkward now. Like I dont know what to do with my hands.. or I feel that im looking into peoples eyes too long, or at the wrong time; I look in their eyes when im listening, but talk into space. Fuck.
Im curious also as to if, OAA will help with this issue since ive stacked it on about a week ago for support.
I keep thinking back to this picture of a rat brain who is exposed to other rats versus the one in isolation, and the differences..
I think Im going to try to start dorming; join a social community of some sort, cause other than bodybuilding.. I dont really have any interests. I kind of like snowboarding, but at the same time... I cant due to where I live.
Damn. I Just feel really lost is all.
Im stuck to where I hate to waste time, and want to spend it studying/ doing something, but ive never really wanted to do anything other than video-games, watch anime, etc.
I dont want to fall back into that, but Its really all I had.
I never did sports growing up, and whatever extracurricular activities my parents put me in as a child, I used to just straight out refuse.. Now that i understand what the hell is going on, I wish I didnt.
How does one become something he never was/ enjoy things that he never has, but has done a lot of in his life.
I feel like im slowly falling apart. These subs.. they're good and all. Sure. But still.
Ive pretty much cut off everything that I once was, and have nothing now.
Just got a job.. not one that I really enjoy, but maybe itll hold me over for a while. Im really after the slightly higher position.
Im really hoping that the people whom work this job wont be negative influences towards me due to it being in the food industry.
Any who. Not much else to say.
Tomorrow my sleep phones come in, and i'm switching them out with my stereo system.
Ill put that one in the gym.
Ive also been having more negative thoughts about the program popping up. Im not sure if its resistance, or if it makes sense.
Everyone has a different perspective of whom they want to be, and a mission/direction in life.
If someone uses subliminals, and has no direction in life is that person just wasting time?
Not to say that subliminals dont work, but that one with no direction is simply not ready.
I constantly see people on the forum whom have become better at what they are already doing, when they first hop on the program, but when it comes to changing a person... thats not so much prevalent for example;
Someone whom is extraverted may become a super player, but an introvert may simply become more focused on his business.
As for the no direction. I look at it as if someone is taking steroids but not lifting (My current lens). Or is listening to the sub considered the lifting?
Im a little bit confused. I want to believe. Ive been wanting to believe in these programs since I started, but im curious as to whether or not its just resistance in itself. My conscious mind, or unconscious mind wanting to give up control.
Lately ive just wanted to give up control, and stop listening for good. Im wondering if its positive or not. Whenever I read about alphas, the strongest ones seem to let go. They dont care. Are indifferent, etc. Mentally, and emotionally tough.
Thats not to say that If I were to drop the subs, and just try to be me, itd be all rainbow n sunshine, and id be living the life I want to.
Im just curious if there are certain circumstances where one is truly not ready to use subliminals, or if its just a lack of self control, or resistance.
I remember the first time I ran through the program, I was under 18, and it was complete hell. From that day to now, Ive only recently written out my mission, but have be dumbfounded as to what the next steps are to being whom I want to be.
Im wondering if like i said. Im beginning to rely on the subs to the point of it being detrimental to my growth.
I think ive repeated myself, and may seem to be talking in circles or something along those lines.
I dont want to be a quitter, but I dont want to be holding myself back either.
As much as id love to just wake up at the end of all of this, and say that I truly have changed a lot, and all these thoughts were just fake, and my views on myself were just resistance that didnt wanna let go till I did.. Im really sure if thats whatll be. Ive suspended my belief for this long, so ill keep it up for now..
I just wanna try AM6, and get the results that I see other people getting on the forum..
The results ive been getting have been antisociability. Self respect.. Not sure what else to add since im in a negative headspace at the moment. Im sure I have a lot of other positives in there just not wanting to pop out at the moment.
Also, to any readers out there. Im curious as to wether or not anyone has changed from antisocial to social.
I was nice, and a pushover before, but still talked a lot. Going into the program, I went mute... Now Im just not really interested in people. At least not in person. Im not sure if its the programming, and I haven't defined something properly or what.
I want to be interested in others, and stuff, but when it comes to me meeting people in person, i feel socially awkward now. Like I dont know what to do with my hands.. or I feel that im looking into peoples eyes too long, or at the wrong time; I look in their eyes when im listening, but talk into space. Fuck.
Im curious also as to if, OAA will help with this issue since ive stacked it on about a week ago for support.
I keep thinking back to this picture of a rat brain who is exposed to other rats versus the one in isolation, and the differences..
I think Im going to try to start dorming; join a social community of some sort, cause other than bodybuilding.. I dont really have any interests. I kind of like snowboarding, but at the same time... I cant due to where I live.
Damn. I Just feel really lost is all.
Im stuck to where I hate to waste time, and want to spend it studying/ doing something, but ive never really wanted to do anything other than video-games, watch anime, etc.
I dont want to fall back into that, but Its really all I had.
I never did sports growing up, and whatever extracurricular activities my parents put me in as a child, I used to just straight out refuse.. Now that i understand what the hell is going on, I wish I didnt.
How does one become something he never was/ enjoy things that he never has, but has done a lot of in his life.
I feel like im slowly falling apart. These subs.. they're good and all. Sure. But still.
Ive pretty much cut off everything that I once was, and have nothing now.
Just got a job.. not one that I really enjoy, but maybe itll hold me over for a while. Im really after the slightly higher position.
Im really hoping that the people whom work this job wont be negative influences towards me due to it being in the food industry.
Any who. Not much else to say.
Tomorrow my sleep phones come in, and i'm switching them out with my stereo system.
Ill put that one in the gym.
Ive also been having more negative thoughts about the program popping up. Im not sure if its resistance, or if it makes sense.
Everyone has a different perspective of whom they want to be, and a mission/direction in life.
If someone uses subliminals, and has no direction in life is that person just wasting time?
Not to say that subliminals dont work, but that one with no direction is simply not ready.
I constantly see people on the forum whom have become better at what they are already doing, when they first hop on the program, but when it comes to changing a person... thats not so much prevalent for example;
Someone whom is extraverted may become a super player, but an introvert may simply become more focused on his business.
As for the no direction. I look at it as if someone is taking steroids but not lifting (My current lens). Or is listening to the sub considered the lifting?
Im a little bit confused. I want to believe. Ive been wanting to believe in these programs since I started, but im curious as to whether or not its just resistance in itself. My conscious mind, or unconscious mind wanting to give up control.
Lately ive just wanted to give up control, and stop listening for good. Im wondering if its positive or not. Whenever I read about alphas, the strongest ones seem to let go. They dont care. Are indifferent, etc. Mentally, and emotionally tough.
Thats not to say that If I were to drop the subs, and just try to be me, itd be all rainbow n sunshine, and id be living the life I want to.
Im just curious if there are certain circumstances where one is truly not ready to use subliminals, or if its just a lack of self control, or resistance.
I remember the first time I ran through the program, I was under 18, and it was complete hell. From that day to now, Ive only recently written out my mission, but have be dumbfounded as to what the next steps are to being whom I want to be.
Im wondering if like i said. Im beginning to rely on the subs to the point of it being detrimental to my growth.
I think ive repeated myself, and may seem to be talking in circles or something along those lines.
I dont want to be a quitter, but I dont want to be holding myself back either.
As much as id love to just wake up at the end of all of this, and say that I truly have changed a lot, and all these thoughts were just fake, and my views on myself were just resistance that didnt wanna let go till I did.. Im really sure if thats whatll be. Ive suspended my belief for this long, so ill keep it up for now..
I just wanna try AM6, and get the results that I see other people getting on the forum..
The results ive been getting have been antisociability. Self respect.. Not sure what else to add since im in a negative headspace at the moment. Im sure I have a lot of other positives in there just not wanting to pop out at the moment.
Im competing against the me I want to be till i'm better than him.
Im Working on It.
No matter sick or weather, forever getting better.
Current Jam:
Recommendations: Book of Pook (Pook), Models (Mark Manson), Alphamale2.0 (Blackdragon)
Im Working on It.
No matter sick or weather, forever getting better.
Current Jam:
Recommendations: Book of Pook (Pook), Models (Mark Manson), Alphamale2.0 (Blackdragon)