(10-08-2014, 04:20 AM)FREAK4LIFE Wrote: Could you bring 'brag mode' on?
Ha :D Just wanted to avoid wasting time explaining some stupid misunderstanding.
Stage 2, Day 13. Finally I figured out how to actually improve my posture! I've had this slightly hunch-backed posture for at least a long time now and its been seriously bugging me lately. AM6 didn't fix it, but it may have made me a great deal more annoyed & self-conscious about it. Lately I've tried to focus more on my shoulder blades in the gym, tried to stretch my chest even more often and I started getting weekly shoulder/back massages 2 weeks ago. Seemed that I'd have to seriously push my head back & up as hard as I possibly can to get my ears to sit vertically above my shoulders.. It was only today when I watched myself on video when I finally realized that I've been leaning forward from the hip this whole time, that's why my neck was in such a steep angle wrt. horizontal.. feeling a bit stupid here, lol :D Mostly I've just tried to force thoracic extension (chest out, neck back), but that's no good if you're leaning forward.
Seems like moving my center of gravity to the soles of my feet naturally directs me to arch my back a bit in order to maintain balance, so I'll start with that + "up" for now. I've probably gotten the habit to "lean back" on my heels (requiring a forward tilt of the torso) from some misinformed PUA posture guide, or from gym articles where they're trying to get your glutes firing more. This seems good: 9 ways to improve your posture
Btw, try doing pstec standing up if your issues come up in situations where you're standing up. There are some posture or body image issues that may come up for you to clear.
Thoughts, opinions and beliefs subject to change without prior notice.