07-06-2013, 07:25 AM
(07-04-2013, 08:41 AM)Shannon Wrote: You create outwardly what you focus on inwardly. If that is what you fear, then guess what? You will generate exactly what you fear.
Yeah kind of like what I'm thinking will happen because I attract it. Right?
(07-04-2013, 08:41 AM)Shannon Wrote: Case in point. This is your first girlfriend. You are approaching this as the only shot you have, ever. That puts WAY too much importance on this woman, and this relationship. That makes you overvalue it so much that you start fearing the "what if"s. What if she gets fat? What if she leaves me?
Well what if she turns into Swiss cheese, bro? Ya got a fear for that yet? How about what if she eats a tree? What if a jet crashes into her? What if she's really an alien spy? What if lightning strikes you whenever you kiss her?
Chill, man! It may be your first girlfriend-boyfriend relationship, but how many people do you know who end up with their first girlfriend? It's not very common, at least where I come from. You typically have several GFs before you find the right woman. Understanding that makes it easier to relax and let go and just enjoy her, and let her enjoy you.
So what if she gets fat? If that doesn't make you happy, find someone else. So what if she leaves you? Just find someone else.
I know it seems hard to swallow hearing that because it's been so hard in the past for you to find women, but you know what? The difficulty is inside you, not out there. The difficulty is in your fears. The fears that are making you focus on "what if" instead of "what is". The fears that are making you annoy her instead of enjoy her. The fears that are making you push her away instead of attract her to you.
I understand your point. I also want it to be like that. I want to just chill. But from what I came from, this makes me think of all kinds of situations and most of them are inappropriate. Like the what if's and should have's. This is why I'm using the OGSF sub. To help me with my current situation.
(07-04-2013, 08:41 AM)Shannon Wrote: I used to be in your shoes. I speak from experience. Relax: it doesn't matter. There are plenty of fish in the ocean. Work on getting past those fears and you'll be fine. I think another run of AM would be just right for you right about now.
Thanks for replying Shannon. My current situation with my girlfriend is okay. It looks like I overreacted over things. I know I shouldn't. There are some times that too I think whether she will get mad if I will do some things. It's kind of silly. I told my sister about this and good thing she almost gave the same advice you did. Like relax and I seem to think too much. She also said that if she values our relationship, she won't get mad about some petty things.
I plan to do OGSF for at least 6 months as you said. Should I jump on AM already? Or after this one?

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."